How the FSB prevented Chubais and Bain (USA) from conducting a new privatization

As a source told and the VChK-OGPU telegram channel, law enforcement agencies are considering the possibility of initiating a criminal case of fraud and embezzlement against the former leadership of RUSNANO. The members of the board of Rusnano Management Company LLC may become persons involved in the new high-profile case.
What are we talking about? By mid-2013, the gap between the beautiful forecasts of RUSNANO's activities and reality became obvious. By this time, about 200 billion rubles had been invested in nanotechnology projects, while according to the financial plan, proceeds from project exits for 2014-2019 were supposed to amount to more than 450 billion rubles.
Well, it's on paper. Objective, internal assessments made by both the company's specialists and the involved consultants showed that one cannot expect more than 120 billion in the next 5 years.
What to do? Ask for new money from the state? Borrow money? How to Pay Debts?

It was obvious that Chubais would no longer be given money: the draft federal budget with a line on financing RUSNANO would cause discontent in the Ministry of Finance and the government, as well as wild hysteria in the State Duma.
A new idea was needed and Melamed Leonid Adolfovich (not to be confused with Leonid Borisovich) and American consultants of the Bain company were invited to develop it.

As a source told, the idea was born brilliant and began to be immediately implemented.
First, the managers of Rusnano made financial models of the projects and calculated the so-called FV (Fair Value) - the fair value of each investment. The task was to make the most conservative, underestimated estimate.
Then the LLC "Management Company" Rusnano "was created, the participants of which were JSC" Rusnano "(by 99%) and Chubais personally by 1%. Chubais and all employees left Rusnano and went to work in the Management Company, which took control of all investments of Rusnano, but according to a new, underestimated estimate.
Everything! The main thing was done, now it remains only to forget about the actual costs of projects and start asking the right questions "with a blue eye":
How much do Western management companies charge for asset management? Any expert, using open sources, will say that the annual fee for asset management is 2 percent, and when making a profit - 20% of the profit.
“We will manage cheaper,” Chubais said and set a fee of 1.95% per annum, that is how much Rusnano had to pay to the Management Company every year.
To understand the scale of the scam, we will show the numbers.
1 billion rubles were invested in a certain project (real).
At the end of 2013, this project was estimated (not by an appraiser, but on the basis of an ex-fur-tree sign made by the managers of Rusnano) at 180 million.
We forget about the billion, because Rusnano Management Company LLC received from Rusnano JSC an asset worth 180 million rubles for management and has the full right to receive an annual remuneration only from this project in the amount of 3.6 million rubles. will be able to sell, say for 280 million rubles, then the company's management will receive a reward in the amount of 20% of the profit - that is, 20 million rubles.
Having realized such a grandiose plan, Melemed L.A. left the board of Rusnano and became the head of one of the medical companies of Rusnano, and Boris Podolsky was called to continue the great work as an executive director.
Further more. Now you can make ex-fur-tree signs every year and "increase" the cost of projects, for example, from 180 million to 200 million, thereby showing the frantic efficiency of the Chubais management company and, most importantly, getting bonuses.
Chubais is an amazing person, he sincerely believes in fairy tales, which he himself composes. LLC "Management Company" is a partnership, and all members of the board are partners - so call us now!
One of the fetishes of the Liberal Party is privatization and the reduction of the state's share. It is the duty of every self-respecting liberal to declare this. So, in 2012, Chubais undertook the obligation to privatize JSC Rusnano, but the plan, naturally, fell through - who needs an expensive and ineffective structure.
And here - new plans! We will privatize LLC "UK" Rusnano "and become a private management company, and taking into account our mega efficiency, the state will transfer to us under management - new billions. The price of the LLC was set at only 50 million rubles.
But times, fortunately, have changed. In 2015, the FSB of the Russian Federation wrote several letters to the president, in which the most powerful agency in the country strongly objected to the privatization of the management company and the president agreed with this position.
Nevertheless, Chubais effectively managed the Rusnano portfolio for another 5 years, numerous regulations, regulations and orders were written that allowed, on the one hand, to receive multimillion-dollar remuneration for the Rusnano Board by manipulating numbers, and on the other hand, to hide the traces of waste by creating the appearance of investment management activities.
Law enforcement agencies have accumulated a huge array of facts of such manipulations. Whether they will form the basis of a new criminal case - we will soon find out.

