Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin personally appealed to the Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov in connection with the court's acquittal in the case of sexual violence against the pupils of the St. Petersburg orphanage. The case itself was under the control of the CA TFR. Today, the VChK-OGPU telegram channel, and psychologist Andrey Gavrilov will tell readers about how prominent representatives of the Azerbaijani diaspora created a whole to provide underage girls to perverts. Among the participants in this network were employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it was not the operatives who identified it, but the psychologist Gavrilov, who for many years has been “torn” between rescuing the girls whom a gang of pedophiles led through all the “circles of hell”, and the struggle for the pedophiles to suffer their well-deserved punishment. Events take place in Izhevsk. This is not St. Petersburg, so the case was not under the control of the CA of the TFR. Together with the sooooo strange position of the representatives of Themis, the result is this. The leader of the gang of pedophiles and the main sadist Seymur Rzayev was released and fled to his native Azerbaijan. An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Khayal Bayramov, who was part of a network of pedophiles, who also bullied girls, received a ridiculous sentence and was immediately released on parole. Most of the network participants have not been held accountable. The friends of the convicted pervert in uniform planted drugs on the victim of pedophiles, who survived real hell, and now they are trying to send her to jail. Other numerous victims of the gang are openly intimidated.
If Alexander Bastrykin does not pay attention to this matter, then everything will remain so.

It turned out that such a scheme was in operation in Izhevsk. The girl Leyla Damirova Shaban-kyzy got acquainted with the girls, rubbed herself into trust, even visiting them at home, and then arranged the rape by her Azerbaijani compatriots. According to psychologist Andrei Gavrilov, the violence took place in a monstrous perverse form and was filmed on video. In the future, the girls fell into sexual slavery under the threat of blackmail, they threatened to send the video on social networks, and if the girls turned out to be obstinate, then pour acid over them or bury them in a forest. Leila later took them to Azerbaijani dens. Thus, two sisters, Anya and Nastya T., became her victims. Leyla sold Anya to an Azerbaijani respected in the Diaspora Faik, the owner of the cafe "At the plane". And they continued to drag Nastya around the brothels for two years exactly until the moment when Gavrilov accidentally stumbled upon her and took her under his protection. “I made a statement on the “Child in Danger” hotline in the UK for Udmurtia and the case began to unwind,” Andrey told - When a case was initiated on my application, arrests began. One of the arrested rapists, a certain Khayal Bayramov, at the time of his arrest, was an active employee of the criminal investigation department of the Zavyalovsky District Department of Internal Affairs, where the crime was committed. If it weren't for the entry from the UK side, the case would really have been hushed up. Another Azerbaijani, Seymur Rzayev, was arrested.”

Representatives of the Azerbaijani diaspora not only did not condemn the perverts, but also constantly put pressure on the girls, informed them that they would all be released anyway and nothing would happen to them. However, Judge Eduard Rezanov defended more of the diaspora of pedophiles. During the next election of a measure of restraint during the investigation, he ... released Seymour Rzayev on bail of three million rubles, after which Seymour immediately disappeared in Azerbaijan. A complaint was written against the judge's decision, his decision was declared unjust, but the offender had already fled. Of the entire gang, he was the most frostbitten sadist, literally crippled the girls. The judge did not suffer any punishment at all.
It should be noted here that the sisters were victims of rape in the summer of 2014. Soon after, Nastya made her first suicide attempt, seeing that there was no way out of the situation. In early September, a certain Viktor Davledshin approached her on the street, who allegedly decided to get to know her. She was in such a state that she told him what had happened to her, in complete despair. To which Davledshin took out a bag of powder and said that it would help her. Davledshin turned out to be a middle-class huckster. But what is most surprising, when the first trial on the case of rape was held (the Investigative Committee did not initiate a case on sexual slavery then), Davledshin in court, as a witness, began to give false evidence in favor of Leyla and the Azerbaijanis, and he turned out to be an acquaintance of Leyla. Apparently, it was the intent to make the girl a drug addict so that her testimony could be questioned or even eliminated.
Seymour escaped, only the former employee of the criminal investigation department Bairamov, who is closely connected with the Rzayevs' organized criminal group, stayed until the trial in the pre-trial detention center. He even worked as a security guard and driver in this very Derbent cafe before the start of the service. The prosecutor's office asked for 9 years in prison, but the judge gave "below the lower limit" - 3 years. Through the efforts of Gavrilov, the sentence was canceled, but the criminal still received only five years, of which were deducted a year in a pre-trial detention center and he was released on parole. In fact, he got off lightly.
