After the next publications “Under the roof of the minister” and “Chief puppeteer nicknamed 500th” in the telegram channel “VChK OGPU” and on the website Rucriminal.info, about the facts of “corruption schemes” in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Ingushetia, a number of heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, including including the minister, General Korobkin, hastily began to go on vacations and sick days, because there are rumors about the upcoming big check from Moscow, after which a number of leaders, including the minister, can leave their comfortable offices
Considering the recent landings of the “generals” from the environment of the “Bell” itself, while knowing the attitude of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Kolokoltsev, to the corruption component of his subordinates, questions to General Korobkin can be asked in the very near future ... therefore, the question arises by itself and " for whom the Bell Tolls..?"..
Let's get back to reality, and let's start with the fact that after an unscheduled inspection of the central apparatus of the FSB of Russia, the chief Chekist of the republic, the head of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Ingushetia, Major General Sergey Aleksandrovich Chernyshev, left his post, Chernyshev was not transferred to another position, as is usually the case in the "office", but they were fired from the state security agencies and sent as a PSnik to the embassy of the North Caucasus Federal District to supervise some kind of frivolous direction. Lubyanka did not forgive the general for leaving one of its main pillars with "a cold head, a warm heart and CLEAN HANDS ..." Chernyshev turned out to be "not clean on hand with his appointees from the economic security service, as well as the "M" department, who were supposed to identify "corrupt cops ”And there are a lot of such people in the current Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Ingushetia under the “Roof of the Minister”. According to Rucriminal.info sources, Chernyshev S.A. in his time, working in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, he closely established contacts among the local Chekists, whom he brought very close to him and who were useful to him in Ingushetia. Thus, Chernyshev lobbied for the transfer of many FSB officers from the KBR to Ingushetia, in particular, the emphasis was placed on the economic security service, the head of Kumykov, the notorious Zalim Baragulov, (Chernyshev's main confidant) and also the current deputy head of department "M" of the FSB Bachiev, (former So, according to the information, Chernyshev’s dismissal is connected with the fact that rumors have recently begun to reach the head of the Republic of Ingushetia, and when checking, real reliable information that under the nose of the head of the republic Chernyshev and Korobkin in In tandem, almost all state institutions were taxed in the republic, because the heads of such ministries as the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Nationalities, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, etc.
Of course, when the “kickbacks” began to flow around the pocket of the head, the offended Kalimatov complained about the security forces to the center, and in the end what happened happened. And the song about the friendship of the Head and the Chekist did not even help.
Rucriminal.info hopes that the newly appointed head of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Ingushetia will not follow the path of his predecessor and will not make those mistakes, but will carry out a “cleansing operation in the department” and evaluate the activities of the employees of the Federal Security Service of Ingushetia, in particular Bachiev E., Kumykov, Baragulov and also to some employees of the “M” department who, instead of identifying and suppressing, on the contrary, “hid and covered” officials of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs.
By the way, there are many legends about Bachieva Eldar, the deputy head of department "M" of the FSB for Ingushetia, both in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and in the local FSB, to the point that Bachiev, being the head of the ORC SB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, almost everything Korobkin does closed his eyes, while according to the instructions without providing information to the "center". For which he received from General Korobkin a certain quota to put "his own people" in the positions. Bachiev, in turn, placing them in the right places ensured control in the main divisions of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs.
So, after his departure, Bachiev petitioned and approved Kumykov (brother of the head of the SEB UFSB of Ingushetia) for the position of head of the ORC SB, Gegraev was appointed head of the UNK. By the way, none of the former colleagues and current ones can say anything bad about Gegraev, even at the same place of work. He went all the way from the ground to the head of the Department of Internal Affairs of Nalchik. Krymukov was appointed the head of the police of the Sunzhensky Ministry of Internal Affairs, the deputy chief of police for operational work, Kardanov, that don’t say “spill dirt”, these officers won’t turn their tongues, because all of the listed employees served with dignity in difficult times, and all are mainly in operational work , and only by coincidence ended up in Ingushetia.
