Key facilities on Elbrus are being built only on paper

Less than a year has passed since the board of directors of the state corporation Kavkaz.RF decided to appoint the former prosecutor of the Perm region Andrei Yumshanov as general director, but it’s time to prepare for new personnel changes. Young and fast, rushing to replace them. As evil tongues say, the modest deputy director Vladimir Lapukhin has been dreaming and seeing himself as the next executive director of the corporation for a long time. Details at
Ambitions are never born out of nowhere, and even more so in state corporations. In order to tell your friends that you are preparing to take his place without being embarrassed or afraid of your boss, you need to have either a strong “roof” or a thick “pocket”. Lapukhin seems to have both. It is no coincidence that he loves to pose against the backdrop of the Caucasus mountains with a carbine in his hand and boast about his hunting trophies.
It was the communist Valery Rashkin, who accidentally shot a moose, who was dragged down by investigators and prosecutors. Top manager Lapukhin is clearly not in danger of this, otherwise he would not be showing off on social networks against the backdrop of protected areas of nature, talking about the Red Book animals he shot.
Unlike the deputy who was burned by game, Lapukhin, he believes, has nothing and no one to fear.
And even Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak, who heads the Board of Directors of the corporation, is not a decree for Lapukhin. Otherwise, he would have been afraid to disobey his seemingly insistent demand not to allow “drawdowns” in the rate of construction of tourist facilities by the corporation. But it is precisely the construction sector that Lapukhin supervises at Kavkaz.RF, pushing “his” companies into multi-billion dollar contracts.
For two years now, the corporation has been “cutting” funds from the federal budget, or, as they say officially, using funds for the construction of cable cars and ski slopes on the territory of the Elbrus VTRC, where billions from the budget have already been spent. And this development continues to proceed actively in view of the fact that the general customer, represented by Kavkaz.rf, “does not see” the problem of implementing this project.
Such managerial and financial “myopia” is usually easily treated through “personnel resections”, as a result of which corrupt parasites and nepotism-ridden managers are purged from government bodies. However, Lapukhin is not afraid of this prospect, and he stubbornly continues to pump budget money into the general contractor Stroygazkomplekt LLC.
The persistence in financing this dubious company did not awaken in Lapukhin yesterday. Since 2021, it is through it that he has been conducting a large cut of budget funds, despite regular gross violations of contract terms. And Lapukhin cannot refuse the services of this company, just as he cannot cut off his own hand, with which he takes kickbacks from this company, which not only misses the deadlines for the delivery of objects, but also casts doubt on their quality with its work.
The very essence of what is happening, when the management of the corporation and the employees of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation responsible for the development of the North Caucasus do not notice obvious failures in the work of a key division of the Corporation, suggests that “hand washes hand.” And it doesn't do it for free.
Having every reason to break all previously concluded contracts with Stroygazkomlekt LLC, Vladimir Vladimirovich Lapukhin does not do this. Just like his direct superiors “do not notice” the violations in his work. We, of course, reject the assumption that the Cooperation with its modern name is inhabited by thoroughly corrupt officials, preferring to believe in the purity of hearts of all the people involved in this topic.
Unfortunately, even Lapukhin’s ostentatious presence at the construction site throughout the high tourist season could not get the construction work off the ground. However, he helped him get the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation to obtain another advance tranche in the amount of 120 million rubles for the same Stroygazkomplekt LLC for “continuation of construction work,” which, as they gossip, has already been divided by representatives of Kavkaz.rf and the contractor.
The position of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, which for about two years has been turning a blind eye to failures in the construction block of Kavkaza.rf, but is churning out reports on the full utilization of funds, also raises questions. Neither Kavkaz.RF nor the ministry was embarrassed by the fact that in 2021, Stroygazkomplekt LLC, which has only 10 employees, was the only participant in the competition for the construction of ski infrastructure on Elbrus.
Lapukhin’s own logic is not difficult to understand. By filling his controlled companies with easily “mastered” construction contracts, he is confident that with the help of this easy money he will be able not only to resolve all the issues that arise to him, but also to advance further in his career. And the higher he manages to climb, the easier it will be for him, as he himself is sure, to resolve similar issues in the future and “master” budget funds for new projects.
Following Elbrus, the issue of completing the construction of the long-suffering Mamison resort in North Ossetia is approaching, which has been discussed for over 10 years, but so far mainly only in reports and financial papers. In addition to securing contracts for 2.3 billion rubles (instead of the initial 1.4 billion of Stroygazkomplekt), Lapukhin is actively pulling another affiliated LLC, Svetoservis SPB, to take over contracts in Mamison.
The successful (since they have not yet been removed or imprisoned) leader Lapukhin looks unsinkable, talking about his future career against the backdrop of three key facilities on Elborz that have not been delivered by Stroygazkomlekt LLC: 2 cable cars and a set of ski slopes. And Lapukhin does not even allow people from Yumshanov’s circle to get close to his failed projects.
In particular, Lapukhin practically eliminated the rather promising manager Sanislav Goffenberg from the Corporation, in whom he saw a potential competitor. Without allowing him to delve into the practical implementation of the Corporation's large-scale construction projects, Lapukhin loaded Goffenberg with routine paperwork. Immersed in writings, he does not have the opportunity to understand the essence of the corruption process organized by Lapukhin.
Gradually paying for the services of successful students of the North Caucasus Federal University, Lapukhin learned with their help to provide his superiors with fictitious, but skillfully written reports on the progress of the construction of the objects entrusted to him, and is even in good standing with his superiors. However, taking advantage of the role of a successful crisis manager created around him, Lapukhin today intends to screw up his own bosses...
On the picture
1) Yumshanov general director
2) Temizhev executive director
3) Lapukhin
Denis Zhirnov
To be continued