The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel and Rucriminal.info continue a series of articles about the corrupt nexus between the top leadership of the Lipetsk region and local security officials.
In July 2023, the bankruptcy trustee of JSC Lik put up for auction the right to lease a land plot located in the suburbs of Lipetsk in the area of the Matyrskoye reservoir. This land plot was leased by JSC Lik and was part of the bankruptcy estate.
The lease right itself for this land plot, as well as the assessment of this right, was carried out by an independent expert and approved by the Arbitration Court of the Lipetsk Region. At the same time, all creditors approved the sale of the lease right. An abandoned quarry with certain sand reserves is located on this plot. Following the results of the auction (3 participants), the cost of the lease right was determined at 2.5 million rubles. The winner was Lipetsknedra LLC, having purchased the lease right for 10.5 million rubles, the founders of which are residents of Voronezh.
According to the law, if the right to a land plot is acquired at auction from the bankruptcy estate, then all other rights to the plot, namely the license for quarry development, are reissued with the consent of the creditors, and the license is reissued by the authorized regional authority, in this case, the Department of Ecology and Nature Management of the Lipetsk Region.

During the process of paperwork, the winners of the auction were approached by an entrepreneur from the Zadonsky District, Mishustin Yu., with an offer to assist in obtaining a license on the condition that he transfer 50% of the company's shares. Representatives of Lipetsknedra LLC refused, stating that they won the auction and were acting strictly according to the law. For reference: Mishustin Yu. has been an informant for the regional FSB for many years and is famous for his denunciations and anonymous letters. According to his own assurances, he has developed a "working" relationship with the Governor of the Lipetsk Region Artamonov I.G., for whom he regularly pays for "get-togethers" on hunting trips, and with the former Vice-Governor of the Lipetsk Region Kremnev I. (dismissed in 2024). "Also feeding from his hand" are such security officials as the regional prosecutor Anisimov G.G., who repeatedly visited the Kudykina Gora amusement park and the "Castle of Roses" restaurant owned by Yu. Mishustin "to synchronize watches" with his wife, the head of the corruption department of the regional prosecutor's office and the right hand of the regional prosecutor Anisimov, Chistyakov D. (dismissed from the regional prosecutor's office for negative reasons at the end of 2024), FSB officer Zhuravel A. (arrested at the end of 2024), senior assistant to the regional prosecutor for ensuring his own security Vysochkin N.I. (dismissed for negative reasons at the beginning of 2025), prosecutor of the Sovetsky district of Lipetsk, Zhevalov S. (former prosecutor of the Zadonsky district), whom the chief personnel officer of the regional prosecutor's office Kashirina O.N. transferred from Yelets to the city of Lipetsk. According to Mishustin, he personally discussed Kashirina's appointment to this position and Zhevalov's transfer with Anisimov's right-hand man Chistyakov.
According to information available to Rucriminal.info, Mishustin communicates with the assistant to the Moscow Interregional Transport Prosecutor's Office Yavorsky, an employee of the UFSB central office Rodionov A., as well as with the deputy head of the UFSB for the Lipetsk region Rozhkov. It is worth noting that Yavorsky was previously an adviser to the governor of the Lipetsk region Artamonov I.G. and knows him personally. He promised to help him in the case of Tuzov I.V., with the help of Rodionov A.
Yavorsky A. and Rodionov A. are from the Zadonsky district, classmates and have been friends since childhood. Both have houses in the Zadonsky district and land plots registered through fictitious persons classified as disabled.
Entrepreneur Mishustin Yu., along with other businesses, also has a quarry in the Zadonsky district, in which both Yavorsky and Rodionov have a share.
A week after Mishustin's meeting with representatives of Lipetsknedra LLC, all agencies, namely the regional administration, the prosecutor's office, the Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Federal Security Service, received anonymous appeals from a certain Kuznetsov O. that some group of unknown persons was trying to illegally obtain a license for a quarry. The author of this anonymous letter is Astashov A., Mishustin Yu.'s lawyer.
In August 2023, Anton Artamonov, the son of the Lipetsk Region Governor, contacted representatives of Lipetsknedra LLC through intermediaries. At this meeting, he said that he was aware that Lipetsknedra LLC was having difficulties reissuing its license and that he was ready to help if he was taken into the partnership. However, representatives of Lipetsknedra LLC in this case also reported that they were acting according to the law and did not need assistance. (Later, the head of the UFSB Shumilin Yu. G. learned about this meeting, and he took measures to conceal this information in order to help the governor). Later, the governor of the Lipetsk region, Artamonov I. G., gave the order to his supervising deputy Kremnev I., as well as the head of the department of ecology and nature management of the region, Roshchupkina G. P., not to reissue the license of Lipetsknedra LLC, under any circumstances. and refuse to issue a license.
Also, the employees of the UFSB for the Lipetsk Region exerted pressure on representatives of Lipetsknedra LLC with the demand to withdraw the application for a license and renounce the right to lease the quarry. This work was directly carried out by the deputy head of the department Rozhkov, on the personal instructions of Shumilin Yu. G. In addition, the UFSB employees conducted operational search activities in relation to representatives of Lipetsknedra LLC.
In the fall of 2023, representatives of Lipetsknedra LLC had a personal meeting with the prosecutor of the Lipetsk Region Anisimov G. G., who accepted their appeal about obstruction of obtaining a license and infringement of the rights of entrepreneurs.
During the inspection of the appeal of Lipetsknedra LLC, two deputy governors of the Lipetsk Region were interviewed, as well as all those involved in this situation. During the investigation, it became obvious that the actions of the regional administration officials contained elements of a crime under Article 169 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (obstruction of entrepreneurial activity), and the son of the Lipetsk Region Governor was also involved in this story.
Despite the existing facts of violation of the law, the Lipetsk Region Prosecutor G. G. Anisimov gave instructions to stop the investigation and explain to the applicants their right to appeal to the court.
Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info