What can not be said about the people appointed and close to Korobkin, for example, the deputy chief of police, colonel of the internal service Voevoda A.G., call sign "Junior" who at one time wouldl was Apti Alaudinov’s personal “portfolio-bearer” of the chief of police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic, and having transferred from Chechnya to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Ingushetia to the position of deputy chief of police for operational work, he created a group in the WhatsApp messenger, of which he was the administrator and where he demanded his subordinates to drop documentation, including the secret one, and as the “leaks” went, he quickly retreated. Having learned about this, Korobkin quickly transferred him to the last position and, not surprisingly, the patron of "Junior" is the head of the head office of the North Caucasus Federal District, Colonel-General of Police Sergey Bachurin. The same chief of staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Stavropol Ripper" Oleg Rednikov, who threw himself with a knife on his neighbors and was subsequently dismissed in disgrace from the authorities for drunkenness. Yes, how many of them were and how many remained in the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs.
However, back to Korobkin's activities, on the second day after the dismissal of the head of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Ingushetia, General Seryshev, General Korobkin, being on vacation, urgently flew to Ingushetia to find out "for whom the Bell rings" after making sure that the "false alarm" calmly set about his duties, with also celebrated his birthday in a big way.
Well, first things first…
So, at the celebration of the birthday of the Minister of the Interior, Lieutenant General Korobkin M.V., as expected, all the “honest people” gathered, these were the heads of departments and invited guests, everything was as it should be, toasts to health, congratulations gifts, etc. ... But there was one a curious case, which only a narrow circle of the elite knows about, and now ... it's no secret that in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ingushetia, as well as in other structures, state institutions of Russia, there is an unspoken type of "call sign". Callsigns are given to employees due to some characteristics of a person, or the character or appearance of a person, or because of surnames ...
So, the head of the BSP department, lieutenant colonel of the internal service Bogatyrev Akhmed Israilovich, better known in the Ministry of Internal Affairs as the “Indian God”, “Shiva” or simply “Aspiring”, together with the acting head of the URLS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, lieutenant colonel of the internal service Igonin E.E., drove the minister like an avid hunter for a wild boar in the reserves of Ingushetia, as well as for a lover of firearms, a birthday present in the form of a “gilded pistol of the PM system” would be fine, and they would not have paid much attention to the gift, if not for one but ... Upon a detailed study of the barrel, the serial number was erased in an artisanal way, and the barrel itself turned out to be combat, and when checked against the databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in addition, once stolen in the Chechen Republic, this fact was hushed up, the barrel was returned to the owner.
Korobkin saw this gift as a set-up and ordered the execution of the “Indian God”, however, soon after numerous persuasions and a personal request from the head of the URLS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Colonel of the Internal Service Gudkov V.G., the call sign “500th” in view of that “Shiva” knew a lot about illegal activities "500th" that could open the "closet" where the "skeletons" of the "500th" are hidden, only for this, General Korobkin changed his anger to mercy.
It seems that the curse of "Prophetic Oleg" (the former head of "Thunder" Ryzhikov Oleg, dismissed by Korobkin) is pursuing the "Indian God" on the heels, and in the course of the dream of the position of commander of the special unit of the UNK "Thunder" is not destined to come true in the foreseeable future, and indeed the "Indian God” is not particularly impressive and a business trip to participate in the NWO on the territory of the Donetsk and Luhansk republics. "Shiva" completely drooped his head, if not for his owner and patron corrupt official No. 1 in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, call sign "500th" Colonel of the internal service Gudkov V.G. and the case that recently the position was vacated (and in fact was vacated) of the Deputy Head of the URLS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Ingushetia, the voluntarily forcibly dismissed colonel of the internal service Sampiev Akhmetkhan, and now all the eyes of the "Indian God" were directed to the position of Deputy Head of the URLS as if to the face of the Buddha.
But Igonin E.E. more fortunate, he was promoted to deputy head of the URLS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Ingushetia.
Deputy Head of the URLS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Ingushetia, Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service Igonin E.E.
In the corridors of the department, they say that things have been going on at the 500th itself lately, not too well, either endless internal checks in connection with numerous complaints and statements to Moscow by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then extraordinary inspections of the unit’s activities,
According to the available data of the VChK-OGPU, in connection with the latest publications, as well as ongoing corruption scandals, as well as serious violations in official activities, Moscow is in no hurry to appoint the 500th to the post of Deputy Minister - Chief of Personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Ingushetia, about which he dreamed, and in the name of which he committed all official crimes at the direction of General Korobkin. And all this against the background of the fact that all the interests of Gudkov V.G. by hook or by crook in the Department of Service and Personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and personally in front of the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia, Police Lieutenant General Kubyshko VL, lobbying directly, Police Lieutenant General Mikhail Vladimirovich Korobkin.
