TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov demanded that chansonnier Alexander Novikov get to the bottom of the problem before recording video messages. The journalist stated this live on the Soloviev LIVE channel.
“Alexander Viktorovich, if you want to communicate with me in the language that you were forced to learn, being in places that are not the most pleasant, then you have confused the Ramses. You just got involved in someone else's conversation, you were not told all the nuances, ”said Solovyov.
At the end of April 2022, Russian Telegram channels were stirred up by harsh rhetoric that unfolded between TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov and the current governor of the Sverdlovsk region Yevgeny Kuyvashev (Novikov spoke on the side of the latter), and during the polemical attacks of the federal TV presenter against the governor, the word “Uralmash” was heard. Not the one from the plant, but the one from the organized crime group.
The response rhetoric was very bright and even aggressive: for example, a number of characters appeared in the media field, some of which began to openly shut V. Solovyov’s mouth, accusing him of violating the principles of professional ethics, while other representatives of the information space began to assure that the Uralmash organized crime group has not existed for a long time and Vladimir Solovyov is far behind reality.
Rucriminal.info presents a unique investigation that allows you to figure out what the Uralmash organized crime group is and which of the parties opposing in the media dispute is closer to the truth.

On November 28, 1996, the Vecherny Yekaterinburg newspaper published an article: “The head of the Uralmash group was arrested”, which briefly describes the special operation of the FSB in the Sverdlovsk region to arrest 32-year-old Sergei Terentyev, who on November 25, 1996 attempted to fly out of Russia using a fake passport through Vnukovo airport.
“The name of Terentyev is not well known to the public, this is the “gray eminence” of the Uralmash group, he tried not to “shine”. However, in criminal circles he is known as one of the most cruel representatives of the underworld. Having extensive connections in the authorities and administration, Terentiev, taking advantage of this, more than once shied away from responsibility. According to the investigation, he was involved in the murders of Vagin and his three bodyguards, Nikolai Shirokov and his two bodyguards, Sergei Dolgushin and many other bloody crimes of the gang,” the author of the note writes.
As of the date of arrest, Sergey Terentyev, a native of Yekaterinburg, no previous convictions, completed two courses at the UPI, in the past, together with Tsyganov, was the founder of the Intersport company, now defunct, married, has a minor son.

