In March 2021, the Sovetsky District Court of Tula announced the verdict against 34-year-old businessman Dmitry Mironov, who was accused of organizing a criminal community, as well as illegal organization and conduct of gambling (Articles 210 and 171.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The criminal case was initiated on the basis of the materials of the regional department of the FSB of Russia for the Tula region. Mironov was found guilty and received 7.5 years in a penal colony.
By today's standards, this is very little, since Mironov was credited with a year and a half of his stay in a pre-trial detention center at the rate of 1 day in a pre-trial detention center for 1.5 days in a colony, which is minus nine months. And from half the term, taking into account the offset, the businessman will be able to apply for parole and be released with a clear conscience. So Mironov told everything he knew or, more precisely, everything that they wanted to hear in the FSB in the Tula region.
The organized criminal community, in addition to Mironov himself, included 6 more people. These are the nominee director and founder of Bilderberg Group LLC Sergey Minaichev, gaming hall administrators Natalia Ishkova, Vitaly Sapronov and Evgenia Paramonova, as well as two active officers of the Tula police.

Hereditary policeman Nikita Lubensky
The operational officer of the Department of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption Nikita Lubensky of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Tula and, by that time, his colleague Martin Beteev, who had managed to transfer to Moscow by that time, were brought to criminal responsibility. Both of them regularly informed Mironov about the upcoming inspections, and also helped him avoid liability for illegal activities.
The first court session in the case of members of the OPS took place almost three months after the verdict was passed on Mironov himself. The process moved very slowly - hearings were postponed more than once, either because of the illness of one of the defendants, or because of the absence of witnesses or the defendant.
And then, one of the defendants, Evgenia Paramonova, who was under house arrest and proper behavior during the court hearings, right before the next meeting, at which they planned to change her preventive measure, left the territory of the Russian Federation and ended up ... on the territory of North America.
It can be seen that someone, well, very much did not want to hear her testimony in court.

According to rumors, one of the high-ranking officers of the Tula law enforcement agencies was not very indifferent to the charms of Paramonova, but it is clear that they did not dig in this direction and lowered everything on the brakes. Although very in vain, it is not a fact that this employee will not become a possible object of recruitment by the special services of one of the countries unfriendly to Russia.
In total, Dmitry Mironov's OPS controlled 17 gaming halls, both in the regional center itself and in the cities of the region - Novomoskovsk, Uzlovaya and Belev.
According to information available to, a number of non-residential premises for OPS gaming clubs were rented from the wife of the ex-head of the administration of Tula, Evgeny Avilov - Elena. Which could not help but know what was really going on in the properties she rented.
A network of illegal gambling clubs operated for five years under the guise of betting shops owned by Bildeberg Group LLC. Income from the illegal gambling business during its operation amounted to 147 million rubles.
In addition to the scheme of operation of the network of illegal gambling clubs, Dmitry Mironov created a coherent system of conspiracy and opposition to law enforcement agencies. In the event of inspections, gambling hall operators were required to inform the inspectors that in these premises an official betting company was broadcasting sports broadcasts on which hall visitors were betting. This usually ends the checks.
As mentioned above, the confidentiality of Mironov's criminal activities was helped by two corrupt officers of the Tula police.
But as it turned out later, not only they ...
So, according to the testimony of an employee of the department "M" of the FSB in the Tula region, in whose production there were materials in relation to Mironov's OPS, there was a regular leak of secret information from the regional FSB to the persons involved in the operational development.
The officer claimed that only he, as an employee leading the material, as well as his immediate superiors - the head and deputy head of department "M" had information about the planned operational-search measures in this case.
No one else from the FSB staff had this information, since the ORM materials are secret and only a strictly limited circle of officials had access to them.
But despite this, in the course of studying the results of the ORM “Interception of telephone conversations” of one of the objects of operational development, it was found that the suspects know the exact date of the planned operational-search activities.
The employee immediately reported this fact to his management. In connection with the information received and the possibility of disruption of the planned OWP, it was decided to postpone them for some time.
Subsequently, in accordance with the development of the operational situation, the leadership of the "M" department decided to carry out operational-search activities on December 12, 2019. Information about this, like last time, was available only to the officer in charge of the operational support of these materials and the above-mentioned officials of the “M” department.
However, despite all the measures taken to ensure secrecy, these search activities did not give serious results. Since, neither in Mironov's office, nor at his place of residence, constituent documents on gambling clubs and other significant information were found. In this connection, the FSB officer, in whose production the materials were, had the general impression that Mironov had been warned in advance about the actions planned against him.
The secret of the leak of classified information was revealed only at the beginning of November 2020, when, after a long stay in SIZO No. 1 in Tula, Dmitry Mironov wrote a confession. In his statement, he detailed how, in November-December 2019, he transferred funds in the amount of 2 million rubles to a former employee of the regional FSB, Sergey Khrupachev, for not bringing him to criminal liability under Art. 171.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
The specified money was intended to be transferred to the current employees of the FSB in the Tula region - the deputy head of the "M" department Roman Morgunov and the head of the department's own security group Alexander Lunev. Moreover, at the time of writing the confession, Lunev had already been transferred under the wing of the former head of the Tula department of the FSB, Alexei Zinoviev, to a new duty station in the FSB in the Sverdlovsk region.