An excerpt from a previous publication "As a result ofCheck out the activities of Gudkov V.G. during the attestation, they became interested in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the North Caucasus Federal District and in the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow. But the all-powerful patron of Gudkov, General Korobkin, hastily sends his pet on another vacation before the end of the official check. The headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Ingushetia initiated an internal audit, as a result of which the "500th" was removed and mixed with the chairman of the attestation commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Ingushetia. Having reported to Moscow and forgotten, having waited out the storm, Gudkov goes back to work and begins to "revenge" those whom he considers guilty of his misadventures. The first to be hit was Gudkov’s deputy, Colonel of the Internal Service Sampiev Akhmetkhan (the last one was fired on 08/26/2022).
So, the information about the corruption of the “500th” and the inconsistency of the last position held by the head of the URLS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was fully confirmed.
At the disposal of the "VChK-OGPU" was the very ill-fated certificate of the chief of staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Ingushetia on the audit of the activities of the leadership of the URLS, in particular the "500th" "Indian God" and the entire "chicken coop" with the resolution of the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Ingushetia, General Korobkin, with proposals, measures taken, and perpetrators of violations. Judging by this certificate of the “500th” and the resolution of the minister, Gudkov, not only to be promoted, should have been fired from the internal affairs bodies for disorganizing work, because in the final part there are such unpleasant words for Gudkov as “corruption component”, “ referral to a polygraph”, “bias”, “incompetence”, etc., etc.
If Korobkin imposed a resolution on the paper “Reported, I agree with the proposals”, then in fact, things are different. As we said before, General Korobkin "agreed to the proposals, only on paper." Korobkin, instead of making a decision on the "500th", did not abandon his pet in difficult times this time, but sent the earned "500- go ”for the next vacation in order to“ collect my thoughts ”, by the way, 4 times over the current year.
This whole situation with the personnel policy in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Ingushetia under the current leadership resembles the plot of the cartoon "Escape from the Chicken Coop", where General Korobkin plays the main role of "Rooster" guarding the peace of the "hen house - URLS MVD", in turn, the role of "hen" plays Gudkov V.G. and the role of "chickens" is accordingly distributed between Igonin and the "Indian God".
Drunken fights and brawls among those seconded to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ingushetia are not uncommon, then the former chief of staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Oleg Rednikov, after the next feast, having caught a “squirrel”, rushed with a knife at his neighbors in Stavropol, then a drunken fight in Vladikavkaz of “double basses” celebrating the next rank of colleague, in as a result of which a person died, and now a new fact has arrived.
So, at the end of August 2022, two employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Ingushetia serving on a contract basis, a certain Yakovlev Igor Germanovich (chief inspector of the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) and Dronenko Vladimir Valentinovich (an employee of the rear service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) decided to relax over the weekend in the ill-fated city of Vladikavkaz. After a fairly drunk alcohol, "double basses" were drawn to girls. Yakovlev I.G. and Dronenko V.V. began to pester local women with obscene proposals, which obviously did not please the local guys. As a result, the mountain of Don Juan got into a drunken fight, and in fact took up defense, while demonstrating “trunks” and “ksiva”, using profanity, provoking locals into an interethnic conflict, however, this did not help, and the local guys did not sickly pile Yakovlev and Dronenko, if it were not for the police officers who arrived in time for the latter, this meeting could have ended very badly. Even upon the arrival of the police, Yakovlev and Dronenko began to make claims and provoke a conflict, as a result of which the brawlers were promptly taken to one of the territorial police departments. Of course, the seconded refused to undergo a medical examination.
After the incident, the incident was immediately reported to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Ingushetia. On Korobkin's instructions, a whole delegation consisting of the ORCH SB, ILS, and URLS, headed by the deputy head of the ORCH SB, police colonel Evgeny Petrikov, went to Vladikavkaz to rescue the latter.
In the end what..?? Yakovlev I.G. and Dronenko V.V. with craniocerebral injuries with numerous bruises and hematomas are currently on a well-deserved sick leave, not without the help of the minister and the "black widow", of course.
According to medical documents, they received these injuries while “in the line of duty” while performing a “special assignment”.
