The telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info continue to acquaint readers with the "King of Kuban", the owner of Novorosmetall and the largest debtor of Rosselkhozbank Shalva Gibradze, who got the berths of the Ministry of Defense for his use at a price of ... 15 thousand rubles a year.
The life story of Gia (nickname Shalva Gibradze) is curious. Now the oligarch, businessman and philanthropist began his bright career in metallurgy and his other current businesses from the Novorossiysk pre-trial detention center. In 1995, he landed a seaside zindan on the occasion of the theft of metal from the territory of the Novorossiysk port.
In a prison cell, Gia met a certain businessman who specialized in the procurement and export of scrap metal and was then suspected of a serious crime. The merchant needed the support of "authorities" to solve the "issue". And Gibradze brought him to his friend Badri Adanay - thief in law Tamaz Novorossiysky.
According to media reports, Badri Adanaya was born in 1960, was twice convicted and “crowned” back in the USSR (it happened in Poti at a thieves’ meeting convened by the old thief in law Vakho Pontisky), but in the post-Soviet period he managed to avoid criminal liability. Since 1986, under his informal control is the "pearl of the Kuban - the hero city of Novorossiysk", where one of the largest trading ports in southern Russia is located. Badri received the post of supervisor by the decision of Ded Khasan (Usoyan).
In February 2019, the news about the detention of a criminal authority at the National Airport of Minsk became the property of the media. From the report of the Belarusian Ministry of Internal Affairs, it followed that Adanaya, who has Russian citizenship, was wanted through Interpol by French law enforcement agencies. In addition, in France, he has already been convicted in absentia and sentenced to 10 years in prison.
As it turned out, the activities of Tamaz Novorossiysky were of an international nature. It turns out that he not only coordinated the activities of criminal communities in the west of France and was the holder of the thieves' common fund, but also controlled the appointment of officials associated with crime.
It is clear that Badri Adania could "solve issues" in Novorossiysk. Thanks to his assistance, the businessman, who turned out to be Gibradze's neighbor in the pre-trial detention center in 1995, escaped imprisonment. And as a “thank you” to Tamaz Novorossiysky, businessman Gibradze already in 1996 got control over Novorosmetall. According to a number of sources, part of the company's income began to go to the thieves' common fund.
So the former metalworker turned into a solid businessman in a year. Over time, Gibradze increased his assets, acquired the necessary connections among the political elite of the region, as well as in law enforcement agencies. In February 2020, he becomes the owner of the Rostov Electrometallurgical Plant (the latest acquisition). Under Gibradze - Novorossiysk Rolling Plant (the company was registered in 2017). He owns Transselkhoztechnika, Novostal, Gefest, Novorossiysk Oxygen Plant. In the city of Gia, he is also known as the developer of the elite residential complex "Gold Coast". All enterprises are owned by him in whole or in part, directly or through "gaskets".
Gibradze Shalva Yuzaevich - details
TIN 231515069433
Gibradze Shalva Yuzaevich owns the following companies:
Owns 100%
TIN 7727047526
117556, Moscow, Varshavskoe highway, 85 BUILDING 1, APARTMENT 119
Wholesale non-specialized trade (46.90)
Owns 100%
100% - owns through NOVOSTAL LLC
TIN 2315057727
353909, Krasnodar region, city of Novorossiysk, Zh/d Loop Park A street, house 2 km
Manufacture of steel in ingots (24.10.2)
Owns 100%
100% - owns through LLC "NOVOROSMETALL" through LLC "NOVOSTAL"
TIN 2315112840
353909, Krasnodar region, city of Novorossiysk, Railway Loop Park A, 2nd km.
Manufacture of industrial gases (20.11)
Owns 70%
50% - owns through LLC "NOVOROSMETALL" through LLC "NOVOSTAL"
20% - owns directly
TIN 2315014226
353909, Krasnodar region, city of Novorossiysk, street 2-Ya Railway Loop, building 2-a
Renting and management of own or leased non-residential immovable property (68.20.2)
Owns 100%
TIN 2336021552
353800, Krasnodar region, Poltavskaya village, Krasnoarmeisky district, L. Tolstoy street, 2
Road freight transport activities and transportation services (49.4)
Owns 50%
TIN 2315989656
353925, Krasnodar region, city of Novorossiysk, Dzerzhinsky avenue, 244 BUILDING 11, APARTMENT 1
Management of real estate on a fee or contract basis (68.32)
Owns 100%
TIN 2315995868
353907, Krasnodar region, Novorossiysk, Promyshlennaya street, 13, OFFICE 12
Production of high-quality hot-rolled steel and wire (24.10.6)
According to Rucriminal.info, among the iconic shadow partners of Gibradze is Ivan Demchenko, a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Which, although formally crossed itself out of the list of owners of the Abinsk Electrometallurgical Plant, but in fact remains so. It is Demchenko who conducts tours of the enterprise for the current governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Veniamin Kondratyev. And he discusses with him ways of developing regional industry and support measures. And his seemingly non-existent office at the plant is equipped with secretaries, a refreshment set for guests, and a rather big room for negotiations. Rumor has it that Demchenko and Gibradze are also connected by Gia's 40 percent share in AEMZ.
