In December 2021, Vladimir Borisov (Ensign), a legend of the criminal world of St. Petersburg, was extradited to Russia from Bulgaria. The telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU was the first to report this. Vladimir Borisov, a retired military man, tried himself in the security business in the early 90s, together with members of the "Akulovskaya" group. Then he put together his own brigade of former special forces, specializing in racketeering and contract killings.
In 1998, Borisov and his assistant Yuri Biryuchenko, nicknamed Tankist, were arrested on suspicion of organizing the murder of two authoritative opponents. One of the attempts was successful. Then 11 fighters of the group were also arrested. True, by 2007, Borisov was acquitted under serious articles and sentenced to a long, but suspended sentence.
On December 22, at the request of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Borisov was extradited from the Republic of Bulgaria. He is accused of committing a crime under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud).
As found out, currently in the Leninsky District Court of St. Petersburg in the dock:

Kuzmin Vitaliy Gennadievich - organized criminal group "Ensign"
Bolbina (Lakomskaya) Elena Valentinovna
Chain Sergey Nikolaevich
Borisov Vladimir Evgenievich "Ensign" - joined after extradition on December 22, 2021 from Bulgaria
And everything at first glance is logical, if you do not know that the gang has much more than two episodes, and a clear distribution of roles speaks of a real criminal community.
Actually, the grouping can be divided into two groups:
Intellectual - Bolbina E.V. dominates here.
And Silovaya - Kuzmin V.G. rules here, and his son Dmitry confidently displacing Borisov V.E. under the plausible pretext of "taking over the management of the organized crime group in difficult times", we are talking about the period while Borisov was on the run, being wanted for this crime (capture of JSC IASP)
The tasks of the intellectual group include: documentary organization of bankruptcy and its support in arbitration courts.
The tasks of the power group include: intimidation of the obstinate organized crime groups that appear on the way, the role of "watchers" in the seized buildings, the selection of "their" people for the role of creditors or happy winners of the auction. Most of the legal entities that take an active part in raiding and embezzlement of budget funds, as well as offshore companies, are registered with the militants of the power group.
It is difficult to say whether the raiders choose buildings, but the fact that they are not interested in the social role of buildings can be safely asserted.
For example, CJSC ORMA is 300 jobs, patents and development of industrial technologies; JSC "Institute of Architectural and Construction Design" (all shares belonged to the state) - the institute survived the dashing 90s, the key to success was a unique team of specialists that had developed over many years. On account of the IASP there were projects of many shopping centers, the reconstruction of the "Passage" and "Gostiny Dvor", but the secrets of the masters for future generations were lost forever - in the yards of the IASP, after the capture, nonhumans simply burned the archives.
According to the source of, all processes took place according to the same well-established scheme:
The register of creditors includes fictitious debts that are several times higher than the claims of real creditors.
Fake creditors claim:
- false inventory of the debtor's property;
- the procedure for the sale of property on obviously unfavorable conditions.
The property of a bankrupt is sold on a controlled electronic platform.
It does not allow real buyers to bid in order to sell property through public auctions at a tenfold lower cost controlled by the buyer company.
After all these procedures, either the firm-buyer or the property is sold, but already at the market price.
The difference between the undervalued value of the property sold at public auction and the market price remains in the command of the bankruptcy trustee.
It is significant that most of the debts of enterprises to Bolbina's "creditors" arise from promissory notes and guarantees, which no one knew about before the bankruptcy.
Further, strong guys from the detachment of Borisov and Kuzmin appeared on the “object”. They themselves declared themselves the new owners of the buildings - according to eyewitnesses, they did it rather rudely.
Dealing with the materials, it becomes unclear what a miracle this was not seen by the investigators working on the criminal cases in which the gang is now being judged?
Perhaps the reason for this is the corruption component, which is discussed on the audio recording by men with voices similar to the former investigator of the Gore prosecutor's office Pozdnyak Vadim Nikolaevich, who previously fought against the gang of "Ensign" Borisov, and now is a lawyer for the group, and Kuzmin Vitaly Gennadievich.
If we assume that when they say "she" - the men mean the senior investigator of the department for the investigation of especially important cases of the St. Petersburg Main Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee Anna Oreshina, then there is nothing to be surprised at.
Victim - "FGUP" "St. Petersburg Research Institute of Public Utilities" located at St. Petersburg st. Khrustalnaya 18
In case A56-80432/2009 and No. A56-83401/2009 we will see such matches:
Invariably bankruptcy manager: Bolbina (Lakomskaya) Elena
The main fictitious creditor in the bankruptcy case: UGS LLC Founders: Borisov Konstantin Vladimirovich and Kuzmin Dmitry Vitalievich - sons of Borisov and Kuzmin
The amount of fictitious debt: 356,650 rubles. (А56-80436/2009) and 3,234,240 rubles. 00 kop. (A56-80936/2009).