Everything would be fine, if not for one fact, this incident was somehow tried to hide in the Ministry of Internal Affairs so as not to compromise the valiant "double basses", however, "you can't hide the awl in a bag" and this fact became public. If the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Ingushetia hastened to conceal and forget this incident, then the Ministry of Internal Affairs for North Ossetia-Alania is conducting an appropriate check on this fact .
Now, to Minister Korobkin, as well as to the ORC SB and ILS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Ingushetia, a number of questions involuntarily arise whether the above services have properly carried out an internal audit with all the ensuing consequences in relation to the offending employees, with the same "addiction" and legality as it is carried out for local employees
Isn't General Korobkin interested in what the employees of his department in the city of Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia-Alania, drunk, were doing with service weapons, and without an appropriate exit permit ??
Surely General Korobkin does not know that every spark, and even more so the fact of molestation of women, is punished very harshly in the Caucasus and the consequences of this incident can ignite a long-smoldering ethnic conflict ??
Well, what are we waiting for the dismissals of Yakovlev I.G. and Dronenko V.V. as employees who discredited the honor of the uniform, committed a gross violation of official discipline, expressed in the use of alcoholic beverages in a public place, carried out an unauthorized trip to another subject without the permission of the leadership, as a result of which there were serious consequences, for indecent molestation of females, and possibly males , well, or will General Korobkin, in his usual manner, “turn on the bull”?
"VChK-OGPU" will closely monitor this situation, and acquaint readers ...
General Korobkin, in addition to these minor “misconducts” of his subordinates, has another headache, this is a complete failure to form a temporary operational group from among the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Ingushetia for the subsequent trip of the latter to the zone of the Donetsk and Luhansk Republics. And such ignoring of the instructions of the "center" does not forgive.
So, let's get back to the question, why do local employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, with all those benefits, conditions, compensations and payments, do not want to go on a business trip to the zone of the NWO ..?
There are three answers to this question - firstly, the minister's authority over local employees is zero because of his personnel policy.
- secondly, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Ingushetia (not without the help of General Korobkin) there was not a single leader with unquestioned authority from among local employees who could organize a gathering and lead such a serious and important mission, whose words would be heeded by young employees.
- in the third, the “temporary task force” is formed exclusively from among local employees, not one “double bass” is on the lists, and this despite the fact that employees serving on a contract basis already receive two, or even three times more than local ones, which causes dissatisfaction among other employees.
Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Ingushetia Korobkin M.V. with his entourage recruited on shortages, his short-sighted policy, he completely lost the authority and respect of local employees, and the locals do not want to die for "double basses".
And what kind of authority and respect can we talk about if General Korobkin with his “chicken coop” fired for far-fetched reasons from the internal affairs bodies such eminent titled athletes, Olympic champion as Khasan Khalmurzaev and his brother Khusen, who then left for St. Petersburg and play for Glaucus Peter.
And also, at the suggestion of Nokha Agaevich Tsechoev and with the help of the “500th”, they fired the titled UFC athlete, the undefeated Evloev Movsar Magomedovich, a former employee of the Sunzhensky PPSP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
And the last fact of the dismissal of the head of the Dzheyrakhsky District Department of Internal Affairs, Lieutenant Colonel of Police Katiev Ruslan Akhmetovich, and yes, the son of the Hero of Russia - Kotiev Akhmet Maksharipovich, Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Ingushetia, vilely murdered by members of the illegal armed formations in August 2013.
Who made a huge contribution to the fight against terrorism and restoring order in the republic. Thanks to which dozens and dozens of young people who joined the members of the illegal armed formations “came out of the forest”, adapted and live a normal life. Campaign Korobkin was haunted by the glory and authority of the father and son of the Kotievs, which he never deserved, being a minister for three years in the republic.
Well, that's a completely different story...
In the next publication, we will talk in detail about what is happening in the medical and sanitary unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Ingushetia, or rather, in a separate unit of the military medical commission, the chairman of which is Kotieva Lyudmila Dzyaudinovna "black widow", with the price list of the services of the latter upon exit for a concessionary pension.
How and why does General Korobkin get rid of objectionable employees of the department through the head of the records management and regime department Magdeev, call sign "Kashchei" and "Nightmare" "Scream" by depriving him of access to information constituting a state secret.
How and on what do the head and privileged employees of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs earn. Fraudulent activities with bank cards and "dead" combat veterans. Organizers, performers, patrons.

Yaroslav Mukhtarov
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info