Timofey Grishin
To be continued

As a source told and the VChK-OGPU telegram channel, law enforcement agencies are considering the possibility of initiating a criminal case of fraud and embezzlement against the former leadership of RUSNANO. The members of the board of Rusnano Management Company LLC may become persons involved in the new high-profile case.
What are we talking about? By mid-2013, the gap between the beautiful forecasts of RUSNANO's activities and reality became obvious. By this time, about 200 billion rubles had been invested in nanotechnology projects, while according to the financial plan, proceeds from project exits for 2014-2019 were supposed to amount to more than 450 billion rubles.
Well, it's on paper. Objective, internal assessments made by both the company's specialists and the involved consultants showed that one cannot expect more than 120 billion in the next 5 years.
What to do? Ask for new money from the state? Borrow money? How to Pay Debts?

It was obvious that Chubais would no longer be given money: the draft federal budget with a line on financing RUSNANO would cause discontent in the Ministry of Finance and the government, as well as wild hysteria in the State Duma.
A new idea was needed and Melamed Leonid Adolfovich (not to be confused with Leonid Borisovich) and American consultants of the Bain company were invited to develop it.

As a source told, the idea was born brilliant and began to be immediately implemented.
First, the managers of Rusnano made financial models of the projects and calculated the so-called FV (Fair Value) - the fair value of each investment. The task was to make the most conservative, underestimated estimate.
Then the LLC "Management Company" Rusnano "was created, the participants of which were JSC" Rusnano "(by 99%) and Chubais personally by 1%. Chubais and all employees left Rusnano and went to work in the Management Company, which took control of all investments of Rusnano, but according to a new, underestimated estimate.
Everything! The main thing was done, now it remains only to forget about the actual costs of projects and start asking the right questions "with a blue eye":
How much do Western management companies charge for asset management? Any expert, using open sources, will say that the annual fee for asset management is 2 percent, and when making a profit - 20% of the profit.
“We will manage cheaper,” Chubais said and set a fee of 1.95% per annum, that is how much Rusnano had to pay to the Management Company every year.
To understand the scale of the scam, we will show the numbers.
1 billion rubles were invested in a certain project (real).
At the end of 2013, this project was estimated (not by an appraiser, but on the basis of an ex-fur-tree sign made by the managers of Rusnano) at 180 million.
We forget about the billion, because Rusnano Management Company LLC received from Rusnano JSC an asset worth 180 million rubles for management and has the full right to receive an annual remuneration only from this project in the amount of 3.6 million rubles. will be able to sell, say for 280 million rubles, then the company's management will receive a reward in the amount of 20% of the profit - that is, 20 million rubles.
Having realized such a grandiose plan, Melemed L.A. left the board of Rusnano and became the head of one of the medical companies of Rusnano, and Boris Podolsky was called to continue the great work as an executive director.
Further more. Now you can make ex-fur-tree signs every year and "increase" the cost of projects, for example, from 180 million to 200 million, thereby showing the frantic efficiency of the Chubais management company and, most importantly, getting bonuses.
Chubais is an amazing person, he sincerely believes in fairy tales, which he himself composes. LLC "Management Company" is a partnership, and all members of the board are partners - so call us now!
One of the fetishes of the Liberal Party is privatization and the reduction of the state's share. It is the duty of every self-respecting liberal to declare this. So, in 2012, Chubais undertook the obligation to privatize JSC Rusnano, but the plan, naturally, fell through - who needs an expensive and ineffective structure.
And here - new plans! We will privatize LLC "UK" Rusnano "and become a private management company, and taking into account our mega efficiency, the state will transfer to us under management - new billions. The price of the LLC was set at only 50 million rubles.
But times, fortunately, have changed. In 2015, the FSB of the Russian Federation wrote several letters to the president, in which the most powerful agency in the country strongly objected to the privatization of the management company and the president agreed with this position.
Nevertheless, Chubais effectively managed the Rusnano portfolio for another 5 years, numerous regulations, regulations and orders were written that allowed, on the one hand, to receive multimillion-dollar remuneration for the Rusnano Board by manipulating numbers, and on the other hand, to hide the traces of waste by creating the appearance of investment management activities.
Law enforcement agencies have accumulated a huge array of facts of such manipulations. Whether they will form the basis of a new criminal case - we will soon find out.

Timofey Grishin
To be continued