Last week, the Telegram channels got around the news of an attack in Tver on a certain Dmitry Bykov, who was tried to force to incriminate the large Tver businessmen he knew - Oleg Streletsky, Vitaly Urbanovich, Ruslan Nikitin and Alexander Kolikov, who were detained on suspicion of murder 13 years ago.
Even the attackers on Bykov were named - Astamirov Rasul Vaidovich, Magomadov Imran Ilyasovich and Talarov Kovla Said-Magomedovich.
And the organizer of the attack was a certain Khasan Taramov.
However, sources familiar with the situation told a different version of events. According to her, Dmitry Bykov himself is closely connected with the criminal world, on his account there are several arson attacks and assistance in organizing an attempted murder.
Throwing a sheep's skin on himself, Dmitry Bykov (also known as Dmitry Gavrilov) turned to law enforcement agencies with a statement against a number of people who allegedly tried to get false confessions from the "victim" and demanded to incriminate themselves and people he knew in far-fetched crimes. "
According to the source, Dmitry was part of the group, which was organized by Oleg Streletsky, who is currently in jail.

The conflict originates in February 2020, when Daniil Karpeshin was beaten by representatives of the Streletskikhs in the City restaurant. The "Streletskys" could not have any motive - it was just a drunken squabble. Other representatives of the organized crime group began to drive up to the place of the conflict, as they were well aware that his friends would also arrive in support of Daniel, Imran Ilyasovich Magomadov, among them. Later on Magomadov I.I. an attempted murder by the "Streletskys" will be organized, his car will be burned, and the house in which he lives will be set on fire.
On June 27, 2020, at night at Krasnoflotskaya, 1, at 2 a.m., an attempt was made on Magomadov's life. The video clearly shows how 5 armed men are pursuing Imran Magomadov with the intent of murder, as they shouted among themselves - “bring him down”. Magomadov was shot in the shoulder.
They didn't stop there. This was followed by a series of arsons of cars, the owners of which are directly related to both Daniil Karpeshin and Imran Magomadov, and since arson is a "trade" of the Streletskys, about which the whole city knows firsthand - there is no doubt that this is their work, was not, the more this was confirmed by people close to this criminal group.
All of the above arson attacks were carried out solely with a provocative purpose - to provoke a response and provoke the detention, and then the arrest of those close to Daniel.

But the Streletskys decided not to stop at the arson of cars and went to the house where Imran Magomadov lives, at 30 Mednikovskaya. The house belongs to Taramov Khasan Makalovich, and at the time of the arson there were 12 people, including the brother of the owner of the house, his nephews Talarov Kovla and Taramov Aslan, all the rest were women and children. The video shows the silhouette of the "victim" Dmitry Bykov, who goes to the gate of the house with the aim of setting fire to it. Fortunately, the fire was prevented.
It is important to note that all the arson attacks were recorded on CCTV cameras. Law enforcement officials were also aware, criminal cases were initiated, but all this remained unpunished, since it was covered by Oleg Streletsky's uncle, Yuri Streletsky, the former chief federal inspector for the Tver region of the office of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation, who used his connections to organize the activities of his nephew.
According to a source, this conflict began to acquire an interesting turn after the arrest of the head of the group, Oleg Streletsky. The meeting, which the “victim” Dmitry Bykov in his testimony qualified as his own abduction, was initiated by him.
Thus, a conversation took place between Imran Magomadov, Kovla Talarov and Dmitry Bykov, during which Dmitry admitted his involvement in the arson, spoke in detail about the attempts and about those who helped with their organizations - some "Shah" and "Mityai", and also confirmed that all these are orders from Oleg Streletsky and his partner Sergei Khvostov (aka Serdar). Serdar, being a significant figure in the Streletskikh group, takes part in all criminal cases of the group, and also became the instigator of the shooting in the Aura nightclub in July 2016, after which he was forced to change his name.
Obviously, when working with such people, Dmitry fears for his life and the life of his family, and realizes that he can pay for the truth told.

To be continued
Arseny Dronov