The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel wrote about the fight for the "Tuapse commercial sea port", so what is its value?
According to a Rucriminal.info source, over the years of management of this port by Nouruzov together with Soltanov, it has turned into a "hole" in the state border of the Russian Federation controlled by national diasporas, through which all types of contraband pass without control by state bodies, from banal textiles to military equipment and drugs, all of which is transported under the guise of deliveries of fruits and vegetables. The actual owner of the companies OOO LK-Transit Service, OOO VitaminRus - Oktay Aliyev, previously convicted of participating in illegal financial transactions and tax evasion on an especially large scale, but released under "obligations" (his brother Omar is also involved in the schemes) - actively participates in these schemes. The above-mentioned persons built an ideal scheme for their criminal activity: they combined several factors important for its successful operation:

- Port
- Technical importers
- Ferry
- Vegetable base "Dary Kubani" (Lenin farm, Krasnodar)
- Corrupt law enforcement officers.
- Port: due to corrupt employees of the Krasnodar customs and the FSB border service (the head of which was also a representative of the national diaspora affiliated with the Aliyevs) - proper control is not carried out during transshipment and reloading of cargo. What is allowed to transport contraband in especially large amounts.
- Technical importers: companies providing services for the clearance of goods through them for clients for a commission, but in fact being transit organizations used for illegal financial transactions related to the return of import VAT (paid during clearance of goods), the return of adjustments to the customs value paid during clearance of goods at customs upon import to the Russian Federation), the withdrawal of funds abroad, under the guise of payments for perishable products.
- Ferry: a vessel on which cars or semi-trailers with goods are transported, which are reloaded into cars of Russian carriers on the territory of the port. Also, the ship's crew is controlled by the owners of the port, which allows through it to transfer cash in foreign currency to Turkey in especially large amounts, received from the sale of perishable products at vegetable bases and markets for cash.
- Vegetable base "Dary Kubani" (Khutor Lenina, Krasnodar)
Belonging to the LLC "Complex for processing agricultural products "Dary Kubani" registered in the names of Ibragimov and Gasanzade, actually owned and controlled by Nooruzov Shakhlar Novruz Ogly. In fact, this vegetable base built with many violations (as shown by the recent fire, when one of the warehouse lines completely burned down) is the largest cash-out platform in the Krasnodar Territory controlled by ethnic diasporas from Azerbaijan, Turkey, Tajikistan, some members of these diasporas are established members of radical Islamist groups associated with foreign cells of ISIS, who calmly continue to engage in their illegal activities related to illegal financial transactions and smuggling in the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, and most of them have received Russian citizenship in recent years.
Corrupt law enforcement officers of the Krasnodar Territory. According to the source, in building the above-mentioned illegal schemes, Nooruzov and Aliyev were actively assisted by the deputy head of the Tuapse department of the FSB for the Krasnodar Territory, Melnikov, for which he received several expensive foreign cars from them: BMW X6, Audi TT, Mercedes Benz E, and any investigations regarding the above-mentioned persons are actively hindered by one of the heads of the Southern Transport Prosecutor's Office: Grigoriev. Schemes for the return of import VAT paid to the budget of the Russian Federation when importing perishable products were developed and began to be applied with the light hand of the head of the Federal Tax Service of Novorossiysk.
Also, the above-mentioned group participated in the machinations for the supply of low-quality bulletproof vests to the Ministry of Defense of Russia by the company GC "Piket": low-quality, cheap bulletproof vests in the amount of 20,000 pieces. were purchased by officials of the Picket Group of Companies in Turkey and smuggled in under the guise of fruit on a ferry from the port of Samsun (Turkey) to the port of Tuapse, the passage of this contraband was organized by the brothers Oktay and Omar Aliyev, through the Tuapse commercial port, with the complicity of Nauryzov and Soltanov.
As we see, with the full assistance of corrupt law enforcement officers, criminal members of national diasporas are operating in the Krasnodar Territory, whose activities have created all the preconditions for a repeat of the tragedy in Crocus, the Crimean Bridge, who created a scheme for the active theft of funds from the state budget of the Russian Federation, since through the above-mentioned these schemes, abroad, using one-day companies, actively withdraw budget funds, directed by the state to various social programs, construction of infrastructure facilities, including the development of the infrastructure of Crimea and newly annexed territories.
Also, recently, many importers of perishable products use the services of the so-called "economic operators" who provide services for customs clearance of goods through the so-called "Green Corridor" (complete fiction), when goods are cleared at customs at a price lower than the actual price by 25-30%, from these saved (stolen from the budget of the Russian Federation) funds, part is paid in cash, which goes to bribes for employees of the Federal Customs Service supervising these areas. An example is the company OOO "Edkom"
This situation once again shows that for most Russian officials and law enforcement officers, personal gain is more important than the interests of the country and the safety of citizens.
Timofey Zabiyakin
Source: www.rucriminal.info