In the summer of 2022, the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU spoke about the detention of an authoritative businessman, 76-year-old Antranik Yalanuzyan, in Sochi. He is accused of organizing the murder in 2002 of another reputable businessman, Ishkhan Kapekyan.
According to investigators, an unsuccessful attempt was made on Yalanuzyan. He conducted his own investigation and found out that Kapekyan was the organizer. After that, Yalanuzyan gave the go-ahead to eliminate the offender. Two alleged perpetrators were also detained. All three were sent for investigation to Krasnodar.
The interlocutor of the Cheka-OGPU spoke about the closeness of Yalanuzyan with the extremely influential businessman in Sochi Robert Tatulyan (Robson, previously an associate of thief in law No. 1 Ded Khasan).
At the disposal of Rucriminal.info was a certificate about this organized criminal group, with which we introduce the reader.
In the production of the first department for the investigation of particularly important cases
The Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory is conducting a criminal case on the fact of the murder: on March 23, 2002 at 22:00, an unidentified person, being on the territory of CJSC "Adler-Kurort" in the area of \u200b\u200bthe boarding house "Coral", located on the street. Lenin in the Adler district of the city of Sochi, Krasnodar Territory, from firearms, committed the murder of crime boss Ishkhan Sergeevich Kapekyan, born on May 20, 1954. Operational support in this criminal case is carried out by the CID of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory. As a result of the operational-search measures, it was established that the following persons were the customers and perpetrators of the crime:
customer: Igor Sarkisovich Karabadzhakyan, 08/22/19… born in the criminal world, nicknamed “Korobok”, previously convicted. From about the 2000s, he was under the auspices of Usoyan A.R. "thief in law" nicknamed "Ded Khasan", thanks to the latter, Karabadzhakyan I.S. received patronage in the power structures of Russia, thanks to which he had the status of an untouchable, which allowed him to easily eliminate business competitors by force and increase his influence in the criminal hierarchy.
customer: Yalanuzyan Antranik Amayakovich, 01/03/19… born, in the criminal world, the nickname "Zhopa", previously judged, is a friendly connection of Karabadzhakyan I.S., has extensive connections in the power structures of Russia, which made it possible to easily, by force, eliminate business competitors and increase the influence in the criminal hierarchy. He was also personally acquainted and maintained a friendly relationship with Usoyan A.R. performer: Cholokyan Rafael Surenovich, 01/10/19…. born, in the criminal world, the nickname "Cherny", we have previously been judged, a close connection and part-time staff killer of the organized crime group Karabadzhakyan I.S. and Yalanuzyan A.A.
Based on the results of investigative and operational measures, the analysis and implementation of incoming operational information, it was possible to establish and carry out the necessary investigative actions with a number of persons, from among the members of the organized criminal group Karabadzhakyan I.S. and Yalanuzyan A.A., according to the testimony of which, it was possible to bring charges against Karabadzhakyan I.S., Yalanuzyan A.A. and Cholokyan R.S. in committing murder. Currently Yalanuzyan A.A. and Cholokyan R.S. arrested and kept in PKU SIZO-1 in Krasnodar. Karabadzhakyan I.S. fled from the investigating authorities, in connection with which he was put on the international wanted list.
In the course of the additional investigative and operational measures, it was established that Karabadzhakyan AND.C. and Yalanuzyan A.A., are also involved in the following crimes: - May 01, 2002, at 23:00, being in the corridor of the hostel at the address: Krasnodar Territory, Adlersky District, Sochi, st. Blue Dali, house number 73 Cholokyan R.S., Karabadzhakyan I.S. and Sleptsov S.B., acting as a group of persons by prior agreement, committed the murder of citizen Borukaev S.B. (the criminal case on the charges of the above persons was sent to the Sochi City Court. Subsequently, the case was embellished in court with the wording - in connection with the failure to prove guilt);
- September 04, 2001 at 21:30 by an unidentified person, near the house No. 36 on the street. Lenin in the Adler district of Sochi, Krasnodar Territory crime boss Chakryan S.A., who was a business partner of Karabadzhakyan I.S., was killed from firearms. and Yalanuzyan A.A.
