The "King of Kuban", the owner of Novorosmetall and the largest debtor of Rosselkhozbank, Shalva Gibradze, got the berths of the Ministry of Defense for his use at a price of ... 15 thousand rubles a year. This was reported by the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU. According to the papers, the metal itself is exported according to a tolling scheme, which was banned even by oligarchs close to the Kremlin. That is, allegedly, the metal is exported from Russia for processing and is not returned back. In reality, sorting takes place at Novorosmetall itself. Paying for sorting is essentially the same Rosselkhozbank, in which the deputy chairman of the board Andrey Baranov, a friend and partner of Gibradze, works.
There is so much money raised that Gibradze and his partner Irakli Sabulua donate part of it to the Georgian Army Development Fund (established by the Georgian Dream party). Fund donations are used to buy equipment for the Georgian army. Also Gibradze is one of the largest donors of Bidzina Ivanishvili's Charitable Foundation Card.

As Rucriminal.info found out, for the last couple of years, residents of the Eastern District of Novorossiysk have been living in a state of constant rallying. Petitions are being written with thousands of signatures. They are trying to get the truth in the courts. The fight is around 162 meters of the coastline in the area of st. Volochaevskaya. Here, in the Eastern district of the city, the so-called Volochaevsky beach is located.
The rest of the coast of this part of the bay has long been under the port terminals. Thirty years ago, in the Eastern part of the city there were more than three kilometers of the sea coast available to residents, including one of the official city beaches at the Vodnaya stop. When it was finally closed due to the construction of a naval base, the residents were answered like this: “You have Volochaevka and Barbarina.” "Barbarina" - this is another unofficial vacation spot, located behind the Sheskharis oil district ... The last 162 meters of the Volochaevsky beach remain. Residents are in favor of leaving them and the guests of the hero city the opportunity to sunbathe and swim on this as yet undeveloped piece of coast with a flat pebble-sand bottom, in close proximity to a public transport stop, which is very convenient not only for residents of this area, but and residents of Balka and Standard districts. But Port Victoria LLC, which currently owns this territory, has other plans. Here it is planned to build a terminal for transshipment of bulk (grain) and general (iron ingots, steel blooms, ingots, billets and steel in coils) cargo. With a capacity of 2.5 million tons per year. But by and large, the struggle is not at all for the opportunity to stick a beach umbrella into the shore (although this too). This is a struggle between the people and a dense urban bond, not the last personalities from business, law enforcement and crime.
First of all, a bit of pathos taken from the project note prepared by Port Victoria LLC.

It turns out that the Novorossiysk port, "without further development of the transport infrastructure, will not be able to significantly increase its cargo turnover?" Is it okay that now the port is under sanctions and the cargo turnover has already fallen significantly, and it is not clear when the recovery will begin? That is, the declared pathos does not correspond to the current reality in any way, and, therefore, the goals of business owners, by no means state ones. Let's try to figure it out.
On 87 acres of land that today is owned by Port Victoria, a new port where grain, metal and, as the locals suggest, fertilizers are supposed to be transshipped, it is, to put it mildly, difficult to place all this port wealth. Even if we are talking only about a grain terminal, the obligatory facilities in such a project, in addition to the berth, are a storage elevator, access roads, a parking area for hundreds of heavy trucks transporting grain.
It is easy to calculate that the declared 2.5 million tons of transshipment is an average of 400 vehicles per day, i.e. more than 16 cars per hour will go to this area around the clock all year round through Mefodievka and other parts of the city. And where to locate this wheat-steel wealth? All the streets here are already clogged with MANs and KamAZs with grain, waiting for days for unloading at other terminals that already exist nearby.
It turns out that to accommodate these new ideas, you will need at least a good port wizard and a large-scale magic drain (because just a magic wand will simply not be able to do this), to multiply the area.
Yes, and Russian environmental standards, in the implementation of these port intentions, will be powerfully fucked up. We read SP 42.13330.2011. Set of rules. Urban planning Planning and development of urban and rural settlements. 8.25 Sea and river ports should be located at a distance of at least 100 meters from residential areas. The distance from the boundaries of the specialized areas of new sea and river ports to residential development should be taken at least, m: ... from the boundaries of the areas of reloading and storage of dusty cargo - 300 meters.
The distance from the planned "transshipment area" to the nearest houses, which are already more than half a century old, is just over 37 meters! – beforego. This distance is indicated even in the project of Port Victoria LLC. That is, in fact, a new powerful port terminal is supposed to be built almost in the private residential sector.

Houses in this part appeared in the mid-50s of the last century. Workers of the Krasny Dvigatel and Novoroscement factories received land for construction here. Even the Sheskharis oil harbor was built here much later - in the mid-60s, so the existing houses cannot be attributed to unauthorized construction, which must be demolished in order to “make way for a prosperous business”, as is now customary in the Krasnodar Territory.

