The Khamovnichesky District Court of Moscow is considering criminal case 01-0104/2022, the second episode of which is fraud on an especially large scale, in relation to an offshore company affiliated with Boris and Dmitry Mintsy, liquidated in 2018 by the Cypriot company KRIZNA HOLDINGS LTD, in the absence of before it any debt obligations. With her help, in 2018, the raider seizure of the residential complex "Peredelki" by Boris and Dmitry Mints in the interests of Anatoly Chubais was carried out. From the materials of the case, the mechanisms of "laundering" and the withdrawal of huge sums from Russia by Chubais and his friends become clear. Details in the article Rucriminal.info. Note that Boris Mints is a friend, colleague, business partner of Boris Mints and the custodian of funds stolen by Chubais and Co. in Russia. When Chubais decided to build himself a $50 million mansion in the Russian Federation, he and Mints came up with a scheme to legalize these funds.

To implement this, yet another, familiar scheme for Mintsev and Chubais, the following actions were taken on their part:
On October 27, 2015, the offshore companies KRIZNA HOLDINGS LTD (Republic of Cyprus) and DENIAN LTD (British Virgin Islands) affiliated with Boris and Dmitry Mints signed an Assignment Agreement, under which a debt of 7,500,000 US dollars was owned by Swiss company JSC "SFO Concept AG" before the Cyprus company KRIZNA HOLDINGS LTD, November 30, 2015 was fully forgiven.
Further, after the refusal of Ilya Suchkov in 2016 to participate in the illegal scheme of Anatoly Chubais, Boris and Dmitry Mintsev in the legalization of funds, by selling 3 (Three) times cheaper than the market value of the Peredelki residential complex, that is, for 12,500,000 US dollars, from the subsequent bringing of the Swiss Company to deliberate bankruptcy.
For reference: the book value of the residential complex "Peredelki" amounted to around: 47,000,000 US dollars, and the market value according to 3 (Three) independent assessments conducted for the company SFO Concept AG JSC (Switzerland), including judicial, was determined at 34,000 000 - 36,500,000 US dollars.
The Cypriot company KRIZNA HOLDINGS LTD, in the same 2016, on far-fetched grounds, terminated the contract of assignment of rights of claim with the company DENIAN LTD (British Virgin Islands), launched a procedure for collecting a loan from a Swiss company, but not in the London International Arbitration Court, where they must disputes were considered, according to the loan agreement, and in the Arbitration Court of the Bryansk Region.
This court was more accommodating and absolutely illegal, grossly violating jurisdiction, accepted the case for its proceedings.
The artificial change of jurisdiction became possible due to the fact that the second defendant of the Cypriot company KRIZNA HOLDINGS LTD, miraculously turned out to be the Russian family office of Anatoly Chubais LLC SFO CONCEPT CONSULTING, which, with an authorized capital of 100,000 rubles, in violation of applicable law, without the knowledge of the debtor , according to the bilateral guarantee agreement signed backdated, acted as the guarantor of the Swiss company SFO Concept AG JSC before the Cyprus company KRIZNA HOLDINGS LTD.
Further events developed even more interestingly. To achieve the intended, illegal goal, the decisions of the Russian courts were necessary, for which the company SFO CONCEPT CONSULTING LLC opened a branch in the Bryansk region for the duration of the trial, after which the company KRIZNA HOLDINGS LTD files a claim with the Arbitration Court at the location of the branch - Bryansk, away from Moscow. It should be noted that at the same time, not a single claim was brought against the so-called “guarantor”, that is, the joint and several defendant, the Russian Family Office of Anatoly Chubais - SFO CONCEPT CONSULTING LLC, neither during the trial nor after it. Consequently, the branch was opened not to conduct activities, but to artificially change jurisdiction.
In the course of the proceedings, the plaintiff receives a written request from the Arbitration Court of the Bryansk Region to increase the amount of claims and recover from the defendants instead of 7,500,000 US dollars, 7,929,375 US dollars, taking into account accrued interest - as of 01.12.2016.
The Arbitration Court of the Bryansk Region, presumably being interested in the claims of the Company KRIZNA HOLDINGS LTD, satisfied in full and decided to recover from the Joint Stock Company JSC "SFO Concept AG" (Switzerland) - shareholder Ilya Suchkov in favor of the Cypriot company affiliated with Boris and Dmitry Mints - KRIZNA HOLDINGS Ltd. the required amount.