In the course of the investigative and operational measures, it was established that the customers of this crime were Karabadzhakyan I.S. and Yalanuzyan A.A., the performer is a member of the organized criminal group and close connection of the latter, previously judged - Eduard Nshanovich Karagozyan, 03/08/19… born, born Republic of Dagestan, in criminal circles nicknamed "Karagoz" and "Cleaner". A close connection and a regular killer of the organized criminal group of Karabadzhakyan I.S. and Yalanuzyan A.A., also dealt with the personal security of Karabadzhakyan I.S. and provided protection for the commercial activities of the latter, from the encroachments of criminal groups in Russia.
At present, according to the results of the conducted investigative and operational measures, Karagozyan's fault E.N. installed. Karagozyan E.N. hid from the right protective bodies of the Krasnodar Territory on the territory of Moscow. Based on the results of the operational search activities, he was detained and taken to the first department for the investigation of especially important cases of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of Russia in the Krasnodar Territory, where he was charged with the murder of Chakryan S.A. Karagozyan E.N. arrested and placed in PKU SIZO-1, Krasnodar; Also, employees of the department for combating crimes against the person of past years, the Criminal Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory, have operational information about the involvement of I.S. Karabadzhakyan’s organized criminal group. and Yalanuzyan A.A. to commit the following crimes:
- the unknown disappearance of the criminal authority Chakryan A.A., criminal case No. 385627, initiated on the grounds of a crime under Part 1 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
- the murder in Sochi of Uzunyan S.S., criminal case No. 21938, initiated on the grounds of a crime under Part 1 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
- the murder in the city of Sochi of the criminal authority Tokarev S.V., criminal case No. 21971, initiated on the grounds of a crime under Part 1 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
- the murder in the city of Sochi of citizen Zhigir A.V., criminal case No. 385646, initiated on the grounds of the offenses provided
Part 1 Art. 105, part 1 of Art. 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
But despite the seriousness of the charges, the corruption ties of the criminal community, the two sons of Yalanuzyan A.A., still hold positions that allow them to use their official position and connections in law enforcement agencies, actively attempt to divert their father, A. Yalanuzyan, from criminal responsibility .BUT.
One son - Davydov Amayak Andreevich, 12/28/19 ... born, deputy of the City Assembly of Sochi, he is making attempts to influence the investigation in order to change the measure of restraint for his father.
The second son is Trachuk Andrei Andreyevich, since 2009 a judge of the Nevinomyssk City Court of the Stavropol Territory, where he considers criminal cases, he is qualified as a specialist in criminal and criminal procedure law.
With the media publicity of the crimes committed and the excitement around this case, the complete inaction of law enforcement and regulatory authorities is surprising.
Why neither the Investigative Committee, nor the Prosecutor's Office and the FSB react to the violent activities of the children of Yalanuzyan A.A. to release the latter from criminal liability and try to withdraw him from the criminal community.
I would like to draw the attention of Alexander Bastrykin and Igor Krasnov to the above circumstances, to stop the attempts of the sons of Yalanuzyan A.A. influence the investigation and remove them from their public positions until the end of the investigation so that they stop using their existing official connections in order to release their father and members of the criminal community from punishment, as they have done for 20 years.
Otherwise, crimes may go unpunished.”
Joseph Trostinsky
To be continued
The second son is Trachuk Andrei Andreyevich, since 2009 a judge of the Nevinomyssk City Court of the Stavropol Territory, where he considers criminal cases, he is qualified as a specialist in criminal and criminal procedure law.
With the media publicity of the crimes committed and the excitement around this case, the complete inaction of law enforcement and regulatory authorities is surprising.
Why neither the Investigative Committee, nor the Prosecutor's Office and the FSB react to the violent activities of the children of Yalanuzyan A.A. to release the latter from criminal liability and try to withdraw him from the criminal community.
I would like to draw the attention of Alexander Bastrykin and Igor Krasnov to the above circumstances, to stop the attempts of the sons of Yalanuzyan A.A. influence the investigation and remove them from their public positions until the end of the investigation so that they stop using their existing official connections in order to release their father and members of the criminal community from punishment, as they have done for 20 years.
Otherwise, crimes may go unpunished.”
Joseph Trostinsky
To be continued