And, indeed, at first glance, the planned time for the implementation of the project looks unusual. Today the port of Novorossiysk is under sanctions. On the territory of an unusually gaping emptiness. Free, in particular, container sites. Rent if you really need it - not so expensive! But no. And then what is the calculation of the owners of the "beach" land? Yes, some of the goods that are going to be transshipped through the planned terminals are not subject to sanctions (there are no export restrictions on grain), but the sanctions are tough on metal. Its like? Where? To whom?
But, if the decision on the new building is still made, there is no doubt: the impossible will become possible. Unfortunately.
Questions disappear immediately after the voice acting of the names that are really behind all these plans. And these are by no means the current employees of Port Victoria LLC. Moreover, the employees of these ... 2 cheerful young men. In all the footage filmed by the residents at the rallies, the director of Port Victoria, Ruslan Lisovoy, is a touching young man, whose obvious task is to express his convictions about the correctness of the decision, listen to the residents and grab slaps from them. In this scheme, he is nothing more than a "Japanese rubber mannequin", the purpose of which is to receive blows with sticks from the outraged. The true stakeholders of the project today are located in a comfortable "shadow". I don't show myself anywhere. But who is the real owner of Port Victoria can be found out without much difficulty. Among them is the owner of Novorosmetall, billionaire Shalva Gibradze.
In July, public hearings on a new master plan began in Novorossiysk. Unlike the simulated hearings on the general plans of Anapa and Gelendzhik at the end of last year, which showed the absolute disregard of the demands of the residents by officials, the discussion of the general plan of Novorossiysk is mysterious and enigmatic. In other coastal territories, before the adoption of decisions approved in advance by the authorities, where the interests of the people were allotted approximately zero percent, at least a semblance of openness was created. The network posted maps of territories, with proposed zoning, so that after familiarization, residents could send curses to the authorities with reason. It was basically impossible to change anything. "High" customers would not understand this. So all the hearings, despite the maximum volume and brightness set, did not matter. Governor Kondratiev instructed the St. Petersburg city planners to "sharpen" the Gelendzhik project for Manturov and Abramovich. As he himself figuratively put it, "so that the view from expensive yachts entering Gelendzhik Bay is fashionable." As a result, it was accepted by local forced deputies.
But why is there a new master plan in Novorossiysk? After all, even the youngest Novorossiysk docker is obvious: Novoros is the main port of Russia, here everything has long been divided, sawn down, settled and stabilized. Powerful “uncles” have long entered the territory, for whom everything “among themselves” is stipulated, and no redistribution revolutions are required here. In addition, the last master plan of the city was adopted in November 2020. Everything about the schools, kindergartens and hospitals necessary for Novorossiysk is there. So even social goals were spelled out for decades to come.
What is the need for such an adjustment for a lot of budget money? And why is this adjustment surrounded by such a veil of secrecy?
In Novorossiysk, it is impossible to get acquainted with wise general planning proposals. And the public hearings themselves, judging by the first discussions, will take place in the form of a bureaucratic cabal. Strictly dosed (and therefore minimal) participation of social activists in the process of these legally mandatory discussions on the adoption of the final "approval", of course, will not affect in any way.
With all due respect to other Black Sea resort areas, the importance of approving the new master plan for Novorossiysk is still a task of a different level. Novorossiysk is the main port of the country. And the "interests" here are not for some miserable hundreds of Anapa millions. Here we are talking about tens, hundreds of billions. And, therefore, the main customers of the general plan spit on the opinion of people not from a high bell tower, but rather from the moon.
The 42,000 residents of the Eastern District still hope that their votes will be taken into account in the formation of the master plan. And this interest is the same coastal strip of one and a half hundred meters.
At first glance, it is really not entirely clear why Port Victoria LLC is pushing the project of a new term so hard. Indeed, in the current sanctions conditions, you can save a lot. In addition to the fact that now you can safely rent any port hectares, Novorosmetall already has three berths owned by the Ministry of Defense on profitable lease. The military at one time built them because of the likelihood of the withdrawal of the military fleet from the then Ukrainian Sevastopol. After the return of Crimea to the Russian Federation, the issue was removed. The moorings, which turned out to be practically out of work, were leased to Novorosmetall for ... 15 thousand rubles a year! The terminals are not so far from Volochaevsky beach. However, these berths are visible only on Google maps, and everyone can see them on their phone... But they are not marked in the new general plan of Novorossiysk. That is to say, they don't exist.
The construction of new port facilities will cost investors tens of billions of rubles. Which is comparable to the price of the current rental of facilities for ... centuries. But the shady businessmen behind Port Victoria LLC are pushing their project forward. What is the reason?
Filmmakers love to bring old Shakespearean stories to modern times. The current epic with Volochaevsky beach can be called a modern "screening" of the port war, which unfolded in the Black Sea ports in the 90s. The older residents of Tuapse, for example, remember very well how bloody two competing gangs - Goose and Lomonos - fought for the berths. The lads mowed down the "opponents" from machine guns in the gym, the killers demonstrated their skills by sending gangster folk from a sniper rifle to the next world. In order to somehow calm the situation, the prosecutors then developed a somewhat unusual operation. They themselves cut their hair "under the brothers" and drove to Tuapse in expensive cars with Moscow numbers. They began to catch one by one and butsk the glorious representatives of the OPS. The lads became alert and began to carry weapons with them, to protect themselves from the "Moscow lawlessness." Which is what was required. They were arrested for illegal possession of weapons. And sent to not so remote places. Upon their return, the boundless chaps found that their time had passed. Kalash and bats for solving issues of the port business were replaced by power and money. Now everything was decided by them.
A modern Novorossiysk remake of the old port plot without blood. But general enough. Audacity, the desire to get what you want at all costs. And also a rich criminal past of today's businessmen.
The life story of Gia (nickname Shalva Gibradze) is curious. Now the oligarch, businessman and philanthropist began his bright career in metallurgy and his other current businesses from the Novorossiysk pre-trial detention center. In 1995, he landed a seaside zindan on the occasion of the theft of metal from the territory of the Novorossiysk port.
According to a Rucriminal.info source, in a prison cell, Gia met a certain businessman who specializes in the procurement and export of scrap metal and was then suspected of a serious crime. The merchant needed the support of "authorities" to solve the "issue". And Gibradze brought him to his friend Badri Adanay - thief in law Tamaz Novorossiysky.
To be continued
Timofey Grishin
Source: www.rucriminal.info