The information contained in Mironov's statement was confirmed by the information at the disposal of the operational department of SIZO No. 1 in Tula, since Mironov regularly shared his problems with his cellmates.
As mentioned above, the employees of the regional FSB already had suspicions about the leakage of classified information from the department to those being developed. Therefore, in relation to Khrupachev, a court order was immediately received to conduct a complex of operational-search measures.
According to their results, on November 18, 2020 in respect of Khrupachev S.A. in Book No. 1 of reporting on crimes of the FSB in the Tula region, a report was registered on the discovery of signs of a crime.
On the same day, by a decision to provide the results of the operational-search activity to the body of inquiry, the investigator or to the court, the Investigation Department of the FSB in the Tula Region were provided with the results of the operational-search activity, including optical discs obtained during the ORM "Observation".
In the process of conducting ORM “Observation”, Khrupachev’s conversation was recorded, during which he said the following: “... Roma Morgunov ... The whole story is his, an idea, an idea. I myself agreed ..... I will never betray a friend in my life ... Better one is free, one is in prison, than two friends go to jail ... ".
Also, during a search at Khrupachev’s place of residence, his Iphone mobile phone was seized, during the inspection of which the Signal messenger installed on it was found.
In one of the chats of the messenger, the following dialogue between Khrupachev and Nikita Lubensky was preserved:
- “Serge, they came to take me along Miron. What should I do?"
- “Miron betrayed us, told them about 2 cartoons”
This was followed by Khrupachev's question: - "Did you come home?"
In response, he received the following message: - "It was necessary to return these grandmas, what are you, you will not solve anything."
In his statement and testimony during the preliminary investigation, Dmitry Mironov recounted this story in detail as follows.
At the end of November 2019, Mironov’s assistant in the gambling business told him that in the near future searches would be carried out at his place of residence and in gambling clubs controlled by him. After which, he and his wife will be detained. The assistant learned about this from a friend, who in turn was told by her friend, who learned about this from an officer of the FSB in the Tula region, with whom she maintained close relations.
As found out, a few days after that, Mironov met with a police officer, one of the participants in his organized criminal group, Nikita Lubensky, in a coffee shop. He told him that a former FSB officer for the Tula region wanted to meet him and offered to organize a meeting at his home.
During this meeting, the policeman introduced Mironov to Sergei Khrupachev.
Khrupachev informed Mironov that after his dismissal in August 2019 from the FSB in the Tula region, he, as a person with relevant personal connections, helps interested parties “resolve issues” with his former colleagues.
In addition, Khrupachev informed Mironov that, in relation to that, employees of the “M” department of the FSB department were carrying out operational-search activities during which, in in the very near future they plan to detain both Mironov himself and his proxies.
In the event of Mironov's interest in the "solution" of this issue, Khrupachev was ready to provide the necessary assistance.
In the course of this conversation, Mironov, having compared the information from Khrupachev with the information previously received from his assistant, realized the seriousness of the situation around him. Therefore, he agreed to Khrupachev's proposal and asked him to learn more about the current state of affairs and the cost of "solving the issue." After that, they exchanged phone numbers and agreed to keep in touch through the Signal messenger.
A few days later, Khrupachev informed Mironov that "solving the issue" would cost him 7 million rubles. Then he explained that this amount is justified by the level of participants, since in addition to Khrupachev, the following are involved in this case: Roman Morgunov, deputy head of department “M” of the FSB for the Tula region, Alexander Lunev, head of the internal security group (GSB) of the department, and also a certain employee of the Investigative Committee .
It is worth noting that Khrupachev was on friendly terms with Morgunov and Lunev for a long time, and jointly served in the "economic" unit of the regional department of the FSB.
All this Mironov could easily check through his connections in law enforcement agencies.
Also, in certain circles, it was known that all three were connected by a number of common criminal "themes", from "covering" theft from the regional and municipal budgets to control, together with colleagues from the SBU, passing through the Tula region from Ukraine, various smuggling channels and illegal migration.
All this became possible thanks to the patronage of the head of the personnel department of the FSB in the Tula region, Vladimir Gushchin, whose closest associate of this trinity was Roman Morgunov, which already wrote about earlier.
Morgunov for a long time, at the time when Gushchin served as head of the Internal Security Group of the UFSB, was Gushchin's informant about the internal situation in the department. Then Gushchin, through his patron, at that time the deputy head of the UFSB Yevgeny Biryukov, was able to transfer Morgunov for further service in the State Security Service. And after his transfer to a promotion in the personnel department, he lobbied for the appointment of Morgunov as head of the Internal Security Group of the department.
