According to the source of the VChK-OGPU telegram channel and, the Prosecutor General's Office has been working for a month at the State ATM Corporation in the case of procurement fraud carried out by the organization during the period of work as deputy general director for contractual work Nikita Danilov. The criminal case may lead to the resignation of the general director of the FSUE Igor Moiseenko and the deputy head of Rostec Igor Zavyalov.

In 2020, Nikita Danilov left the State Corporation with a scandal. He was caught in embezzlement of funds when modernizing the official website of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise. Upon dismissal, Danilov was paid a small parachute of 3.5 million rubles. It's really small for him. During the searches conducted at his place after his dismissal, in his loft for 320 million rubles in the famous House on Bersenevskaya Embankment (Variety Theater), the security forces seized 42 million rubles in cash. They also found a house belonging to Danilov on Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway in the village of Izumrudny Vek, worth 400 million rubles. At the same time, according to the declaration, over the years of work in the ATM State Committee, Danilov earned a little more than 70 million rubles.
The Prosecutor General's Office also pays special attention to Alena Zaydman, the former director of legal support of the ATM Group. In the state corporation, she began as a simple specialist, but due to special close relationships and frequent joint business trips with Danilov, she grew up in a year and a half to the director of the FSUE directorate.
Nikita Danilov is the son-in-law of Igor Zavyalov, Sergey Chemezov's deputy for Rostec. According to a source, that is why Danilov remains at large - he has a serious father-in-law, who personally tried to solve the problems of a relative with the security forces.
After leaving the State Corporation, Nikita Danilov organized the Flydron company, which is engaged in "obtaining approvals and agreeing on the results" for organizing legal flights on drones (unmanned aerial vehicles). She is registered in the same House on Bersenevskaya Embankment.

In general, obtaining a permit for such flights is a fairly simple procedure that does not require any remarkable efforts from the applicant. You just need to go to the website of the State Corporation and fill out a form for free. But Danilov, together with the head of the State Committee for Internal Affairs, figured out how to monetize this service as well. Created a gasket firm that has the unique right to commercialize free public services. At the same time, in the future, it is expected that Flydron will be transferred the exclusive right to obtain permits for drone flights. Only she will be able to issue permits for flights. That is, this public service will become a gold mine for Flydron. To give legitimacy, the share in the "gasket" was sold to Rostec in July 2021. Rostec's subsidiary RT-Business Development became the owner of 25% of Flydron. Another 24.9% was bought by Ekaterina Lapshina. She is a member of the board of directors of RT-Business Development and bought conditionally “her” share at the request of the deputy head of Rostec Zavyalov. Thus, using his family ties, Danilov sold his 49.9% of the company to state-owned Rostec, in which his father-in-law Igor Zavyalov works as a top manager. Igor Moiseenko, in turn, is covered by the head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov, who was a witness at his wedding.
To be continued
Timofey Grishin