UGS LLC, a company that actively robbed the Kirishi District Clinical Hospital and other social institutions, was surprisingly never noticed by investigators. Here again, one involuntarily recalls an audio recording where Kuzmin and Pozdnyak (or voices similar to them) argue that their sons should retain the status of witnesses in a criminal case.
In case No. А56-71687/2012 on the seizure of OJSC "Institute of Architectural and Construction Design" located at 16 Avtovskaya St., the situation changes a little - here Sergei Nikolayevich Chain, a relative of E.V. Bolbina, was appointed bankruptcy trustee.
And again we see UGS LLC with a declared debt of 5,939,573 rubles. 51 kopecks, one of the largest creditors.
The winner of the auction becomes SPB-REALTY LLC, where the general director is Vladimir Borisov - then the building is sold to PRAEDIUM LLC, general director Kuzmin Dmitry Vitalievich - well, traditionally to the offshore office "HODINGTON BUSINESS INC" where the director is also Kuzmin, in which he settles completely.
There was a misfire here and a criminal case was opened, how could the bandits use their powerful administrative resource, but the FSB insisted and the case was not collapsed during the investigation - at the moment CASE No. 1-13/2021 (1-129/2020) is being considered single judge Eyzhvertina AND.T. in the Leninsky District Court of St. Petersburg
Next, we see how a daring team is working out the PUBLISHING AND PRINTING ENTERPRISE "ART OF RUSSIA" JSC, formerly the FGUIPPP "ART OF RUSSIA" located at the address: St. Petersburg, Promyshlennaya st., 38
Case No. А56-13900/2013 where the composition of the group is unchanged: Oleg Valerievich Dmitriev (team of Bolbina E.V.), and again the list of pocket creditors storming the unfortunate enterprise, which owns its cherished square meters, is replete with familiar surnames:
LLC "ATRIUM" TIN 7806514928, which became the assignee of ALL creditors - had in the person of the General Director and founder Vitaly Gennadievich Kuzmin, a certain Martynovsky S.V. later became the liquidator of Atrium. who is also listed as the founder of Vector LLC, miraculously being one of the fictitious creditors in this capture.
With a variety of lawyers - representatives of creditors and debtors, the raiders do not bother much, as in other cases here we see the same names:
Bubis S.S. - representative of the creditor "Factor"
Puzina N.Yu. - Representative of STC KRISTALLKOR LLC and at the same time Albatros LLC
Both lawyers from the team of Bolbina E.V. and most of the arbitration performances of organized crime groups could not do without them.
Also, in this case, we still see the active participation of Anton Medvedev - a friend and partner of the United Russia deputy Alexander Pavlovich Teterdinko and the murdered Evgeny Igorevich Lukonenko. By the way, currently Medvedev Anton is also on the run.

It is worth recalling that the father of the twins Evgeny and Roman Lukonenko, one of the members of the gang of raiders, was also caught and sentenced to 4.5 years probation in the case of the seizure of the Frunzensky fruit and vegetable plant, together with the ex-deputy head of the St. Petersburg Organized Crime Control Department Vladimir Sych. Then the judge Yulia Martsinkevich decided that they did not commit a raider seizure of the FPK, but tried to do it
Who won in the "fair fight" for the building with an area of 4663 sq. m. on Promyshlennaya Street 38 and an estimated cost of 219,395,787.3 rubles?
And the winner was a certain MEDICAL GROUP LLC TIN 7811537078 represented by Bogdanov Ivan Sergeevich TIN 781424652403.
By the way, Bogdanov I.S. is also a co-founder of TALION LLC TIN 7810379358 together with Dmitry Kuzmin, the son of Vitaly Kuzmin.
In this case, we saw frankly egregious facts of impunity and laxity of organized crime groups, for example:
- The building was “acquired” by MEDICAL GROUP LLC with an offer of a redemption price in the amount of 90,000,000 rubles, and paid by Payment Order No. 1 dated 10/13/2014 - in the amount of 30,000,000 rubles. and Payment order No. 2 dated October 25, 2014 - in the amount of 15,000,000 rubles.
Not only did the auction organizer illegally decide to admit MEDICAL GROUP LLC to participate in the auction despite the incomplete payment of the deposit at the time of filing the application, we remind you that the total cost was 90 million rubles, and they paid half.
But there is nothing to be surprised here knowing that the organizer of the auction was Center for International Certification LLC - a frequent "partner" in strange transactions of Bolbina E.V.
Most striking are such primitive facts as the numbering of payment orders No. 1 and No. 2, given that it was October in the yard, a reasonable question arises - is it not a gasket for a company that does not even manage households. activity and without paying taxes (respectively, having no profit) buys a building at auction?
But as indicated in the case file, this did not bother anyone. Also, the fact that “in front of ATRIUM LLC there were all the debts were shed, ”like everything was within the framework of the bankruptcy process, but the money circulated in the hands of one group.
Joseph Trostinsky
To be continued