As the telegram channel VChK-OGPU learned, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has charged the general director of OJSC Oboronpromkompleks Gennady Kushnir with fraud. The amount of damage is 200 million rubles, which were stolen from the Ministry of Industry and Trade. According to investigators, “Kushnir, together with a number of unidentified persons, stole money from January 13 to December 27, 2016 by deceiving employees of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade.” The Ministry of Industry and Trade was recognized as the victim in the criminal case. In 2016, Kushnir headed the Federal State Enterprise “State State Scientific Testing Ground for Aviation Systems named after L.K. Safronov" (GkNIPAS)

As Rucriminal.info found out, in addition to the charges of fraud brought by the Ministry of Internal Affairs against the head of JSC Oboronpromkompleks OJSC Gennady Kushnir for the theft of 200 million rubles from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, criminal case No. 12101460094000542, initiated on December 29, 2021, on the grounds of a crime under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, regarding the theft of funds on an especially large scale during the execution of a state contract for the manufacture and supply of equipment to the FKP “GkNIPAS”, in which Gennady Kushnir is accused of theft of more than 500 million rubles.
The presence of an open criminal case regarding the theft of funds on a particularly large scale does not prevent Kushnir from going to work and remaining the head of OJSC SJSC Oboronpromkompleks, because the preventive measure in the first criminal case was only a written undertaking not to leave.
The question is why?
According to a source from Rucriminal.info, Kushnir directly paid and continues to pay money to high-ranking officials, judges, investigators, and prosecutors in order to remain immune from the theft of the state treasury.
So Kushnir, immediately after his appointment to the position of General Director of OJSC SJSC Oboronpromkompleks? initiated and fabricated a criminal case with the hands of the former head of Zamoskvoretsky MRSO Bakalyar on the theft of petroleum products from Belgorod oil depots, leased for the storage and purchase of fuel by the former management of OJSC SJSC Oboronpromkompleks.
When the local Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Belgorod region did not find evidence of a crime, Kushnir, through his assistant and a former member of the security forces, Dmitry Sharonov, organized the illegal initiation and fabrication of a criminal case under the leadership of the head of the Zamoskvoretsky MRSO Roman Bakalyar/.
As a result of the fabricated case, in December 2021, the Voskov businessman Tumakov, who declared his innocence to the end, was immediately convicted, and other defendants in the criminal case are still under investigation.
Despite the fact that Tumakov’s sentence was handed down by the chairman of the Zamoskvoretsky City Court, Ustinova, already in May 2022, the Moscow City Court overturned (!) Tumakov’s sentence, returned the case to court, and sent the entrepreneur from the pre-trial detention center to house arrest.
During the re-examination of the criminal case in court, Tumakov V.Yu. conducted a third-party accounting audit and found out that for 2018/2019, OJSC SJSC Oboronpromkompleks had no losses from commercial activities, and Kushnir himself signed a surplus annual balance sheet, which was posted on the federal resource.
In this regard, Tumakov found out and proved that Kushnir refunded VAT of about 35 million rubles from the transaction, and then illegally accused Tumakov and other persons of stealing goods.
So who did Kushnir deceive? The state, having stolen VAT from him on stolen petroleum products, or V.Yu. Tumakov, knowingly slandering him in the theft of petroleum products?
Also, through acquaintances, Kushnir initiated a meeting with Tumakov’s relative V.Yu. with a well-known Moscow businessman, who insistently demanded that Tumakov immediately pay off the resulting “debt”, otherwise he would be imprisoned. This meeting was supervised and recorded by operatives from Division “K” of the Russian FSB.
Regarding this fact, Tumakov V.Yu. wrote an application to initiate a criminal case to the Central Administrative District of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, to the Moscow Prosecutor General's Office, but did not receive a response, since the court did not take into account his testimony and the testimony of witnesses, and Tumakov V.Yu. was repeatedly and illegally convicted by the Zamoskvoretsky District Court of Moscow, namely by Judge O.A. Bagrova. (led the case of the oligarch Khotin) to 6 years in prison for acts that he did not commit.
The Kushnir-financed trial did not end there. Judge Bagrova does not want and does not transfer the case to the Moscow City Court in every possible way, namely through illegal methods, because she knows that the sentence is completely illegal and will be overturned by an appeal again, and this directly harms her freedom. Will she now continue to do this without her patron Kushnir?
The facts of extortion of money by G.A. Kushnir are also known and described in detail. from the general director of Spetsmontazhavtomatika LLC, M.A. Grachev, the subsequent bankruptcy of the company and Grachev’s personal bankruptcy, under the strict control of G.A. Kushnir.
Denis Zhirnov
Source: www.rucriminal.info