One of Gibradze's business partners for a long time was the current State Duma deputy Ivan Demchenko, who was actively engaged in business in the Kuban before his election to parliament in 2007. In 1996, he headed the Novorosmetall company, which today is owned by Gibradze through Novostal LLC, which he owns. Until June 2017, Ivan Demchenko himself was one of the founders of Novostal. Another joint business project of Shalva Gibradze and Ivan Demchenko is Gefest LLC (the deputy’s share is in trust management.
The partners also owned LLC Novostal-M, but in 2017 Gibradze officially left this joint business. By the way, a subsidiary of Novostal-M is the Abinsk Electrometallurgical Plant, whose management in May last year bought the Balakovo long products plant from Severstal, owned by Alexei Mordashov.
In June 2018, another joint venture between Demchenko and Gibradze, Standard LLC, was liquidated.
According to sources of the VChK-OGPU telegram channel, Gibradze is a sponsor of the Georgian Army Development Fund (established by the Georgian Dream party). Fund donations are used to buy equipment for the Georgian army. Gibradze is also one of the largest donors to the Bidzina Ivanishvili Charitable Foundation. In 2021, Gibradze donated $5 million to the foundation of one of the most unfriendly politicians towards Russia.
With such knowledge of the law enforcement officers of Gibradze's "schemes", what is the reason for his untouchability - this is a curious question. First of all, of course, these are connections, and not only at the level of the authorities of the city and the region. There are people with good shoulder straps in law enforcement agencies. Well, and then, such obviously "unpatriotic" episodes are overlapped by patriotic participation in various regional programs, participation in large federal projects. Well, how would the same Crimean bridge be built without metal?
That is, without his "services" in any way. And in the modern Kuban, the rule expressed by Maxim Gorky in Yegor Bulychev is really stable: “Well, yes, if you stole and gave money to the church, then you are not a thief, but a righteous man.”
This is a proletarian writer, as he said about the current owners of Port Victoria. Businessmen contributed to the construction in Novorossiysk of the church of the faithful Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill arrived at the consecration of the church on June 25 of this year ... But who, tell me, did not warn Patriarch Kirill from rewarding Gibradze and Kobets?
Well, yes, Gia is not a thief, he is a businessman. Which is interested in the development of the country's economy and the creation of new jobs. And the project of Port Victoria LLC is just for this.
Although there is another view on the proposed new business of Gibradze. The fact that under the current sanctions conditions, metal export trade has decreased significantly, don’t go to the grandmother here. Some Novorossiysk experts in the peculiarities of the port business suggest that the new terminal will become the main link in the smuggling of metal supplies abroad. From Novorossiysk, the metal will go to Georgia, where it will become “Georgian metal” (here, considering Gia’s Georgian developments, no problem), which is no longer subject to any export restrictions imposed by the West on Russian metallurgy products.
With regard to possible export through the planned grain terminal, the question is also: which of the traders who have already established export logistics will agree to jump under the wing of Gibradze, to his terminal, which is in no way adapted for accurate work (due to limited space)? In addition, there is a risk that foreign grain buyers will also miscalculate Gibradze's criminal connections. And they prefer not to do business with such partners in other countries.
Although there are no solutions to all these inevitably arising issues, at gatherings residents sometimes learn from the invited “amusing” management (not owners, but hired employees) of Port Victoria curious details on the rapid progress of the project. Despite the fact that today the case on the possible return of the territory to municipal ownership (which is demanded by the residents) is still being considered in the courts, it turns out that all the work on the study of the seabed provided for by the construction regulations ... has already been carried out (although the fact that LLC owns the site there is no sea and no speech, they have “only” 87 acres of coast). And now, as the young, but already General Director of Port Victoria LLC Ruslan Lisovoy said, specialists are conducting research on the coastal part.
At the same time, the fact of the complete absence of any pomp with which the authorities of the Kuban traditionally accompany such projects also looks strange: usually they talk a lot about the benefits for the city. for the region, for the country as a whole. Some mythical hundreds of new jobs and additional billions in tax investments in the budget are called. Even outlines of such projects are exposed by the region at numerous economic forums. If something serious is being started, one can unmistakably determine the prospects by the beginning fuss of the Mushin Kuban journalism. The Kuban writing and filming brethren stick around the authors of the idea like honey flies. In the hope of slightly improving my financial situation with paid enthusiastic articles. But in the case of the "Port Victoria" a complete PR-ignorance of all this future port power ... If not in the Kuban.
