As previously reported by the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU, on September 22, the capital's special forces of the FSB detained a high-ranking werewolf in uniform in Samara. It turned out to be the head of the 2nd department of the OES of the regional FSB Gorbunov Mikhail. He is suspected of corruption (Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and connections with organized crime - that is, with those with whom he was supposed to fight in the line of duty.
Gorbunov Mikhail was detained on the embankment of the Volga River in the same swimming trunks. He offered no resistance.
The operation was carried out by employees of the central office of the FSB of Russia. There were good reasons in the capital to believe that the corrupt connections in the Samara Department of Internal Security were too deep.
A number of Mikhail Gorbunov's colleagues, with whom he had "business" relations, are already being accused in high-profile corruption cases in the region. The piggy bank of episodes of their criminal activity is replenished.
The detention and subsequent arrest of Gorbunov Mikhail by a military court will deal a serious blow to the reputation of the "office" in the Samara region and especially to the department of its own security. Employees of the central office will have to clean out corrupt officials and scammers from there.
Gorbunov previously worked in the OSB FSB.
When appointed to the post of head of the OEB, Mikhail Gorbunov did not pass the polygraph test, which did not prevent him from becoming the head. Parshin Ilya, the then head of the FSB Directorate of Internal Security, asked for Gorbunov. When deciding on the appointment, no one was embarrassed by the fact of "friendship" and "common patronage" of Gorbunov and Parshin with Vyacheslav Khomskikh, the chief of police of Samara, sentenced to 10 years for bribery and corruption. These employees interfered in every possible way with the investigation of the case.
As a result, investigators from Moscow will have to sort out and assess the difficult situation that has developed in the internal security department of the regional department of the Federal Security Service. Thanks to such "specialists" as Parshin and others, there is no success in her work. High-profile detentions of corrupt officials from among high-ranking officials are in the past. No one knits corrupt security officials, leaders of organized crime groups and drug dealers. The work is proceeding according to the previous developments of the period of Tataurov Vladimir (former head of the FSB SO).

The capital's investigators, together with the leadership of the FSB, have a lot of work to do. For example, according to statements and episodes that were not given a "move". At the disposal of Rucriminal.info was one of these statements regarding Gorbunov.
“I ask you to prosecute the employees of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Samara Region (services in the city of Tolyatti) Mikhail Gorbunov and the persons who acted together with him, who committed the following crimes against me.
In December 2017, I filed a complaint with the law enforcement agencies to prosecute Mr. Dakhunaev Salakh Bekbolataevich, for committing extortion against me. With respect to Dakhunaev S.B. a criminal case was initiated under Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, he was detained for committing this crime. I was aware that Dakhunaev S.B. is a member of an organized Chechen criminal group and has extensive corruption ties in law enforcement agencies. In addition, in December 2017, they tried to plant ammunition in my car. After these events, I filed a complaint with the investigator and measures of state protection were applied against me.
I am engaged in car repairs in my garage No. 569 in GSK Electron, at the address: Tolyatti, st. Botanical, 50, self-employed. On August 13, 2018, I was also in this garage, with three police officers guarding me. At about 11 o'clock in the morning, when I was repairing the car, I saw several cars drive up to my garage at high speed. One of them was a silver Priora, she even touched the gate of a neighboring garage. Several men in military uniform ran out of the cars and with weapons pointed at me, they shouted “FSB”. Two of them ran up to me and put a gun to my head, twisted their hands behind my back and handcuffed me. I managed to notice that the police officers who were guarding me were put on the ground, despite the fact that they said that they were from the police and were guarding me, that I was under state protection. They put me in a silver-colored Priora and put a hat on my face. When I demanded to explain what was happening, the FSB officer, who was sitting next to me, hit me hard in the side. Then he grabbed me by the handcuffs that they put on me and dragged me in this way to another car. At that time, I saw how one of the officers who guarded me was trying to explain to the FSB officer in civilian clothes that I was under state protection and if they needed me, they would take me where they needed to. But the FSB officer did not listen to him and they forced me into a silver Mitsubishi Lancer car. Later, I learned that this FSB officer in plain clothesm - Gorbunov Mikhail Valerievich, as he later introduced himself to me. When I was being dragged into the car, an FSB officer