As sources say, the criminal octopus of the Ensign (Vladimir Borisov) gang literally enveloped and swallowed up the courts of St. Petersburg.

The gangster group, known since the 90s, existed extremely successfully and carried out rampages in St. Petersburg. Members of the group repeatedly got away with numerous extortions, protection schemes and contract killings.
Often this happened thanks to the coordinated work of the then-current investigator of the St. Petersburg City Prosecutor's Office, Vadim Pozdnyak, who ensured that the bandits missed the statute of limitations on criminal cases and preventive measures. Later, Vadim Pozdnyak became the group’s lawyer.
By the way, about the lawyers of the organized crime group, their personal connections also played a role in resolving issues. For example, the bandits owe the fact that 11 “Borisov” killers were released back in 2001 to lawyer Igor Lukanenko and his friendship from his student days with St. Petersburg City Court judge Olga Graudin. It was she who sent the mercenaries’ case for further investigation, where Pozdnyak masterfully missed all the statutes of limitations.
As for Igor Lukonenko, he himself appeared in the courts of St. Petersburg as a defendant - in 2013 he was convicted of the raider seizure of the Frunzensky fruit and vegetable plant, together with the deputy head of the Organized Crime Control Department Vladimir Sych.
As a source told, strong friendship with St. Petersburg judges helped bandits many times in raider seizures of state property. For example:
The judge of the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg, Korzh N.Ya., did not see any violations in the takeover of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Public Utilities, where the main creditors were the UGS company, the founders of which were Konstantin Borisov (son of Ensign) and Dmitry Kuzmin (son of Vitaly Kuzmina - right hand of the Ensign)
Judge T. M. Mukha was not alarmed that in the case of the seizure of the FGUIPP "ART OF RUSSIA" the same lawyers Bubis S.S. and Puzina N.Yu., naturally from Bolbina’s team, each represented several different creditors. As a result, the main creditor became Atrium LLC, owned by Vitaly Kuzmin, and everyone was defeated by MEDICAL GROUP LLC, where the head was Ivan Bogdanov, who also managed Talion LLC together with Dmitry Kuzmin.
We can endlessly list the arbitration cases on bankruptcy of certain state facilities and the global blunders in them that justice did not see, but let’s move on to those processes where the participants of the organized crime group stumbled. It would be more correct to say that they did not stumble, but simply did not share.
In 2012, Judge A. V. Nefedova did not notice in the arbitration case No. A56-71687/2012 on the seizure of the Institute of Architectural and Construction Design on the street. Avtovskaya 16, neither the fact that UGS LLC was again the creditor, nor the fact that the winner was SPB-REALTY LLC, registered in the name of Vladimir Borisov, the building was subsequently resold to Praedium LLC, where the founder was first Dmitry Kuzmin’s grandmother, Galina Trumpyanskaya, and later Dmitry himself nobly freed his grandmother from the management burden. Then the building was sold several more times, but this time to the offshore HODINGTON BUSINESS INC. owned by Kuzmin D., and then to a Dubai legal entity.
And in the same 2012, her colleague Novoselova V.L., lost sight of the fact that in case A56-77743/2012 on the seizure of ORMA CJSC, in addition to the omnipresent Bolbina E.V. (then Lakomskaya) there were many more familiar characters: the Lukonenko brothers Roman and Evgeniy (killed) and Anton Medvedev acted as fictitious creditors - according to the legend of the raiders, Balanar LLC, the head of which is currently Lukonenko Roman Igorevich, was presented as a lender of 120 million . rubles from the Panamanian company Calyptra Trade S.A., the guarantor was ZAO ORMA, to which demands for return were later presented.