“With my help and on her own, Nastya made attempts to get involved with drugs. But someone from the circle of hucksters was constantly hanging around, and at least two hucksters turned out to be acquaintances of this very Leila. In February 19, Nastya broke into use again. She was supposed to pick up a bookmark with blue crystals and come to the same Viktor Davledshin to use with him. He specified in a telegram that she was in place, and a few minutes later a car with three operas flew up. Nastya couldn’t find the bookmark, she didn’t find it, - Andrey Gavrilov told - The opera was twisted, pushed into the car and one of them made a phone call to the boss (this is reflected in the court materials), reporting that she had nothing. Apparently, he was instructed to make a toss. Since their group did not have drugs, they drove to the Magnit store, which is a short walk from UNK. There operas drink coffee, smoke, relax and exchange information before departures. Opera from the car called out to those who are on the street - she has nothing, what are we going to do? He was pulled aside by a man standing on the street, and the opera returned to the car already happy, showed Nastya a bag and said, this is what we found from you. He took a pack of cigarettes from her purse, removed the plastic wrapper from it, poured the powder from the ziplock into this wrapper and tossed it to her in this form. They issued a detention in a nine-story building of a neighboring house. The whole operation of the toss, taking into account driving around the city, took about an hour. She was frightened, threatened with violence, eventually forced to sign some papers without looking, and released in the morning, having been kept in the department overnight and subjected to pressure, without a lawyer, without the opportunity to make a call. The phone was seized. When they lowered her, she went to visit a friend and made me a call. I immediately contacted Bastrykin's reception and the matter hung. Investigator Krasnopeyeva was supposed to file a charge within 10 days and choose a measure of restraint for freedom, but the police apparently got scared when they realized that they had caught a girl who was a witness and a victim in the case being conducted by the Investigative Committee. No action was taken by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. A month passed and Nastya and I left for the Ural Without Drugs rehab center in Yekaterinburg. She knew she needed help."
At the beginning of April 19, the investigator of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee filed the case and retired, for some reason removing important evidence from the case.
“We agreed that the IC is doing its job, Nastya is in the rehab center and everything goes on as usual,” Andrey Gavrilov continues, “We agreed to send her for examination to Serbsky after rehabilitation.” And then strange things begin to happen. Apparently, the information that the Investigative Committee is taking the case from the archive and resuming it has reached someone from the Azerbaijani diaspora. And then it began ... The opera went for Nastya and actually stole her from the rehab center, announcing that she was wanted. This is despite the fact that dad informed the investigator where exactly she was in rehabilitation. She was brought to Izhevsk from Yekaterinburg on Saturday, on a day off, when the only judge on duty in the Industrial Court was the same Eduard Rezanov, so she simply could not fall into the hands of another judge.

Judge Rezanov behaved boorishly, yelled at the girl and her father, and intimidated her. The lawyer tried to reject it, since this judge had already released the rapist of this girl from custody, but where was it. Moreover, Judge Rezanov previously worked in the UK and Seymour Rzayev's lawyers were his former subordinates.
She was presented with article 228 part 2 and was clearly led to a conviction to a real term. But there was a fact that only the employees of the UK knew about. Because of the suffering, Nastya developed a disorder and she is beyond jurisdiction. When this became known to Judge Rezanov, he skillfully merged, transferring the case to another judge.
“The enormity of this story amazes me. The same judge first releases the accused from custody, and then tries, on a falsified case, to convict the victim of what he released and hide the ends in the water, ”said Gavrilov.
Nastya was taken to Izhevsk around the same days that Ivan Golunov was detained in Moscow. When she was brought to court to choose a measure of restraint, Gavrilov immediately contacted the Internal Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs via a hotline. The CSS even showed some kind of initiative and quietly swept the matter under the rug. Later it turned out that two employees of the Internal Security Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were former colleagues of the UNK operas at work in the Pervomaisky District Department of Internal Affairs. That is, they are friends.
“Nastya was placed under house arrest, and later transferred on a subscription, after journalists with a camera arrived at the next court session. The case was brought to court and the verdict was imposed - compulsory treatment. On May 20, 2021, the appeal confirmed it. We passed the cassation and are now preparing for a statement to the Supreme Court and the ECtHR. The case is really obviously falsified, and if there was a political will for it, it would be solved without any problems,” Gavrilov believes.