During the negotiations, Mironov managed to reduce the amount of the "deal" to 4 million rubles. And also split this amount into two tranches of 2 million rubles each: one immediately, and the second after the “issue is resolved”.
During subsequent meetings, at which the terms of the deal were discussed, Khrupachev told Mironov that Lunev, head of the State Security Service of the Federal Security Service for the Tula region, had previously, as part of his previous official duties, himself been involved in Mironov's illegal gaming business.
Also, at these meetings, Khrupachev informed Mironov about plans to conduct operational-search measures against him, possible dates for searches and detentions.
As a result, they agreed to transfer on December 4, 2019 to Khrupachev an amount of 2 million rubles. This money was received by Khrupachev through a hiding place between the pillow and the armrest of the sofa in the living room of Nikita Lubensky's house.
At a subsequent meeting, Khrupachev confirmed that he had taken the money from the hiding place and handed over part of it to "who needs it." Khrupachev also told Mironov that the searches were tentatively scheduled for December 12, 2019, and promised to inform Mironov in advance of the exact date.
On December 11, 2019, Khrupachev additionally notified Mironov that the next day, December 12, 2019, at 13:00, law enforcement officers would come to him with a search. In this regard, he reminded Mironov that he must be at the place of his registration, having previously destroyed all the documents compromising him.
On December 12, 2019, at the time indicated earlier by Khrupachev, employees of the FSB and SU SK in the Tula region arrived at Mironov’s house with a search.
One of the employees who took part in this search was Roman Morgunov, deputy head of department "M".
After Mironov got acquainted with the decision to conduct investigative measures, all the participants in the ORM went to the back room of the apartment from which the search began. Morgunov lingered in the hallway, and attracted Mironov's attention with a light pat on the shoulder. Then Morgunov showed him a smartphone, on the screen of which was the inscription: "Don't worry, everything is fine." After that, Mironov realized that in front of him was one of those people about whom Khrupachev had previously told him.
Some time later, Morgunov asked Mironov for a glass of water, and they went out to the balcony where the water was stored. On the balcony, Morgunov tried to calm him down: "Don't worry, blame everything on your director." Mironov answered him that he understood everything.
After the end of the investigative actions at Mironov's house, everyone went to another search in the town of Shchekino, Tula Region.
Gathering, Mironov imperceptibly from the employees of FSB put his cell phone in his pocket. And on the way to the city of Shchekino, he sent an SMS to his employees about the upcoming search.
After sending the SMS, Mironov understood from Morgunov's telephone conversation that his message had been intercepted. Upon arrival in the city of Shchekino, Mironov asked Morgunov if they were reporting to him about messages coming from his phone. To which Morgunov replied that all Mironov's phones were under the technical control of the FSB.
After the end of the investigative actions in Shchekino, Mironov was brought to the building of the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia. Where, after interrogation by the investigator, Roman Morgunov once again approached Mironov. Morgunov said that since it was not possible to detain the nominee director of the Bilderberg Group LLC, Sergei Minaychev, Mironov would be detained and sent to the temporary detention center of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Tula region. Then, after a court decision on his measure of restraint, Mironov will be transferred to SIZO No. 1 of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Tula Region, where he will be kept until the nominee director is found and detained.
Morgunov once again reassured Mironov, saying that he should not worry, since everything would be done, as he had previously discussed with Sergei Khrupachev.
After a long time spent in a pre-trial detention center, Mironov tried through his sister and a friend of the police officer Martin Beteev to contact Khrupachev to find out if the issue of his release from criminal liability, for which he had previously transferred money, would be resolved. If the issue is not resolved, Mironov asked Khrupachev to return the money back. But Beteev did not even bother Khrupachev about this.
After Mironov finally realized that Khrupachev had deceived him and was not going to return the money in the amount of 2 million rubles, he decided to state the essence of the matter in his confession.
The preliminary investigation and the trial of Khrupachev did not go smoothly. But nevertheless, on December 1, 2021, a sentence was passed against Khrupachev Sergey Alexandrovich under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and sentenced to imprisonment for a period of 5 years. At the request of the prosecutor's office in February 2022, the court of appeal increased it to 8 years in prison.
As follows from the verdict and appellate definition, Khrupachev C.A. and unidentified persons, in respect of whom the materials of the criminal case were separated into a separate proceeding, entered into a preliminary criminal conspiracy with the aim of embezzling Mironov's funds on an especially large scale by deception.
With regard to unidentified persons, from among the active employees of the FSB in the Tula region, who provided Khrupachev with information about the involvement of Dmitry Mironov in illegal gambling activities in the Tula region and in connection with this, the employees of the FSB in the Tula region carried out operational-search activities, the materials of the criminal case were allocated into a separate production.
However, the search for "unidentified persons from among the active employees of the FSB in the Tula region" remained unsuccessful.
Well, unless Khrupachev, while in a penal colony, changes his mind, and just like Mironov, he does not write a confession.
To be continued
Timofey Grishin