One of the most high-profile sports crimes in Russia - the murder of a famous football player and sports agent Yuri Tishkov - has not yet been solved. Through the editors of the VChK-OGPU telegram channel and, the relatives of Yuri Tishkov turned to the chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin, with a request to re-examine this case and try to identify the persons to be prosecuted. According to Yuri's relatives, well-known sports journalist Alexei Matveev, the investigation did not work out all the versions of the crime and did not begin to develop the information already received. It is possible that this was due to pressure.
In particular, the sketch of the alleged perpetrator of the murder of Yuri Tishkov outwardly is almost a “copy” of a member of the Podolsk organized criminal group Mikhail Chebrik, who oversaw work with football agents from the underworld. However, no investigation was carried out with him. It is known that the "roof" in the activities of Yuri Tishkov, as an agent, was made by the "thief in law" Oleg Shishkanov (Shishkan, the former unspoken owner of the Ramenskoye "Saturn"), but no investigative actions were carried out with him. Now Shishkan is in custody on charges of organizing murders and committing other crimes.
The case file mentions that, according to operational information, the president of CSKA, Yevgeny Giner, and Yury Belous, who held a similar position in Torpedo-ZIL, could be the customers of the crime. Yuri Tishkov represented the interests of the Torpedo-ZIL player Dmitry Smirnov. He was supposed to go to CSKA, but at the last moment Tishkov organized the transfer of the player to Sparta. At the same time, Torpedo-ZIL did not receive any compensation.

The case file contains a record that Yuri Belous met with a certain R. N. Yerginov. In a private conversation with him, Belous openly stated that "Tishkov needs to be dealt with, since he took a promising player away from the club, for whom Torpedo did not receive monetary compensation." However, this information was not checked, Yerginov was not interrogated.
“They are afraid to talk about the murder of my Yura even on the sidelines,” said Yuri’s mother Galina Grigorievna. - Apparently, they are afraid of losing their jobs, or they are shaking for life ... I feel bad, my age is already decent. I almost do not hope that during my lifetime they will find and punish the murderers ... ".
Galina Grigoryevna, Yuri's widow Elena and son Evgeny hope that after the intervention of Alexander Bastrykin, this case will be able to "get off the ground".
We are publishing the second part of the investigation into the murder of Yuri Tishkov, prepared specifically for the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and by the famous sports journalist, author of books about football Alexei Matveev.

By analogy with the earlier murder of Larisa Nechaeva, in my opinion, almost all the threads of the crime lead to a specific football club. Namely - in "Torpedo-ZIL", which was led at that time by the aforementioned Belous. The murder of Nechaeva has not yet been solved, as well as the death of Tishkov.
The foregoing allows me to draw a very specific conclusion: the indirect and some direct evidence that I have testifies to total corruption in the country's law enforcement system.
Elimination of the same Nechaeva was carefully planned. In the sense that the alleged crime was paid in advance by near-sports businessmen, in other words, by customers. The money was intended for local security officials (in this case, the Vladimir region). So that they are not very eager to investigate the murder of one of the key bosses of Spartak. They were not zealous anyway, but for the money they were ready to screw things up.
According to the same scheme, Yuri Tishkov was eliminated. Customers and murderers knew that no one and nothing threatened them, in any case they would go unpunished. Although it can not be attributed to the category of unsolved crimes.
... Colleagues from Novaya Gazeta conducted their own independent investigation. For a long time they sought from the security forces at least some documents that would shed light on the story of the death of the football player Tishkov. It was established that Yura received 29 blows with a pike, a kind of long blade with four ribs pointed at the edges. Death came from loss of consciousness due to profuse blood loss and squeezing of the heart with blood.
Yuri Tishkov was invited to the agency football business by a friend of childhood, youth, playing partner Maxim Cheltsov. At that time, Cheltsov worked as deputy general director of the Saturn team (Ramenskoye). The well-known businessman Oleg Shishkanov was secretly the owner of the club. Cheltsov with Tishkov and a number of other craftsmen kept Shishkanov company to play football. Why not?
During informal communication, the idea arose to engage in agency activities. That is, to employ the players of the Premier League, other divisions in different teams. Of course, not for free - with interest for the agents themselves. Completely legal, normal slave it has been practiced all over the world for a long time.
Thus, we agreed: Yura Tishkov is the official face of the informal group. Cheltsov is his curator, and Shishkanov provided patronage for this activity. If required, he protected the wards from possible "attacks" from the outside. Was the "roof".
And in the winter of 2002, Tishkov draws up his first agency agreement with the already mentioned midfielder of the Torpedo-ZIL club, Dmitry Smirnov. But before ending up in Spartak, Smirnov himself and his agent Tishkov attended negotiations with PFC CSKA President Evgeny Giner. After all, the army club also claimed this master.
Apparently, the player was not satisfied with the terms of the contract proposed by Giner, and after a few days he ended up in the camp of the "red-whites". Later, in the materials of the criminal case, the now permanent head of CSKA was mentioned as a potential customer of the murder. One of the main, by the way, versions. Apparently, its development eventually came to a standstill, as, indeed, the work (if any) on other versions.
