Another scandal flares up around the high-profile draft law "On Taxi", adopted by the State Duma in the first reading at the end of the spring session. Initially, the draft law was submitted for public discussion by the Ministry of Transport. Last fall, the bill was criticized by all market participants, including aggregators and the presidential council for codification, more than 150 comments were made to it, which the Ministry of Transport ignored. Details - in the material Rucriminal.info.
In May, the State Duma received a slightly “polished” version, which again caused a flurry of criticism, and from passengers too. The bill is clearly written for aggregators, or rather one, Yandex.Taxi. Yes, and it was submitted to the State Duma after the Presnensky Court, at the request of the prosecutor's office, forbade the aggregator to transfer orders to the self-employed, since an individual cannot obtain a taxi license. However, the aggregator has not been executing the court decision for the second month.
The draft law was also approved at the "zero" readings in the Public Chamber. A member of which Ilya Zotov confuses the concepts of tariff and price and believes that a taxi driver cannot drive a car with a license for personal reasons. With both hands for the bill and in the capital Deptrans, which is closely connected with Yandex.Taxi. Why is it connected: the department and Yandex are neighbors in the Oko tower in Moscow City, and managers literally go to visit each other.
But the Human Rights Council under the President of Russia rejected the bill, drawing attention to the fact that it almost completely removes aggregators from responsibility.

For many years, the main lobbyist for the interests of Yandex.Taxi has been Irina Zaripova, who heads the ANO Public Council for the Development of Taxi. Irina Viktorovna always omits the fact that she is the head of a non-profit organization, because there is no Public Council. But for most journalists, she is an expert in taxis. Her connection with Yandex.Taxi is documented, thanks to the documents found by Rucriminal.info about Zaripova's "verbal advice" to the aggregator. The agreement was signed by Tigran Khudaverdyan, who was then at the helm of Yandex.Taxi. Today, Zaripova calls for the general abandonment of the special coloring of taxis, checkers on the sides and a lantern on the roof. Why? This will make it easier for illegal immigrants to whom Yandex.Taxi distributes orders immediately outside the Moscow region to get lost.

Zaripova annually receives funds from Yandex.Taxi for the annual competition "The Best Taxi Driver of the Year". True, sometimes a million rubles is not enough for Mrs. Zaripova, and she begins to demand money from local authorities as well (every year the competition is held in different regions).

This year, Yandex.Taxi received unexpected support from the head of the Competence Center of the ANO International Eurasian Taxi Forum, Stanislav Shvagerus. The old-timers of Schwagerus are familiar from the last draft law “On Taxi” authored by the notorious Vyacheslav Lysakov. Most likely, Stanislav Evgenievich really wanted to get into the State Duma, at least as an assistant to a deputy. But suddenly Lysakov fell into disfavor, because the plans were not destined to come true. Schwagerus for a long time acted on the side of business, taxi drivers and criticized aggregators with might and main. But suddenly the rhetoric of the social activist changed dramatically. He began to say everywhere that conceptually the bill suits everyone, although this, of course, is not so. Schwagerus closes access to the PAIS Taxi public database, demanding that Andrey Turchak, Secretary of the Supreme Council of United Russia, be explained for his actions. Although the latter hardly even knows about the existence of Schwagerus. The decision of Schwagerus is more than strange: The public automated information system "Taxi" was created with the money of "United Russia" with the participation of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF), and the very word "public" seems to hint ... PAIS, which unites regional registers in real time of issued permits (the same federal base, which Zotov, a member of the public chamber, also does not know about), allows you to check whether a taxi permit has been issued, whether it has been canceled, and to find out the owner of the car, that is, the carrier. Yandex.Taxi, by the way, also wants to hide this information from passengers when ordering a taxi, because in this way the transfer of the order to an illegal immigrant becomes obvious and documented. For example, in Tver, one public figure filed more than 150 applications with the local Rospotrebnadzor for the transfer of orders to illegal carriers. The agency is extremely reluctant, but still sues the aggregator: to date, more than 30 fines of 100,000 rubles each have been imposed on Yandex.Taxi, which the aggregator is unsuccessfully trying to challenge.

But back to Stanislav Schwagerus. From the correspondence between him and the head of the taxi driver trade union Kudinov, which was at the disposal of Rucriminal.info and the TG channel of the Cheka-OGPU, it becomes clear that Schwagerus is in dire need of money. After all, he proposes a redistribution of railway station areas in the Moscow region, promising Kudinov all kinds of support for United Russia. Eating Naturally, instead of local bombs, Yandex.Taxi taxi drivers should stand at the railway platforms, and Schwagerus wants 1000 rubles for such protection. per day from each platform, of which there are about 150 in the region.


Schwagerus's support for the bill "On Taxi" is also not free. He does not hide the fact that he goes to Yandex, but he has "his own game" there. A source from the VChK-OGPU TG channel says that before the adoption of the bill in the first reading, Schwagerus came to Zaripova and openly asked for funding in exchange for lobbying the interests of Yandex.Taxi. And we are talking about only a few tens of thousands of rubles (50,000 - 80,000 rubles) per month.

Real experts say that the bill, despite such a massive lobbying of the interests of such a commercial structure (owned, by the way, by the Dutch offshore) as Yandex.Taxi, has a rather vague future and it is unlikely to be adopted in the next two years, although according to the original plan it is due to enter into force on March 1, 2023. There are too many questions about both the content of the bill and its essence.
To be continued
Denis Zhirnov
Source: www.rucriminal.info