in uniform hit me in the ear with some kind of iron object, probably the butt of a pistol, which made me bleed and cover my face. We drove out of the garage, they pulled me out of the car again and dragged me into a white Gazelle car, where there were also FSB officers. They put me on the floor and one of them kicked me in the shoulder, which caused me to fall. Then a man got into the Gazelle, I recognized him by his voice - it was Mikhail Gorbunov. He called me by name and asked if I understood why I was detained, I replied that I did not understand. Then Mikhail asked me if I had written a statement against Dakhunaev and I replied that I had. Then Michael said that now we'll figure it out. When we were driving, I began to suffocate, asked me to take off my hat and remove the handcuffs, because I was in great pain and I stopped feeling my hands. They freed my nose, but the handcuffs were not removed immediately, while someone pressed his knee on my shoulder and said: “Lie down, bitch, you won’t die.” When we stopped, they twisted my arms again and dragged me into the building. As I was being led up the stairs, one of the uniformed FSB officers hit my head on the metal door frame, which nearly knocked me unconscious. I felt that I was taken to the second floor, and then they led me into an office to the left of the stairs along the right wall, it seems the second door from the stairs. The office was very large, there were several windows, there were flags against the wall, yellowish tables. They put me on a chair, and Mikhail Gorbunov sat opposite me and introduced himself. Mikhail began to accuse me of allegedly organizing prostitution, although I was not involved in this. When I told him about this, Gorbunov and another FSB officer in civilian clothes, who entered the office, let the Spetsnaz officers go. After they left, Gorbunov said that he was ready to close his eyes, that I was allegedly organizing prostitution, but I must confess that I had slandered Dakhunaev, and also testify against the police officers, operatives Alexander and Artem Pertsev, who were case against Dakhunaev, allegedly they fabricated this case. Then I told Gorbunov everything that I had already told the investigator in my testimony. Gorbunov began to accuse me of lying, began to ask what the police officers promised me for writing a statement. I began to explain to Gorbunov that they promised me nothing but guarantees of my safety. Then Gorbunov began to play me the recordings of my conversations with Asif Mamedov and Dmitry Ivonin, who, as far as I know, changed their testimony under pressure from Dakhunaev. I also explained to Gorbunov what we were talking about. But Gorbunov did not believe me, he said that they would “close me on the 91st”, said that Alexander Pertsev and Artem had already been detained and were being taken to the FSB. After that, Gorbunov and another FSB officer began to ring their cell phones, they became very worried, apparently the leadership called them and they left the office. Left alone, I noticed that there was a voice recorder on the table. When Gorbunov returned, his behavior changed dramatically, he became friendly, but continued to persuade me to slander myself, said that I had given false evidence against Dakhunaev, while saying that they did not need me, demanded to testify against Pertsev and Artem that they fabricated a criminal case against Dakhunaev. I also asked Gorbunov who would be responsible for beating me, to which Gorbunov said that no one had beaten me. Then Gorbunov took me to the toilet and made me wash my face, which was covered in blood, although I didn't want to do that. I also want to add that during the detention in the garage, the FSB commando took away my cell phone, and then in the FSB office I heard my phone ringing from Gorbunov's bag.
After the FSB I was taken by the investigative committee. Investigator Kira Vladimirovna, who was supposed to interrogate me, when she saw what state I was in, asked who did this to me. And when I said that I was beaten by the FSB officers, she suggested that I write a statement on this fact, which I did. She informed me that
I will be interviewed on the material of the check. In my testimony, I told Kira Vladimirovna everything that I had already told the investigator in my testimony. She also wrote me a referral for a forensic medical examination, which I underwent on March 14, 2018. At the same time, I was found to have a bruised head wound and a dislocated shoulder.
I still can’t come to my senses and believe that I, the victim (!!!) in a criminal case and protected by the state, are being detained by special forces with weapons in their hands, trained to catch terrorists, beaten, like cattle are brought to the FSB, where the officer this department, which I previously respected, is forcing me to withdraw my testimony against a member of an organized crime group who extorted money from me and slander the police officers. If this had not happened to me personally, I would have thought that this simply could not be!
I urge you to bring to the criminal responsibility of employees of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Samara Region (services in the city of Togliatti) Mikhail Gorbunov and his accomplices who committed these crimes against me.
Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info