An identikit of the potential killer Yura Tishkov was first published by Novaya Gazeta. The investigation team was helped to create it by people who may have seen the villain. The witnesses included a guard at the parking lot where Yura was parking his car, as well as a man who was walking his dog at the time of the crime. On the identikit, the face of a possible killer is outwardly similar to Misha Chebrik, a well-known in the criminal environment, a former boxer, a member of the Podolsk criminal community. Importantly, he "supervised" the work of football agents. What was the "curatorship" is now very clear.
Probably in the elimination of undesirable competitors in this environment. Well, where is this Misha Chebrik from the identikit? Maybe he is handcuffed, waiting for the verdict of the most humane Russian court in the world? No. Sense from the identikit - zero.
In parallel with the specialists of the MUR, an investigation was also carried out in the prosecutor's office of the Northern Administrative District of the capital, on the territory of which the murder took place. But they did not achieve any, even small results. For some reason, operational-search activities ceased already in May, only four months after the murder.
The case was then transferred from the Timiryazev inter-district prosecutor's office to higher-ranking colleagues - the Northern Administrative District (SAO) of Moscow. In the case file there is a curious record that the mentioned Yuri Belous met with a certain R. N. Yerginov. In a private conversation with him, Belous openly stated that "Tishkov needs to be dealt with, since he took a promising player away from the club, for whom Torpedo did not receive monetary compensation." Not even a hint, but more than a transparent setting for reprisal.
And where are the results of the search for Yerginov, or someone else, possibly directly involved in the murder of Yura Tishkov?
Lawyer Vasily Grishchak, who is close to the Tishkov family, claims that it is not district prosecutors who should investigate the crime, but at least city prosecutors. “Raise the case higher, and there will be a result,” Vasily said in an interview with reporters. “Alas, the people who could have assisted in the investigation turned out to be insolvent, simply indifferent to the grief of the Tishkovs.”
“I met Yura at the age of 15, he is three years older,” recalls the wife of Yuri Tishkov, Elena. - I remember standing at a telephone booth with friends, going to call someone. Here Yura passed by. We got talking. They began to meet.
According to Lena, her husband was an easy, pleasant person to talk to. And the problems that arose were solved effortlessly, with a smile. For example, which school to send your son to, or what to buy for a house for the family.
Her son sometimes reproached her for not taking him to his father's funeral. “It’s clear that I was afraid to injure a child that was still small, she was only eight years old,” explains Yuri’s wife. “It’s still wrong,” Evgeny objected. Now he is an adult, a graduate of one of the medical universities.
... After the untimely death of a beloved husband, father, son, the Tishkov family became almost an outcast of society. More precisely, outcast people, even persecuted. Instead of natural sympathy, or at least silent, unobtrusive empathy, they received unmotivated hostility. For what and why? What is in the heads and hearts of these, in their own way, "frostbitten" gentlemen?
Elena was fired from her job, but not from one. Somewhere they heard from someone and considered that the widow of football player Yuri Tishkov was somehow involved in the world of crime. Sick in the head?!
- The severity of Yura's loss has not blunted over the years, - says Elena. - And time, as life without a husband has shown, does not heal ...
Yura Tishkov's mother, Galina Grigoryevna, is skeptical about the chances of finding her son's killers.
“First, investigator Kuznetsov from the Northern District conducted the case,” the inconsolable mother recalls. - Like zealously undertook. He promised in hot pursuit to find customers, the killers themselves. Indeed, the chances seem obvious, because the circle of suspects, if you think about it, is narrow.
The main customers of the crime were considered just the president of CSKA Evgeny Giner and who occupied the illogical position in Torpedo-ZIL Yuri Belous. “We will certainly interrogate all the suspects, we will issue a “transfer” if they start running from the investigation,” the brave law enforcement officer cheerfully declared to Yuri Tishkov’s relatives.
A few months later, according to Galina Grigorievna, the investigator's enthusiasm came to naught. She believes, and not without reason, "they put pressure on the investigator." It is clear who ... But the "very cool" detective, nevertheless, went on to rise through the ranks.
Yura's mother, having despaired and deeply disappointed in specific employees of the law enforcement system, prepared and sent a letter addressed to the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin. Of course, she wanted to speed up the process of finding and catching her son's killers.
- The answer came from Bastrykin's department - nothing good, concrete, - says Galina Grigoryevna. “They took it down to the county level. I live now in the suburbs. And in my absence, - the neighbors said, - a car with an inscription on board - "The Investigative Committee" came. Through a gap in the fence they saw a car. "Punched" on the base, the car belongs to my sister. Later, a female investigator offered to run a DNA test on me. What for? Am I Yura's mother?
Possible, and most likely, in my opinion, the customer of the massacre of Yura Tishkov, a certain Belous, you see, travels the world, communicates with representatives of flora and fauna.
Maybe diversify this pleasant leisure? For example, a two-month sentence in a SIZO cell during a preliminary investigation can also delight a passionate nature lover. Why not?
“They are afraid to talk about the murder of my Yura even on the sidelines,” Galina Grigorievna believes. - Apparently, they are afraid of losing their jobs, or they are shaking for life. Here is a new investigator, Kuznetsov's successor, referred to the fact that the journalists are to blame for everything. They interfere with the investigation. I feel bad, my age is already decent. I hardly hope that during my lifetime the murderers will be found and punished...