But here’s an interesting nuance: Jorge Salcedo is also the founder of Calyptra Trade S.A. and in Longifolia CORP, which, as you know, belongs to Vitaly Kuzmin, Vladimir Borisov and Anton Medvedev and is, albeit unsuccessful, a PMC.
Also in this process, LLC “UK Garant TM” appears as a creditor, the origins of which were the aforementioned Anton Medvedev and State Duma Deputy Alexander Teterdinko (United Russia party).
The brothers Lukonenko, Medvedev and Teterdinko were united by a long-standing institute friendship and joint work in the Electoral Committee of St. Petersburg.
In 2012, Alexander Teterdinko was elected deputy chairman of the City Election Commission. At that time, he was the husband of the daughter of Dmitry Krasnyansky - formally the deputy of the State Inspectorate, but in fact his “gray eminence”. Also in 2012, Anton Medvedev became a member of the City Election Commission. He was nominated by the Moscow Region Zvezdnoye. Evgeniy Lukonenko became a member of TEC No. 27 that same year. The Novoizmailovskoye municipality sent him to the commission.
Under the influence of Teterdinko, Medvedev and Lukonenko are such municipal districts of St. Petersburg as Kupchino, Zvezdnoye, Svetlanovskoye, Ivanovsky, Gagarinsky, Novoizmailo vskoe, Dachnoye.
It is to these “friends and classmates” of the Ensign’s organized crime group that Dmitry Kuzmin’s mother, Svetlana Kuzmina (head of the MS Ivanovsky Moscow Region in St. Petersburg) and the son of Vladimir Borisov, Konstantin Borisov, the former head of the Kupchino Moscow Region, who is under criminal investigation for fraud in his political career, owe their success in their political career to this day. 2023.
The building on Avtovskaya and ZAO ORMA became the subject of criminal cases, which were subsequently transferred to the Leninsky and Smolninsky district courts of St. Petersburg. From 2020 until 2023, in these courts there was a real confrontation between justice and criminals, corruption and the principles of judicial honor.
Bolbina E.V. was in the dock of the Smolninsky Court. – guilty verdict dated December 21, 2023 and E.I. Lukonenko – killed in 2013 with A.V. Medvedev – wanted.
The Leninsky District Court considered Kuzmin V.G., Chain S.N. and Bolbina E.V. – conviction dated June 16, 2023
And also, Borisov Vladimir Evgenievich - guilty verdict dated December 28, 2023
And here the fun begins, Borisov V.E. hid from the investigation and was wanted for many years, only in 2021 he was arrested in Bulgaria and extradited to the Russian Federation, according to our data, it was Kuzmins Vitaly and Dmitry who gave the tip to his whereabouts to St. Petersburg law enforcement officers.
The Kuzmins, accustomed to amateur performances in the absence of the Ensign, were most interested in making Borisov V.E. "extreme". They gave appropriate testimony, they wrote Borisov off in conversations with long-time partners, and they appropriated colossal income from the activities entrusted to them by Borisov.
But here's a surprise - Borisov V.E. receives only 3 years and 3 months in a general regime colony and, taking into account that he is credited for time in custody, the punishment is considered served. That is, the honor and conscience of the judge of the Leninsky District Court Anastasia Pavlovna Spiridonova, who literally freed the fugitive, trembled.
Her colleague Eizhvertina Irina Gvidonovna turned out to be more principled and appointed Kuzmina V.G. – 6.5 years in a general regime colony, and 5 years each for Bolbina E.V. and Chain S.N.
In the case of ZAO ORMA, Bolbina E.V. – received only six months for the sentence of the Leninsky court.
The entire company was given a total fine of 285,744,542 rubles 17 kopecks to compensate for the material damage caused, but these are trifles considering the number of assets stolen from the state.
And on the agenda remains an appeal in the City Court of St. Petersburg, as we have already told from several sources - from direct participants in the process and from conversations with Dmitry Kuzmin - it became known that two of the defendants’ lawyers received a bribe in the amount of at least 30,000,000 rubles, which they obliged transfer to judge Evgeny Vladimirovich Shumakov and the chairman of the court Alexey Vadimovich Lakov - for delaying the process and missing the statute of limitations in the case, which will come due in April 2024.
At the moment, it is obvious that the process is being delayed by the lawyers themselves. Hearings are postponed at long intervals due to the “increased busyness” of lawyers and other excuses from the defense. But the question arises: why did Judge E.V. Shumakov so obediently contributes to this?
But still, there is still a possibility that Vladimir Borisov will have to conduct the affairs of the group with the poor Dmitry Kuzmin - the main thing here is not to forget, every time, to check Kuzmin for the presence of sound recording equipment.
To the above, I would like to add that serious problems began for Borisov’s group precisely with the appearance of father and son Kuzmin in it. The greedy, boastful, quarrelsome Kuzmins not only quarreled with most of their accomplices, established themselves as “informers,” but also slipped into banal theft from their own people, speaking in their language - “ratting.”
It will be interesting to see how the only one from the top of the organized crime group who ended up free - Vladimir Borisov - will return valuable assets and income from cutting up government orders, illegal landfills, and other income points of the organized crime group, from the greedy paws of Dmitry Kuzmin, whose reckless behavior and addictions, repeatedly led the group to disastrous and stalemate results.

Joseph Trostinsky
To be continued