Let us clarify once again that the so-called debt, in full, as it should be assumed, was collected only from the Swiss company SFO Concept AG JSC. The second defendant in the person of Sergey Krychenko in the Arbitration Court of the Bryansk Region actually acted on the side of the plaintiff, which once again indicates the implementation of the scheme originally thought out by the Mintsy to seize the residential complex "Peredel ki" from the Swiss company JSC "SFO Concept AG".
In 2017, the Arbitration Court of the Bryansk Region, on the basis of an assignment agreement (Assignment) dated 07.07.2017, ruled on the procedural succession from the company KRIZNA HOLDINGS LTD to the company 01 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED to collect debt under a loan agreement. The ultimate beneficiary of both companies is the same best friend, colleague and business partner of Anatoly Chubais, Boris Mints.
It should be noted that KRIZNA HOLDINGS LTD had nothing to do with the company 01 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED (TILSOKA LIMITED) at the time of applying to the court. These are completely different companies, but the same people are the ultimate beneficiaries, as we indicated above.
In December 2018, according to the effective decision of the Arbitration Court of the Bryansk Region, the Residential Complex "Peredelki", with a book value of 47,000,000 US dollars, the UFSSP for the Moscow Region was transferred to the ownership of the procedural successor of the company 01 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED for 600,000,000 million rubles.
In February 2019, the residential complex "Peredelki" from the company of Boris Mints, for cheap or possibly free of charge, as part of the netting, was issued to Anatoly Chubais, as originally planned.
For reference: even, according to the decision of the court of an unfriendly state of the Russian Federation (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 79 of February 28, 2022), namely the London International Arbitration Court, as part of a lawsuit between the bank of non-core assets "TRUST" and the group of Cypriot companies Boris Mints and of his O1 Group family, it was found that the schemes by which the Mintsev family worked with offshore Cyprus companies controlled by them, in one way or another, and companies in the British Virgin Islands, by analogy, as it turns out now, with the schemes implemented by them, with companies 01 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED, KRIZNA HOLDINGS LTD and DENIAN LTD were found to be fraudulent.
It would seem that the residential complex "Alterations" is owned by Anatoly Chubais and for all parties everything should have ended, but no. Now, in order to justify Anatoly Chubais's illegal scheme of funds received from Boris Mints and acquisitions for a cost 3 (Three) times cheaper than the residential complex "Peredelki", one should continue to nightmare the businessman Ilya Suchkov, having determined him in advance guilty of committing a serious crime.
After the return in 2020 of the criminal case by the Odintsovo City Court of the Moscow Region to the prosecutor for additional investigation, on December 09, 2020, solely on the initiative of the investigator of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Odintsovo City District - Yegorova Zh.A., in order to justify their illegal actions, it is worth suggesting without mercenary motives, without a statement from the victim, liquidated in November 2018 by the Cypriot company KRIZNA HOLDINGS LTD, another criminal case was initiated against Ilya Suchkov, on the fact of alleged fraud on an especially large scale.
Recall that, according to the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Bryansk Region, the total amount recovered from JSC SFO Concept AG (Switzerland) in favor of 01 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED amounted to 7,929,375 US dollars or 402,748,883 rubles. Also, as we mentioned above, in December 2018, the Federal Bailiff Service for the Moscow Region of the residential complex "Peredelki" was transferred into the ownership of the procedural successor of the company 01 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED for 600,000,000 million rubles.
The difference, almost 200,000,000 rubles, neither the investigation nor the so-called injured party was deducted from the total mass of the so-called damage allegedly caused by the Swiss company SFO Concept AG JSC, represented by its shareholder Ilya Suchkov, Boris Mints company - 01 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED, which in our opinion is nothing more than the theft of the above amount of almost 200,000,000 rubles from a Swiss company.
This fact is completely ignored by the investigation, the prosecutor's office and the court.
It is also worth noting that, according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the absence of any debt obligations from the Swiss Company SFO ConceptAG JSC to the Cyprus company KRIZNA HOLDINGS LTD, liquidated in November 2018, as of December 24, 2018 completely excludes not only the initiation of a criminal case, but also fraud in any form.
As we noted earlier, the judge of the Khamovnichesky District Court of Moscow, despite all the gross violations in the criminal case, pointing to falsification, distortion of factual circumstances, substitution, forgery by the investigation of the case materials solely for the sole purpose of accusing Ilya Suchkov of grave crimes that he did not commit tries to consider it, in violation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, including when a decision was made in violation of the procedural deadlines to schedule a court session, refusing indiscriminately to consider all petitions filed by the defense, which are essential for the case, as well as to consider challenges to the judge and the prosecutor . She does not give out to the defense side for familiarization with material evidence available in the case file, protocols and audio recordings of court sessions.

Yuri Prokov
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info