Numerous letters sent by residents to the governor of Kuban remain unanswered. Kondratiev, who usually portrays great concern about the massively signed petitions addressed to him, and at least sends formal commissions to the protest territories. There is zero sense from these commissions - except that the local media litter articles about their "efficiency", but still, at least bureaucratic fuss is visible here. In the case of "Port Victoria" - zero ... silence ... vacuum. Even during the visits of the governor to Novorossiysk in the Eastern district of the city, he does not enter the protest territories.
Appeals to the recently elected mayor of Novorossiysk Kravchenko are useless. He is just a "dummy", temporarily appointed to adopt the master plan and carry out a number of other instructions from the regional authorities. Kravchenko is engaged exclusively in cutting ribbons, congratulating veterans and smiling kindly. Because it is the smile that he owes his mayorship to. He is “a good boy, he has a kind smile,” Kondratiev said when he was shown a photo of the applicant and Kravchenko was appointed to the post. There is no doubt that it will eventually be demolished long before the end of the terms of office.
If the regional and city authorities are preparing for anything now, it is to increase pressure on the residents of the Eastern District of Novorossiysk. Recently, people here are also afraid of the rapid decline in the cadastral value of the land under their houses. She fell 3-4 times. And there is no doubt that the authorities will have enough authority in the event of a “state need” to pay these pennies to people and throw them out of their homes. None of the regional leadership burst into tears, tearing down hundreds of high-rise buildings, recognized as self-construction, where tens of thousands of families bought apartments.
The start of informational stuffing that the city of Novorossiysk is in poverty, the budget cannot cope with the tasks at hand, so it is necessary to launch powerful investors ... It turns out that the main port of the country is a rogue city, is also alarming? This is how then it was necessary for the regional leadership to "reign" in order to bring it to this? But more than that, it seems that this is nothing more than an excuse for the planned port chaos.
It seems that the regional division of United Russia will also make its contribution. At the primaries held in May, Kovalyuk, the current deputy of the ZSK, was thrown out of the list of candidates for deputy in the Kuban ZSK, who just defended the interests of the people. His successor in Novorossiysk will be the President of the Union of Road Workers of the Kuban, Alexander Karpenko, who has already said that, they say, of course, a transport collapse during the construction of a new terminal is possible, but if the owners start construction, then the issue will need to be resolved with the help of ... the governor of the Krasnodar Territory Veniamin Kondratiev ... Then is, in other words, not to decide.
It is worth saying a little about the history of this land plot, which is very strange from the point of view of Russian legislation, with cadastral number 23:47:0209046:5, with an area of 8.78 thousand square meters. m, which is located in the area of st. Volochaevskaya in Novorossiysk. She is very attractive. Back in 2008, the site was leased for 10 years by StroyTrust LLC, whose team consisted of 1 ... person, with a salary for 2020 (latest data) of 0 rubles. It should be noted that the residents of the Eastern District of the city initially did not cause much concern about the lease. Firstly, because the majority of ordinary residents simply did not know about this agreement and could not know, because. This deal was not advertised anywhere. The people were indignant a few years later, when a fence with a gate suddenly appeared around the accessible coast, and a lock on the gate. People quickly convened a meeting, the then head of the administration of the Eastern District was invited, and access to the sea was opened ...
It was then simply impossible to predict the “port consequences” of this seemingly insignificant step (there was no mention of them in the original documents). Although the very transfer of land for rent by municipalities did not fit in with Russian legislation in any way ...
The eastern region cannot be attributed to the elite. live here poor people - hard workers, whose parents received 6 acres here for the construction of, as they would say now, budget housing. Then the beach was a significant piece of the coast of the Eastern region. Already in this century, marine terminals have increased. The owner of the Delo group of companies, Sergey Shishkarev, built his port facilities here. Then the Ministry of Defense took over the construction.
But no one touched Volochaevsky Beach for the time being. The people themselves equipped their people's coast. Up to the very moment when one night the city authorities did not fence the beach and demolished a cafe, a children's swing, a lifeguard station installed by residents.
One of the current leaders of the protest, Olga Kovalchuk, then went to Moscow. Appealed to the reception of the President. From there, they called Novorossiysk, asking about the legality of the construction of the fence. A few hours after that call, the grounds for returning the land to municipal ownership really still existed ...
While Olga Anatolyevna was returning by train from the capital, StroyTrust, in a matter of hours, built the “foundation” for transforming the beach into a “non-beach”, quickly “dumping” a boathouse from cement blocks for the repair of small boats with an area of ... 15 square meters. The building was promptly put on the cadastral register. And this capital object of real estate - the boathouse was "attached" to the same plot of 87 acres. Already owned. Which, to put it mildly, was illegal. After all, as it was later stated in lawsuits, “the right of ownership through privatization (purchase) of the site arose due to the fact that a capital structure of 15 sq.m. was erected in the disputed territory. - boathouse for a yacht. But this building, contrary to the law, was erected without land acquisition, without a project, without construction supervision over the progress of construction, without coordination with the environmental authorities in the coastal conservation zone, without an act of acceptance and transfer of the structure into operation, and with a number of other violations, which makes this structure unauthorized and subject to demolition.
