As the telegram channel VChK-OGPU learned, on February 6, in the evening, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation finally decided to dismiss the head of the department’s Main Logistics Support, Lieutenant General Oleg Zavgorodniy, a participant in a drunken brawl in Kaliningrad. He was fired not due to discreditable circumstances, but at his own request, as well as with all privileges, compensation, etc. The question regarding the second participant in the brawl - deputy head of the department, Colonel General Andrei Strukov - is still open. The Federal Customs Service is doing its best to suppress this topic. They say that Strukov did not take part in the drinking and “showdowns”; upon his arrival in Kaliningrad, he stayed in the room. However, there is a video from a hotel surveillance camera that shows Zavgorodney and Strukov drinking together.

Let us remind you that the FCS generals staged a drunken brawl with a fight in the most expensive hotel in Kaliningrad, CRYSTAL HOUSE SUITE HOTEL AND SPA. As a result, Zavgorodniy spent several hours in police custody, handcuffed, in a cell for administrative detainees, and Strukov hid from the patrol officers in his room. More on this at the end of the article, but for now about Strukov.
As a source told Rucriminal.info, Strukov’s disgusting behavior in Kaliningrad was not something new or surprising for the FCS.
Under the former head of the Federal Customs Service Andrei Belyaninov, being the head of two departments, Strukov even then felt all the impunity in his actions in relation to the service and female employees. “A man of extremely low moral values, or rather, with a complete absence of them, that’s how he was remembered in the Federal Customs Service. Many women subordinate to him and in other RTUs had to be subjected to his harassment, coupled with threats,” a source told Rucriminal.info.
Zavgorodniy’s unbridled behavior is largely due to the fact that his supervisor at the FCS was Strukov and the fact that they “mastered” the huge budget funds allocated for the construction and material support of the customs service throughout the country. After Bulavin, who did not tolerate such antics and amusements, came to the post of head of the Federal Customs Service, Strukov was forced to calm down and tried to adapt to the new leadership style. But all this vile stuff came out of him again after Bulavin left and Davydov (also Belyaninov’s man) was appointed to the interim service. Undoubtedly, this is the fault of the new acting leader, who allowed Strukov to behave this way, as a member of their common Belyaninov team.
And how can you control anyone in your circle if all your time is spent on self-promotion in front of the country’s leadership, constant interviews and stories about the invented successes of the Federal Customs Service. At the same time, deliberately concealing the fact that the customs service is falling apart before our eyes. And it’s only still holding on, thanks to the employees and leadership of the lower divisions.
And all this happens only because Davydov has only one sacred dream - to become the head of the Federal Customs Service.
Therefore, it is a complete lie at all levels, at all meetings, sessions of working meetings with business circles, with the participation of the acting.
Complete indulgence for everything to his associates (D. Tereshchenko, R. Zverev, S. Khanutin, D. Zhukov and others), who, by the way, have long become dangerous for him, in his desire to take the post of head of the Federal Customs Service, but who are the guardians of their common bad secrets.
State leaders should think hard about the fact that if a real statesman does not become the head of the FCS in the near future and does not carry out a really serious purge in the leadership of the Russian customs service, then people like R. Davydov and all the “figures” who surround him will be very They will quickly ruin you completely.
What happened in Kaliningrad? The Cheka-OGPU was the first to talk about this in detail.
The deputy head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, Colonel General Andrei Strukov, and the chief logistics officer of the Federal Customs Service, Lieutenant General Oleg Zavgorodny, became the heroes of an incredible scandal.
They staged a drunken brawl with a fight in the most expensive hotel in Kaliningrad, CRYSTAL HOUSE SUITE HOTEL AND SPA. As a result, Zavgorodniy spent several hours in police custody, handcuffed, in a cell for administrative detainees, and Strukov hid from the patrol officers in his room.
Strukov and Zavgorodniy arrived in Kaliningrad on February 1 to participate in the annual board summing up the work of the Kaliningrad customs. They celebrated the evening of the start of the business trip in the hotel restaurant in the company of an employee of the FCS logistics department, who accompanied the generals on the trip. Having drunk heavily, the generals behaved aggressively, which attracted the attention of the guards, as a result of which a verbal conflict arose between the hotel security guard and customs officers.
After that, the generals and the girl went up to Strukov’s room. According to the hotel staff, the first deputy head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia checked into a ROYAL SUITE room with an area of 300 square meters. m. According to information on the official website of the hotel, the minimum price for booking this room as of yesterday was 235,000 rubles per day. They spent about an hour and a half in the room. It is not known what they were doing, but eyewitnesses claim that the first of them A girl ran out, and then two generals quarreling among themselves.
Strukov and Zavgorodny, calling each other names, separated and went in search of the lady. They shouted loudly, used obscene language, and threatened the hotel guests, as a result of which they again attracted the attention of the hotel security, who called the National Guard squad with a panic button. And if Strukov, upon the arrival of the National Guard, was smart enough to lock himself in his room, then Zavgorodniy got into a fight, first with the guards, and then with the patrolmen.
The fight did not last long. The physical training of the chief rear officer of the Russian customs was not up to par. The lieutenant general was handcuffed and taken to the police department in the Leningradsky district of Kaliningrad. But Zavgorodniy did not calm down even there, he continued to obscenely insult the police about the National Guard, promising them all conceivable and inconceivable punishments, and even managed to kick the National Guard several times while lying on the floor. The general calmed down only in the so-called “monkey cell,” a cell for administrative detainees. They did not remove the handcuffs from him, as if he was particularly violent.
However, despite the quarrel, Strukov did not abandon his subordinate. He called the leadership of the FCS department for the Kaliningrad region and within an hour the head of the local customs logistics department, Colonel Vitaly Balakirev, personally arrived at the police department. The local comrade quickly came to an agreement with the police, after which the violent, drunken general was handed over to him, which the colonel personally wrote down on the report on the general’s arrest.
Zavgorodny was so drunk that he could not take part in the meeting in the morning. His drinking companion Strukov, despite a severe hangover, honestly sat in the presidium of the board for several hours, after which both generals immediately flew to Moscow.

Timofey Grishin
Source: www.rucriminal.info