On 11/12/1999, the Podrobnosti newspaper published details of the announcement of the verdict in criminal case No. 945802, which the Sverdlovsk Regional Court considered in relation to the Terentyev-Kurdyumov gang.
Thus, the defendants were charged with 40 crimes, 25 of which were murders. On the night of May 2-3, a grenade launched by a Mukha grenade launcher flew into the window of the organized crime control department. Since the volley was fired at night and the target was an empty office, most likely it was a matter of psychological pressure. The need for this, according to the prosecution, arose after in April 1993, employees of the department for combating organized crime “visited” the UZTM control center (the palace of culture of the Uralmash plant), where the office of the Intersport company is located, the head of which is Konstantin Tsyganov. The room was protected from the world by armored doors, intercoms, video cameras. Policemen fired Makarov pistols at video cameras and smashed the lock of armored doors with Kalashnikov assault rifles.
Then 62 people were detained, including Tsyganov himself. On May 6, he was charged with extortion.
On June 10 of the same, 1993, the building of the Sverdlovsk regional administration was shot from a grenade launcher. On December 5 of the same year, Nikolai Shirokov, the leader of the rival Central Group, was killed in Budapest.
“Whoever is not with us is against us”, “I give you a job, but I will take your life,” said the immediate leader of the Hobot gang (Sergey Kurdyumov), who by that time had several convictions and 12 years in prison. Calm and courteous Terekha (Sergey Terentiev) was a "think tank" and a financier. As befits an "idea generator", he took over the planning of operations, but did not take part in them himself.
In the arsenal of the gang, according to the materials of the criminal case, there were: Kalashnikov assault rifles, Saiga, Beretta, Luger carbines, as well as radio-controlled explosive devices. In total, the bandits were seized: 9 Kalashnikov assault rifles, two pistols, 6 F1 grenades, five RGP-1 grenade launchers, several Makarov pistols, 12 radio-controlled explosive devices, valuables worth 4.5 billion non-denominated rubles, real estate worth more than 3.5 billion non-denominated rubles.
According to the investigation, from 1992 to 1995, gang members committed about 25 contract killings and attempted murders. yours. In total, they were charged with 87 crimes. The trial was attended by 24 lawyers from Moscow and Yekaterinburg. At the request of the defenders, photo and video filming of the process was prohibited, and each floor of the regional court building was guarded by riot police. In the criminal case No. 945802 - 124 volumes, they contain 128 episodes, including 25 murders. And this is only what they managed to prove, while the operatives claimed that they could not prove the same amount.
From the indictment in criminal case No. 945802:
“In 1991, Kurdyumov S.I., convicted in 1976, 1978, 1983 for theft of personal property of citizens and who was in prison for 12 years, and Terentyev S.V. - one of the leaders of the "Uralmashevsky" criminal community, having entered into a conspiracy, acting in the interests of this community, organized a stable armed group (gang) for the purpose of attacking enterprises, institutions, citizens to kill the leaders of competing criminal groups, entrepreneurs in Yekaterinburg and their entourage , as well as members of the specified community, whose activities were in conflict with the interests of the leadership or threatened with exposure.
Partial results and their consequences
Of the leaders of the OPS Uralmash, then only Sergey Terentyev was prosecuted. When Konstantin Tsyganov was taken into custody in April 1993 on suspicion of extortion and pressure on a witness, Kurdyum's fighters fired from a grenade launcher at the window of the regional UBOP building. A month later, another warning - also from a grenade launcher, notes already on the windows of the regional administration.
Two weeks later, the judge of the Verkh-Isetsky District Court of Yekaterinburg, Alexander Dovgy, was severely beaten, refusing to release Tsyganov on bail.
However, a little later in 1994, the Leninsky District Court of the city of Perm, where the leader of Uralmash was kept, still releases him on bail. When in the same year, on charges of malicious hooliganism, they again try to take K Tsyganov into custody - he disappears and is put on the wanted list, in which he was for a long time, even despite the fact that State Duma deputy Gennady Burbulis in a letter to the prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region Vladislav Tuykov asked to cancel the measure of restraint to the leader of the organized criminal group.
But Sergei Kurdyumov, whom the investigation miraculously managed to detain in 1996, was released on bail by Tatyana Tyurina, a judge of the Nizhny Tagil District Court, considering the medical certificate provided by Kurdyumov's lawyers as sufficient grounds. Since then, no one has seen Sergei Kurdyumov.
Apparently, by 1997, having grown stronger after a series of tangible defeats, the organized crime group Uralmash was ripe for a big leap into politics. At the by-elections to the State Duma, which were held in the Ordzhonikidzevsky district on November 23, 1997, 6 representatives of the economic wing of the Uralmash OPS simultaneously put forward their candidacies.
Formally number one in the clan was Konstantin Tsyganov. . Alexander Khabarov was in charge of the economic block, Igor Mayevsky was in charge of sports facilities and wholesale markets, and Alexander Kukovyakin was in charge of the Central Market.
Sergei Terentyev, a relative of the Tsyganovs through his wife, became a “grey eminence” in charge of power ministries and relations with them, and also creates a combat group that carried out direct actions, creating a kind of “special forces”.
According to Kurdyumov, the special forces are "cleansing the city." Oleg Vagin was killed on the fourth attempt. Three submachine gunners fired more than 100 bullets into him and the guards. K. Tsyganov also walked in the funeral procession with a mournful face, who the day before, having received information about the successful operation, wept with happiness: brother Grisha was avenged!
Over the next years, the “special forces” eliminate everyone who can in any way damage the Uralmash OPS. In terms of cynicism and ingenuity, "special forces" could compete with any special service in the world. When the "vaginites" Sergei Dolgushin and Sergei Malofeev develop plans to kill K. Tsyganov (according to one of the options, they were going to shoot down the plane on board with Tsyganov and even managed to buy a rocket launcher for this), Uralmash militants find out about this and shoot both. Dolgushin miraculously remains alive, the doctors of the 24th city hospital pump him out, but the Kurdyumovites find a switch and de-energize the entire hospital building.
For the life of the criminal authority from Sochi Levchenko, the killer Oleg Zagorulko travels to the Black Sea three times, and the leader who has defected to the center Nikolai Shirokov is taken out in Hungary, and Kurdyumov manages to recruit Shirokov's secretary, who slept on the night of the murder with the victim in the same bed.
Bullets of "special forces" whistle in Moscow, Kyiv, Ufa, Togliatti, Nizhny Novgorod. Any conflicts are resolved by physical elimination. By the way, after the death of Shirokov, about 100 million dollars disappeared without a trace from his accounts.
Shortly after the death of Shirokov, information was leaked to the press about a mysterious document - some kind of strategic plan for the penetration of the Uralmash organized crime group into power.
The paper, allegedly written by a retired FSB colonel, detailed which areas should be intensified, who should be supported, and who should be opportunities to discredit, with particular emphasis on infiltrating law enforcement agencies. This is the first mention of the active participation of FSB officers in the development of the Uralmash organized crime group, but far from the last.
Uralmashevsky and Governor Rossel
It was from 1996 that representatives of the Uralmash organized crime group began to "go out into the public." Family members become big businessmen.
The first round of elections for the governor of the Sverdlovsk region was scheduled for August 29, 1999, in which two real candidates competed - governor Eduard Rossel and Arkady Chernetsky. In this situation, the OPS Uralmash, represented by Alexander Khabarov, has repeatedly spoken out in favor of supporting the former.

In the spring of 1999, the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Eduard Rossel, literally stated: “They tell me, this comrade, he is, so to speak, the Uralmash leader. He is a thief, bandit and so on. Well, I invite him to my place and say: sit down, thief, tell me how you live, back and forth ... And I give them an order, and they fulfill this order - to spend money on capital construction in the Sverdlovsk region. I invite the second one, a nice person, smart, does business normally ... I would like them to stop talking about it ... Uralmashevskaya is there, something else ... Today we have a market economy.
Alexander Kobernichenko, deputy governor of Rossel for public relations, explained this statement: he meant the restoration of the Mytny Dvor in the center of Yekaterinburg. It's no secret that Dezha LLC, owned by Sergei Vorobyov, received a contract for the work. Kobernichenko the position of the governor: “People have amassed huge capital in an unrighteous way, legalize, start paying taxes and invest in the development of the regional economy. Why not talk to them? The same residents of the Sverdlovsk region!
Probably for the purpose of development, soon, by a special decree of the regional government, all municipalities were obliged to purchase fuel oil in 1998-1999 only from the Uralnefteprodukt company, controlled according to operational data, the same organized criminal group Uralmash. And it was this dialogue that, apparently, forced the governor of Rossel to go to the country's leadership with requests to remove Yury Skvortsov, head of the Sverdlovsk Organized Crime Control Department, from his post.
Rossel did roughly the same thing in the spring of 1999, when, having abandoned all his affairs, he went to Moscow to intercede for "his" chief of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate Valery Kraev, who was eventually fired from the Ministry of Internal Affairs for ties with the Uralmash organized criminal group.

To be continued
Timofey Zabiyakin
Source: www.rucriminal.info