The Telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info continues to tell sad details about the activities of the Ne Budi gang (Lyubertsy authority Mikhail Mikhailov) and his associates. However, it is becoming more and more obvious that not only the crimes committed by gang members are sad, but also the methods of work of law enforcement agencies that are investigating the affairs of the gang.
Earlier, we talked a lot about the super-witness Mikhail Sadovsky (nicknamed Sedoy), whose obvious involvement in the commission of especially grave crimes, “accidentally” has not been noticed for many, many years.

Now it becomes obvious that Sadovsky received a ticket with a LIFETIME security guarantee. Integrated security with this warranty card is provided by the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Moscow Region.
In earlier posts, we told in detail that the “exploits” of the Ne Budi gang are contained in the materials of several separate criminal cases. Some have already been sentenced, while others are under investigation.
The long break after the last publication is primarily due to the expectation of an objective, INDEPENDENT, comprehensive investigation of ALL crimes committed by ALL members of the Ne Budi gang. However, expectations far exceeded the sad reality.
In 2022, the preliminary investigation on UD No. 9941 initiated on February 10, 2007 was resumed. on the fact of the murder of Senichkin V.V. True, it was resumed not because of the competent and professional work of the competent authorities, but because of the writing of a confession by Ne Budi himself. That is, Ne Budi did all the work of the operational services himself. UD No. 9941 after the resumption was in the production of the GSU SK in the Moscow Region. The "investigation" on him was carried out subtly and selectively. Sadovsky, respectively, is a witness, this is a matter of course. Despite the presence of direct witnesses and evidence indicating his direct participation in the murder of Senichkin V.V., committed for hire. Sadovsky is so valued, cherished and respected by the operatives that they themselves paid for his travel to Moscow from the Chelyabinsk region, accommodation and meals in Moscow. What Sadovsky later proudly boasted about with criminal acquaintances (an audio recording of the story is at the disposal of the Cheka-OGPU).
The “investigation” under UD No. 9941 was planned to be completed at the end of 2022. However, after a series of scandalous publications by the Cheka-OGPU, by a decree of the First Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Colonel General of Justice Kaburneev E.V. dated December 28, 2022, UD No. 9941 was transferred for further investigation to the Central Office of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (hereinafter GSU IC). In the Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee, the case is being processed by investigator Dmitry Viktorovich Linkov. Despite the solidity of the unit, bias towards the right people and circumstances has been preserved.
Also, UD No. 42202007703001731 is in the production of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia. Within the framework of this UD with the accused Gumnikov A.S. and Mikhailov M.V. various investigative and procedural actions are being carried out. In the course of these actions Gumnikov A.S., Mikhailov M.V. and a number of other persons informed the investigation about the murder of a native of the Chechen Republic committed by Mikhail Sadovsky in 1995 on the territory of the city of Lyubertsy. The members of the investigative-operational group (hereinafter SOG) are aware of the direct involvement of Mikhail Sadovsky in the murder of a Chechen. So in the course of one of the intimate conversations, Deputy. Pavel Nikolaevich Kulakov, head of the department for solving contract killings of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region, complained about the lack of need to bring Mikhail Sadovsky to criminal liability for the murder of a Chechen. They say the affairs of the past years, Sadovsky Mikhail has a little daughter, if he (Sadovsky M.) is arrested, then the daughter will end up in an orphanage. And in another conversation Kulakov P.N. said that “negotiations” are now underway with the judge (without specifying which court) whether the court will arrest Mikhail Sadovsky for the murder of a Chechen. Well, what can I say ... The true goal of Kulakov P.N. in these "friendly" conversations, it was an operative way (tactical methods, psychological tricks) to find out as much information as possible, incl. what else could "witness" Mikhail Sadovsky be involved in. Well, of course, not to carry out an ORM complex aimed at collecting evidence of the guilt of the "witness" Mikhail Sadovsky, but in order to take comprehensive measures to prevent any possible legal problems with the "witness" Mikhail Sadovsky. That is, in reality, Kulakov P.N. and other members of the SOG are doing everything possible so that the "witness" Mikhail Sadovsky remains a witness forever. We have to give credit to the guys, while they are doing great. In addition, as part of the investigation of the UD on the crimes of the Ne Budi gang, members of the SOG (including investigators for the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia and the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region) became aware of the involvement of Mikhail Sadovsky in a series of robbery attacks committed in the past years. But, as you probably guessed, Misha Sadovsky is again “out of business.” Oh"! This is in view of the fact that we are talking about at least two robbery attacks.
And the participants of the SOG know that Gumnikov A.S. and Mikhailov M.V. convicted of a crime they did not commit. Earlier, in one of the posts, we talked in detail about the killers of the gang of Dmitry Makarenko (convicted by the verdict of the Moscow City Court) and the crimes they committed. So, one of the murders committed by members of this gang is the murder of Dmitry Vakulin. Only Gumnikov A.S. was convicted for this. and Mikhailov M.V. In "heartfelt" conversations with Gumnikov A.S. investigator Ablaev S.B. and operative Kulakov P.N. express "firm" intentions to restore social justice and understand the monstrous mistake. But this is only in conversations! So that and to whom they would not tell Ablaev S.B., Kulakov P.N. their colleagues and management, in fact, the story of the condemnation of Gumnikov A.S. for someone else's murder, they are trying to hush it up as carefully as possible! Naturally, without changing anything! Solidarity! Professional! By the way, Ablaev S.B. and Kulakov P.N. personally saw the testimony of G.S. Shevchenko (a killer from the Makarenko gang), in which the latter tells in detail the details of the murder of Dmitry Vakulin committed by him and his accomplices.
In addition, as part of the investigation of the UD on the crimes of the Ne Budi gang, members of the SOG (including investigators for the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region) became aware of the involvement of Mikhail Sadovsky in a series of robbery attacks committed in the past years. But, as you probably guessed, Misha Sadovsky is again "out of business"! This is in view of the fact that we are talking about at least two robbery attacks.
Earlier, we talked in detail about another active member of the gang - Andrei Drozdov, nicknamed Drozd. The latter was on the federal wanted list for a long time, was detained and taken into custody on 04/26/2022. Where they turn - there it went. Initially, Drozdov denied everything. Subsequently, he fully admitted his guilt and gave detailed, but extremely selective testimony. He talks in great detail about some episodes, but "neatly" leads others into the shadows. Why is he (they) doing this? By the way, Andrei Drozdov not only confirmed the murder of a Chechen committed by Mikhail Sadovsky, but also told a number of important details necessary for proof.
It is worth paying attention to the fact that Gumnikov A.S. wishes to tell the preliminary investigation authorities in detail about additional, previously unknown episodes of criminal activity. However, to date, Gumnikov A.S. did not take a confession.
At present, there is all the data confirming that a certain circle of people deliberately misleads the first persons of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

To be continued
Arseny Dronov
Source: www.rucriminal.info