The source of the telegram channel VChK-OGPU spoke about the situation with the Luna-25 station, which stopped communicating.
“Apparently, Luna-25 collapsed, so there is no connection with the station. But this is a natural outcome.
I will remember about Koptev and Alyoshin, who are the main puppeteers of theft in the military-industrial complex and in Roscosmos
Yuri Borisov is their pupil. And no better than Rogozin.
The result of the activities of all these people is that Russia is not capable of flying anywhere except near orbits.
Everything is destroyed except for reporting and financial schemes with fake projects
Two structures lie completely - Roskosmos and Almaz-Antey
Flying to the moon is not enough.
We must sit down and return. Ordinary cubesats reach the moon and return.
And most importantly, the RF Moon is not needed at all now.
The lunar program was made in 60-70, apparently, they flew along it. Well, they arrived ... "
In turn, journalist Natalya Vedeneeva gives the following information:
"Regarding Luna-25, ... From conversations with specialists at night, we managed to understand the following:
- Brake impulse during the day was given to the station in order to slightly reduce the perileunes - the lunar perigee. This is necessary to approach the moment of a successful landing. However, the propulsion system worked out the impulse incorrectly, it seems that one and a half times more than it should. If this is true, then the station could enter an open descent orbit, that is, by direct fire to the Moon.
Rucriminal.info is not surprised by the situation from the Luna-25 stations. Roskosmos has long been “buried” by corruption, and under Borisov the situation has only worsened.
Borisov avoids mentioning corruption at internal meetings. At the same time, he instructed Arutyunova, who he had nominated for the position of head of the internal audit service, to suspend all investigations into economic crimes in the corporation. This is associated not only with Borisov's well-known involvement in many criminal cases in the defense complex. But also with personnel policy, when he invites to work and promotes defendants in numerous criminal investigations. The Cheka-OGPU wrote about criminal case No. 11902460043000115, where the accused were the former general directors of RSC Energia - Solntsev and JSC NPO Istok - Borisov. The current head of the state corporation (and namesake) first “dismissed” the latter from the criminal case, and then invited him to the position of his adviser with the prospect of heading the most problematic and most generously funded block of space electronics. The details of this criminal case and Borisov's actions to destroy it have become known.
During the investigation of the criminal case, it was established that A. Borisov (Istok) signed an agreement in which the prices for the supply of an electronic component base for the needs of RSC Energia were overstated by 1 billion 310 million 692 thousand rubles. In fact, low-quality Chinese analogues were purchased for 240 million 4543 thousand rubles. In an attempt to disguise the theft, commercial activities were imitated and documents were fabricated on the alleged sale and purchase through a chain of seven intermediaries: two Chinese. Two from the UAE and three from Russia, although in reality the products were delivered directly from the manufacturer. As a result, over 1 billion rubles of budget funds were stolen through fraud. The charges were filed against nine individuals, including Borisov and his close associate and one of the main defendants, Popova, CEO of Microkom LLC. During the investigation, it turned out that she had contacts with the SBU and some other foreign intelligence services. This allowed Popova to hide in Ukraine, using special methods of avoiding surveillance. Similar actions of A. Borisov were stopped in time.
The criminal intent and actions of A.Borisov were fully proven. The fictitious feigned nature of the contract No. 1-326-16 dated March 29, 2017, signed by him, was established. Telephone conversations that took place between A. Borisov and Almaz Mareev, assistant to the general director of NPP, were also documented. It follows from them that, at the direction of Borisov, Mareev (a former senior official of the Prosecutor General's Office) controlled the progress and results of the check conducted by the Moscow Regional Prosecutor's Office on the facts of inflating the price of EKB, hoping to get a high position in JSC NPO Istok or in the government military-industrial complex, as A. Borisov promised him under the patronage of "my friend Yura". During the investigation, Mareev fully confirmed Borisov's criminal actions.
According to the totality of evidence of wine A.A. Borisov and other accused of the crimes they are accused of has been fully confirmed.
However, for a long time, the prosecutor's office refused to agree on the direction of the criminal case to the court. Moreover, the issue was considered at the level of the Prosecutor General, in whose reception, as our channel already wrote, Yuri Borisov, at that time Deputy Prime Minister for the defense industry, was repeatedly noticed. And only after, at the insistence of the Prosecutor General's Office, the status of Borisov was changed from the accused to the witness, the case was transferred to the Royal City Court, which on August 11 sentenced another prosecutor. dismissed, Prokhorov, to 1 year 8 months in prison in a penal colony of general regime with the recovery of 839 million 681 thousand rubles as compensation for material damage in favor of RSC Energia.
A. Borisov escaped criminal punishment and for this reason can pass a test for access to state secrets (it is not given to persons who have been prosecuted) and apply after serving a three-month sentence (possible appeal against the verdict, revision of the decision due to newly discovered circumstances, initiation of a new criminal case ) in the position of adviser to his "benefactor" and long-term partner in the supply of microelectronics to the military-industrial complex and Roscosmos - Yuri Borisov. And then use his rich experience in drawing up and implementing fictitious contracts, leading the electronics block of a state corporation. In this, he will obviously be assisted by another person involved in numerous investigations - Konstantin Borisov, the son of the head of Roskosmos, who, formally without a position in a state corporation, positions himself as the chief commercial director, promoting the interests of his company - LLC Gas Station Operator. According to operational data, this LLC, registered in Moscow at 25/2 Solntsevsky Prospekt, and having business contacts with a number of microelectronics enterprises, is controlled by Sergei Mikhailov, a well-known philanthropist from Solntsev, who asks not to be considered a "leader of an organized criminal group."

Joseph Trostinsky
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info