The heyday of banditry in St. Petersburg came in the 90s, and gradually the inhabitants began to wean themselves from frequent and high-profile incidents. It cannot be said that banditry has been defeated, it has become more sophisticated and less bloody. Even then, 25 years ago, law enforcement officers acquired connections in the criminal world, and some borrowed methods. The line separating one from the other has almost disappeared. Some of them retired, were fired, but continued to engage in racketeering, extortion and blackmail. So, Rucriminal.info offers to talk about one well-known person in St. Petersburg, the director of the Central Park of Culture and Leisure named after S.M. Kirov, Pavel Andreevich Seleznev, and watch a short video about him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXzoMAfInjg
Traps and "sucks all the juices"
In numerous biographies devoted to the life path of Pavel Andreevich Seleznev, very little is given to his service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Namely, this period formed his gangster inclinations and predetermined the future. Being an operative officer of the notorious regional department for combating organized crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Seleznev managed to acquire the necessary connections.
Moreover, even from such a structure, which showed its low efficiency and disgraced due to the transformation of employees into bandits, Pavel Andreevich was expelled in 1997. He became too close with those whose activities on duty he had to stop. Instead, Pavel Andreevich became a lobbyist for the underworld. To stop a criminal case, to reduce the term, to “lose” or fabricate the evidence base, to initiate proceedings against objectionable people - all this was within his power.
After leaving, Seleznev did not forget the names, contacts of criminals and "werewolves in uniform." They were of use to him.
A former corrupt employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2001 becomes the director of a park on Elagin Island, popular among citizens and guests of St. Petersburg. Of course, not just like that. He promised to become a "strong business executive" and "redistribute flows", as well as use the park to develop budgets for public procurement. We will return to this a little later. In the meantime, we are interested in Seleznev Pavel Andreevich as an almighty "decisor".
Businesses have problems. They are associated with checks, violations, pressure, the desire to get a "delicious place" where it is impossible. It also happens that a criminal case is opened. These are the realities and someone must implement the "Wishlist". Such a person necessarily has connections where decisions are made. This is exactly how Seleznev positions himself.
Why position? Previously, he could solve a lot of issues, and then he realized that it was easier and more profitable to just promise. After all, the money is the same, but how to make sure that people continue to pay for solving problems that are not being solved? How to make it not one-time, but permanent? Very simple, promise, take the money and start threatening. Become a new problem for the one who applied. And Seleznev became.
Under the pretext of solving any problems, Seleznev Pavel Andreevich learns details about the business, about the difficulties, the real situation, collects information and compromising evidence on the one who applied, his relatives and friends. In general, it analyzes data. Professional skill. Further, knowing the vulnerability of the business, he strikes.
"Petersburg Club of Fishing Fans"
When a business needs to solve a problem or create one for competitors, it willy-nilly goes to the right people. St. Petersburg is not a small city, but certain people are responsible for specific areas, and they are well known in narrow circles.
Seleznev Pavel Andreevich became the patron of those who wish to obtain a building plot or a building permit, rent a warehouse, industrial premises or office, change the purpose of the building, solve problems with fire safety, win a tender for public procurement in the field of transport, complete a criminal case, return money from the debtor, etc. The list of issues that Pavel Andreevich can solve is impressive.
He claims that he has people in the courts, the Investigative Committee, the antimonopoly service, the FSB, the Ministry of Justice, the prosecutor's office and, of course, the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Need to open a restaurant in a conservation area where building is prohibited? Seleznev will decide. More precisely once decided. Until he began to actively use the names of serious people in his "muddy" schemes. Now they keep a distance from him and help in exceptional cases. He maintains a good connection only with the "werewolves in uniform" from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
If we are used to American films that various issues are discussed on the golf course, then the specifics of Pavel Andreevich's work are different - he uses fishing. Is there anything criminal and suspicious in the "circle of interests"? You can meet in a quiet place, discuss the bait, and along with other important issues.
So, Seleznev finds out what needs help and names the price for the service. He is an experienced and respectable person, so he does not agree to work without an advance payment. Amounts to resolve issues start tons from 10,000 dollars and reach hundreds of thousands. Seleznev promises to talk to the right people and guarantees the result. Of course, he does not agree to take open cash. Based on the experience of operational work, he understands that a “set-up” can happen and it will take a long time to explain where and who he knows, and why he is ready to step over the law. Money is carefully disguised.
For these purposes, Pavel Andreevich uses companies, namely: KSK LLC, Triumph LLC, Floors of Rosta LLC, Perspektiva LLC (owned by Selezneva Galina Albertovna). These companies are developers, and also sell and rent real estate. There are also a number of others, which we will discuss later.
Seleznev's "rollback formula"
Time passes, but nothing is decided. It is natural that any businessman will ask: “when?”. And then Pavel Andreevich begins to promise that everything will be resolved soon, but more money is needed. The boss has changed, another link in the chain has appeared, there are many reasons why you need to pay extra. He tries to get the maximum, and then, when the person realizes that he was "thrown", threats are used.
Seleznev tells what cases and under what articles he can initiate through his people, promises to aggravate the situation. To prevent this from happening, it requires 10 - 15% of net profit monthly. This is done through his company. For example, a businessman rents an office at the right price with the signing of a contract for a certain period. The terms of the contract are such that "jumping off" will not work.
He takes money for the decision in the same way - the businessman buys real estate, which Pavel Andreevich points out at an inflated price. The formula is simple - the real market price, the markup for "solving" the problem, and the amount that covers taxes. As a result, Seleznev receives "clean" money and disguises everything as a regular real estate deal.
"Pay or there will be problems"
When the flow of "clients" for problem solving becomes smaller, Pavel Andreevich chooses victims. He indicates to former colleagues from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who do not disdain this way of earning, against whom to initiate a criminal case. As a result, only this reason is already enough to arrange a search, seize equipment, documentation and paralyze the normal operation of any company. Pre-trial proceedings take a lot of effort and time, even when it is obvious that the criminal case is clearly fabricated and far-fetched.
“Werewolves in uniform”, at the behest of Seleznev, are putting pressure on business so that in reality they don’t have to bring the case to the prosecutor’s office and the court, but at the same time they are trying to cause serious damage. During searches, they defiantly turn everything upside down, open the upholstery of furniture and break walls. The task is to show that it will not work quietly, and losses will only grow.
The victim, on the other hand, receives a hint with whom exactly the issue can be resolved, and the number of members of the “Petersburg Club of Fishing Fans” becomes even larger. There, Pavel Andreevich, according to the standard scheme, shows a real estate catalog with the right prices and promises that everything will stop after the investment. At the same time, he cynically offers to help with other issues.
To turn such schemes on its own, the director of the Central Park of Culture and Leisure named after S.M. Kirov" is not able to. For this reason, in the following parts of the investigation, we will definitely name those who contribute to Pavel Andreevich Seleznev in putting pressure on business. In the meantime, we suggest watching a video about the hero of this publication https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXzoMAfInjg
To be continued
Timofey Zabiyakin
#Pavel Seleznev
Source: www.rucriminal.info