According to, Azerbaijanis, to whom Leyla supplied girls, is an organized criminal group, which was created by people from the Shamkir region of Azerbaijan, who moved to Russia in the late 90s. Over the years, they have acquired a roof, connections and have become invulnerable to law enforcement. During the commission of the crime, Leyla introduced herself as an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs the day after the rape, showed her ID and her photos in uniform, and indeed, for some time she was listed as a trainee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The girls, who saw all this, understood that it was useless to complain somewhere. Everything is captured.
In the Derbent cafe - the headquarters of this organized crime group - employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Economic Crime Department, the traffic police, prosecutors, judges, etc., were eating for free. There are commendations and certificates from these offices hung on the wall. There is information that the second co-owner of this cafe in Derbent is a retired FSB colonel, a certain Dagestani. I cannot document this.
We assume that there may be many affected girls. But if they were addicted to drugs, then someone is now in prison, and someone may not be alive. Anya, Nastya's sister, also had an attempt to plant drugs. She was walking with a stroller and a package was put into the stroller. She threw it away, quickly ran to the bus stop and jumped into a taxi. Her statement about the planting was also registered with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
After the story became public thanks to Tsargrad, another girl was found who was in sex slavery to this crazy Rzaev family. On December 14, she wrote a statement against Galbi Rzayev, who is now awaiting a verdict in a pre-trial detention center. The case on her application has not yet been opened.
In Izhevsk, there is a local deputy of the State Council Alexei Malyuk. In fact, he controls the entire grain processing of Udmurtia. Included in the Forbes list of regional elites. He and the two Azerbaijanis who organized this OPS had agreements on the exclusive supply of grain to his enterprises, in particular, to the Rus-Mother Trade Company LLC. These two Azerbaijanis, Galbi Rzayev and Sakit Musayev, used this. All grain was handed over exclusively through of them with huge violations. In 2018, they came to the attention of the tax authorities. Abuses of VAT refunds, tax evasion by about half a billion rubles were discovered. As a result of the case, a certain dummy character Dmitry Klyuev was declared the organizer of the money theft scheme, who paid a small fine and sentenced to probation.
Sakit Musaev owes Azerbaijani Ramal Kerimov 5 million rubles. Ramal moved to Kazan and periodically, for 2 years, reminded him of his debt. As a result, Sakit decided not to return the money to him, but turned to the Azerbaijani thief in law Jeyhun Ganja, who lives in Turkey. He sent a gang of 7 people in two cars to Kazan, Ramal was kidnapped, beaten all night and not killed only because of greed. But this is a separate big story.
In short, two members of the gang were detained in hot pursuit, and then strange things began. The case was rewritten in such a way as to convict them of the minimum for robbery, excluding the order and the OPS. The rest of the gang members did not even hide, as did the customer Sakit Musaev, whose sons came to Kazan "to resolve issues." A couple of days after their visit, the investigator called the victim and said that she was taking the case to court.
After it became known that Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin had requested information, the Kazan case was taken over by the first department of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for Tatarstan and the sixth department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for banditry took care of it. The case was not brought to court and the detention period for these two caught crooks was extended until March. All these are links of one chain, the activity of one Izhevsk Azerbaijani group.
At the moment, only Galbi Rzayev is in custody on charges of rape, and for some reason the prosecutor's office has already removed from the charge that his victim was a minor. We see that he, like Bayramov before, is being led in a minimum period, although in his case it should be from 8 years. Nastya was 15 at the time of the rape. The rest of the rapists are either on the run or "unidentified persons", although it is clear that all of these are participants in the Rzayev grain business.
On the eve of the New Year, Nastya's dad wrote a statement to Judge Rezanov in connection with all these strange decisions in favor of the Azerbaijani OPS.
“And then the court decision, which was “lost” since May 2021, was suddenly found, and they are trying to lock Nastya into a psychiatric hospital for compulsory treatment at a time when trials are underway against her rapist. That's why I decided to contact you. How to stop judicial lawlessness, how to punish drug dealers and drug cops who protect them? How to establish the truth and find all the girls who became victims of this gang? - said Gavrilov, - I decided to intervene, because the girl was dying and I and my colleague, a psychologist from Israel, managed to prevent suicide. And then all these events began to unfold. Before my first trip to Izhevsk in August 16, I did not have a single friend and I've never been there before. To date, I have been to Izhevsk in connection with this case already 15 times.
Now I have become Nastya's public defender and can, if necessary, send, for example, some materials on this case.

Timofey Grishin
To be continued