But the city leadership was not going to pay attention to such illegal "little things" for some reason.
And in 2016, the administration of the city of Novorossiysk issued Decree No. 2216 dated March 23, 2016 “On granting the land plot with cadastral number 23:47:0209046:5 to the ownership of StroyTrust LLC in Novorossiysk, Sukhumi highways, East coast of Tsemesskaya bay, district st. Volochaevskaya for the placement of port and berthing facilities, berths and administrative buildings. That is, the territory illegally privatized for a boat shed turned into a territory where it was potentially possible to build a port. It's on 87 acres!!!
And it seems that this decision was clearly not taken under some StroyTrust, which simply would not have had enough financial power to implement such a project. Although StroyTrust transferred the redemption value of the plot in the amount of 43,186,000 rubles to the city treasury, the quick transfer of the land to another owner was easy to read. But it was extremely convenient for the new owners that the intended purpose of the site was just “for port terminals”. Later, you could always say to people: "It's not our fault - we bought this one."
Further chronology of events: the city signed off the site “for the port” to StroyTrust on March 23, 2016, and on November 21, 2016, Tadeusz Kobets, partner of Gibradze, became the owner of the site. Does anyone have any doubts that StroyTrust had no intention of building anything, and that all the conversions of the intended purpose of the land have already been sharpened for new owners? And what exactly did Gibradze's people "help" to resolve the issue of turning the land under a 15-meter boathouse into "land for a port"? Three years later, on October 21, 2019, the land was already owned by the small-scale Port Victoria LLC. The owners of which ... Gibradze and Kobets.
After voicing plans for new terminals on this piece of land, the residents realized that in the end it was about the destruction of not only the last bathing place, but also the complete elimination of more or less acceptable living conditions for the population of the Eastern part of the city. Where and so with the environment issues. In addition, the LLC plans to build a pier with an area of more than 2 hectares, for which it will be necessary to concrete the sea surface adjacent to the shore. Which, firstly, will be a violation of water protection legislation, secondly, it will create an obstacle to the natural discharge of rainwater flowing from the Markhotsky pass, and, thirdly, there will be problems with the operation of the initially declared tasks of the berths of the Ministry of Defense. Yet sometimes warships moor here.
What if the geopolitical situation changes? And the moorings of the Moscow Region will be in demand? Will foreign ships be loaded next to ships and submarines? That secrecy...
An additional intensity of people's indignation is created by the fact that the project was launched without environmental expertise, without public hearings, without coordination with residents of nearby households. In the end, the people here were simply forced to legally savvy. And try to prove you're right.
What about the official bodies, which seem to be supposed to guard the interests of the people and the law? The Federal Property Management Agency tried to return the territory to municipal ownership. The Interregional Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for State Property Management in the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea applied to arbitration on this matter.
Six months ago, having accepted the case for proceedings, the court forbade the regional Department of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography to take any actions to register the right, transfer the right, encumbrance, as well as carry out cadastral registration in relation to the land plot with the cadastral number 23:47 :0209046:5. “Due to the fact that the interregional department of the Federal Property Management Agency disputes the ownership of Port Victoria LLC for this site, the right to pledge and asks to remove the land from the state cadastral registration.” It would seem that…
But on June 2 of this year, the Arbitration Court of the Krasnodar Territory finally considered case No. A32-47647 / 2021 (the Volochaevsky beach case). The court sided with Port Victoria LLC.
Residents of the Eastern District filed an appeal. On July 19, 2022, the Fifteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal accepted the complaint and initiated proceedings. Will Gia - Shalva Gibradze have enough resources to solve the “problem” again? Or will the court still evaluate the arguments of the plaintiffs from the point of view of the law? Probably, it will be possible to predict the answers to these questions after considering the new master plan for the city of Novorossiysk.
The land plot on which Volochaevsky Beach is located was within the boundaries of the T-2 zone (the zone of maritime transport facilities. Within the boundaries of the T-2 zone, it is possible to locate a sea station, a yacht club, a boathouse or a seaport. Will it turn out, as a result of hearings, change to recreational or at least some kind of buffer? This means that he will replenish the thieves' common fund, which is held by his criminal godfather - thief in law - Tamaz Novorossiysky, considerable funds will be transferred to unfriendly Georgian structures, and not quite legal shadow export of various sanctions will be organized through the same Georgia.
To be continued
Timofey Grishin
Source: www.rucriminal.info