As the VChK-OGPU Telegram channel found out, retired FSB Major General Yuri Kosenko, the former head of the FSB Directorate for the Sakhalin Region and the FSB Directorate for the Jewish Autonomous Region, is now the Deputy General Director for Security of eV-Group LLC (General Director A.S. Shiganov). eV-Group LLC is a subsidiary of Inter RAO PJSC and is the founder of the engineering company EnergoSet LLC, involved in the construction and implementation of federal projects. In turn, eV-Group LLC is responsible for and deals with security issues of EnergoSet LLC. Thus, at present, OOO Energoset is engaged in the construction of waste disposal plants in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region under a subcontract from Inter RAO, including the construction of a waste disposal plant in Volkhonka and Ostrovsky. The customer is Nevsky Ecological Operator.

The projects in which OOO Energoset is involved were inspected by Putin last year in St. Petersburg and he was dissatisfied with the quality and timing of construction. However, the true reasons for the delays in terms and the increase in the cost of construction of waste disposal plants are not really known to Putin, the Kovalchuks, and Dregval. According to a source of the VChK-OGPU, the real reason for the delays in deadlines and the increase in the cost of construction of landfills is that the Deputy Director for Security of OOO "eV-Group" Kosenko, having collected a lot of dirt on the General Director of OOO "EnergoSet" Gavrosh and his deputies Palgul and Streblichenko, blackmails them, extorts money and forces them to bring him cash. Kosenko's appetites are growing more and more every month, and there is less and less money for the construction of waste landfills in the Leningrad Region.
The interlocutor of Rucriminal.info said that the St. Petersburg division of OOO "EnergoSet" is an oasis of corruption and theft. The official website of the holding company "eV-group" states that "EnergoSet" is an engineering company, "since 2007, performing a full range of design and survey, construction and installation, and commissioning work with the mission to effectively and safely implement projects for the benefit of society, the country, and future generations." However, the only mission pursued by the St. Petersburg division of OOO "EnergoSet", headed by the chief manager Shiganov A.S. with his associates: the head of the North-West OP Orlov A.G. and the head of the Security Service Kosenko Yu.Yu. is corruption and theft.
"These people are the initiators of a mutual guarantee and a chain consisting of employees at different levels, where each of them is excellent at earning and personally enriching themselves at the expense of budget funds and the financial resources of the Company," said a source of the VChK-OGPU and Rucriminal.info. The personal mission of Shiganov A.S., Orlov A.G. and Kosenko Yu.Yu. is to remain in their positions for as long as possible in order to continue milking the organization they work at the helm.
And to achieve their mission, the main defendant in the high-profile criminal case of embezzlement of 3 billion rubles from the budget ("pipe case"), Orlov A.G., was appointed to the position of head for the known purposes of creating conditions for the theft of budget funds and finances of the Company. As a former head of the contractor company of the State Unitary Enterprise "TEK SPb" ZAO "Construction and Repair of Engineering Networks", and a former employee of the State Unitary Enterprise "TEK SPb", he knows all the nuances of working with the main customer of the State Unitary Enterprise "TEK SPb" and skillfully implements them.
To date, Orlov A.G. has formed a team that, taking advantage of his official position, systematically appropriates the company's funds for himself. And this entire criminal conspiracy is covered up by the "chief fighter against corruption" of EnergoSet LLC, the head of the Security Service, Yu.Yu. Kosenko, who has significant experience in fraud since his time at Orenburgneft JSC.
These participants in the criminal system conceal the fact that work under government contracts is not being carried out in full, is not being carried out according to the project, and some work is not being carried out at all, and inflated prices are used in the estimates.
Almost all facilities in the central heating and heating networks have work for which KS-2 acts have been signed, but in fact this work was not carried out. Payments for fictitious work were made by the Customer (an example with work carried out by Omega LLC at heating network facilities). At large profitable facilities, expensive equipment, electrical power distribution cabinets, automation, dispatching and video surveillance panels, are not manufactured according to the design: instead of the designed high-quality components, cheap analogues of Korean and Chinese production are installed, without reducing the estimated cost. At the same time, KS-2 acts are closed for equipment according to the design, which was not actually manufactured. Orlov A.G. carries out such schemes with the help of Kosenko Yu.Yu., lobbying for his individual contractors and suppliers. Controlled suppliers ship equipment and materials at inflated prices , and the participants in the conspiracy divide the amount of overpayments among themselves. They purchase surplus raw materials from controlled suppliers in order to sell unaccounted products in collusion with other employees (an example with the pipes of the temporary heating system dismantled by Edelweiss LLC at the Parnas TS facility).
Arseniy Dronov
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info