One of the biggest environmental tragedies of recent times is the sinking of the tankers "Volgoneft 212" and "Volgoneft 239" with a cargo of fuel oil.
Two years ago, "VChK-OGPU" published an article about a sinking ferry near the port of Tuapse, which indicated facts of corruption, unsatisfactory work of the relevant regulatory state bodies, and it was indicated that due to all of the above, more than one similar tragedy could occur.

Much has already been said about the sinking of "Volgoneft 212" and "Volgoneft 239". The reasons given include bad weather conditions, and the terrible technical condition of these tankers, etc. To prevent such "reasons" a special mechanism of state control has been developed, which allows to prevent such situations - it is called "State Port Control". Its duty is to control the implementation of laws and regulations on merchant shipping. Control is carried out by Port Control (supervision) inspections, which is headed by the head of the inspection - the port captain. In order to ensure the safety of navigation, the Port Supervision inspection monitors the preparation of the vessel for going to sea, its seaworthiness, supply and manning. This is ideally how it should be, but in modern Russia with its level of corruption, "State Port Control" has turned into a tool for making money for the port captain and his cronies. Using the mechanisms and powers of "State Port Control" to detain and arrest ships, port captains and persons close to them began to impose on ship owners the services of companies affiliated with them, for bribes "turning a blind eye" to the work of ships that do not meet the necessary requirements for maritime safety. According to a source of the VChK-OGPU telegram channel and Rucriminal.info, this corruption scheme began to take shape in the ports of the Azov-Black Sea basin under the head of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Administration of the Sea Ports of the Black Sea" Erygin, and was brought to the absolute by his successor Tuzinkevich, under the patronage of the former deputy transport and head of Rosmorrechflot of the Russian Federation - Olersky - who used their official position for maximum personal enrichment. These persons, in the names of relatives and affiliates, registered companies that provide services in the field of pilotage, ship supplies, bunkering, waste removal, towing services, etc. - ship owners are forced to use the services of these companies, often at prices above market prices, if the ship owner refuses the imposed services, the ships belonging to him are subject to systematic inspections by Port Supervision, followed by arrest, which ultimately threatens the loss of ship certificates, the restoration of which leads to huge financial losses. Unscrupulous ship owners, the technical condition of whose ships often does not meet the established international standards of maritime safety, systematically, for bribes, through intermediaries "resolve the issue" of not conducting the necessary scheduled inspections by Port Supervision, what this leads to, we see in the example of "Volgoneft 212" and "Volgoneft 239". Moreover, Tuzinkevich was previously the captain of the port of Kavkaz, where he worked out the above-mentioned corruption schemes even before moving to Novorossiysk, handing over the "business" to his protege Naumov. Naumov's deputy, Zhdanov, was later arrested and convicted of corruption. Companies affiliated with the above-mentioned persons, as Rucriminal.info found out, are the following:
OOO Marinekologiya
OOO Novopaylotservis
OOO Marine Consulting
OOO ShipTransservis
OOO Stribog
OOO Poseidon
OOO Novorossiysk RPK
Moreover, there are reliable facts that the vessels operated by the above-mentioned companies are engaged in fuel smuggling, in collusion with the captains of bunkering ships who “saved” (stole) fuel when bunkering ships at the Novorossiysk roadstead. Law enforcement agencies of the Krasnodar Territory have accumulated a large volume of materials on the crimes of the criminal group created by Tuzinkevich, but the implementation of these materials is actively hindered by employees of the Southern Transport Prosecutor's Office, represented by the Deputy Southern Transport Prosecutor Grigoriev, Novorossiysk Transport Prosecutor Nalivaiko. Also, employees of the UFSB for the city of Novorossiysk play an active role in “protecting” the above-mentioned organized crime group - it has become a tradition that employees of this department, upon dismissal or retirement, transfer to work in the companies that they “protected” during their service. For example, the former head of the Novorossiysk UFSB, Yamshchikov, who, despite all the information he had, allowed the penetration and operation of persons associated with radical groups of migrants associated with ISIS in the port of Novorossiysk - after retirement, he got a job as deputy head of security of the Azov-Black Sea Department of Rosmorport (under the jurisdiction ofand Rosmorrechflot). And a former employee of this department, and now the director of OOO Ruskon Broker, Shopin, has repeatedly traveled to Europe to meet with his business partners, with whom he is connected by illegal financial transactions.
Also, a huge role in the formation and protection of the above-mentioned criminal group was played by the former deputy minister of transport and the head of Rosmorrechflot of the Russian Federation - Olersky.
Olersky, a former citizen of Belgium, during his tenure, became one of the largest Russian shipowners, and his company Infotek Baltika and its affiliated companies act as agents for almost all tankers carrying out transportation in the areas of the ports of Kavkaz and Taman. This is another reason why vessels with such unsatisfactory technical condition operate in these sea areas, despite restrictions on the navigation area and weather.
Moreover, thanks to him and his team, which he transferred from Rosmorrechflot to his companies, such as OOO Inok, another monument appeared in Novorossiysk. Everyone knows that the landmark of Novorossiysk is the cruiser "Kutuzov", next to it another monument was erected for "eternal storage", this time in memory of the greed of Olersky and his team, with the loud name "Prince Vladimir". In theory, this is a slap in the face of the country's leadership and its good intentions. In 2015, the country's leadership set the task of restoring sea cruises between the ports of the Black Sea, with subsequent visits to the ports of Turkey, the corresponding funding was allocated for the project, only Olersky's employees bought a ship, located in storage in Israel, built in 1971, at the price of scrap metal - about 2.5 million US dollars, and brought it to Russia, with a state budget of 12.5 million US dollars, the difference dissolved somewhere between the shell companies. The vessel is technically faulty, so all plans and tasks of the country's leadership have been disrupted, but on the line on which it was planned to use the "Prince Vladimir", the passenger ship "Astoria Grande" is actively working - this means the project was viable, and was disrupted only because of the corruption of Olersky's team, but he got the ferry "A-Wind" operating between the port of Karasu (Turkey) and Tuapse (Russia) - this means this project could also be organized under the control of Rosmorport. But the pockets of Russian officials are closer to their bodies than the state's. Therefore, they do not care about the tasks set by the country's leadership, about environmental disasters, about the work of thousands of volunteers, they will not rest in Anapa, they will go to Courchevel ...
Arseniy Dronov
Source: www.rucriminal.info