The Presnensky Court of Moscow extended the term of arrest for Vadim Soynikov, the former head of the apparatus of the Minister of Emergency Situations (when this post was held by Evgeny Zinichev). He was extremely close to Zinichev and accompanied him on the tragic day on the Putoran plateau when the minister died. After that, Soynikov not only did not stay in the minister, but was also arrested on charges of abuse of power. It is worth noting that Soynikov has quite a lot of criminal events, because before joining the Ministry of Emergencies, he worked in the FSB. In this publication, the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info will talk about the relationship between Vadim Soynikov and Boris Avakyan, an official, a smuggler, a defendant in criminal cases who fled from the Russian Federation and became deputy head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Karabakh.

Soynikov, before joining the Ministry of Emergency Situations, worked in the Directorate "K" of the SEB FSB, was the deputy of the 7th department. The 7th department of the Directorate "K" of the SEB FSB is responsible for combating smuggling in the country: the department serves the regional customs and the central office of the FCS, without the knowledge of its employees, not a single operational event is carried out to prevent the illegal import of goods into Russia. This is the highest body in charge of the Federal Customs Service. For more than 10 years, the unit was headed by Colonel Vadim Uvarov. In 2005, Uvarov, together with the 6th service of the CSS of the FSB, closed the import channel for Chinese clothing transported to the Cherkizovsky market on long-distance trains from Vladivostok - thanks to this operation, he headed the “smuggling department”. Was in excellent standing with management. Thanks to the same case, Oleg Feoktistov, head of the "six" of the 6th service of the FSB CSS, was promoted, by presidential decree he was appointed deputy head of the FSB CSS, and his deputy Ivan Tkachev headed the 6th service. The head of the 7-ki Uvarov was not a careerist, a simple campaigner or at a meeting with an agent or in the office or detention. Work and nothing else. FSB Colonel Vadim Soinikov was then Uvarov's deputy. Master of sports in boxing, lover of extreme sports, member of the Night Wolves motorcycle club, where many issues were resolved, including with the FSO. (Thanks to participation in the club and friendship with the FSO, he will get to his post in the Russian Emergencies Ministry). He was the organizer of sports events in the unit. He transferred to the department about ten years ago under the patronage of the then deputy head of Directorate "K" of the SEB FSB, General Konstantin Gavrikov.

According to a Rucriminal.info source, unlike his leader Uvarov, who was devoid of ambition, Soynikov was known as a careerist - in less than ten years, he grew from a simple detective to the deputy head of the department serving the central office of the Federal Customs Service and regional customs authorities. He worked for show and the work of only his image, he installed a crossbar in his office - every day he pulled himself up, swayed, always had an expander in his hands so that everyone could see, especially the management!
He actively promoted extreme recreation, mountain skiing, parachuting, swimming, biker shows, etc. in Children's World.
Soynikov never had authority and trust among his colleagues, but the generals liked him.
Boris Avakyan was “received” almost live on one of the TV channels, in the TsUM shopping center. The Kronstadt District Court, when choosing a preventive measure, listened to the position of the transport prosecutor and limited himself to house arrest, from which Avakayan safely escaped from Russia. In the regional UFSIN of St. Petersburg, of all the accused who were under house arrest, it was Avakyan who lacked the electronic bracelet.
The resonance of Boris Avakyan's crimes was so wide that the chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin withdrew the case against Avakyan from the proceedings of the SZSU TFR and connected more than 4 billion rubles with the case on the creation of a criminal community and damage.
Soinikov hoped to use Avakyan and tried in every possible way to "demolish" his commander Uvarov from his post. Did not work out. As a result, it turned out that Colonel “K” of the FSB SEB Vadim Soynikov, who in 2015 discovered in Boris Avakyan the ideal victim in a case against his boss, did not receive a promotion and submitted a resignation letter. Soynikov for intrigues and a stigma in fluff, they asked to go out into the street ...

Soynikov went "to nowhere", which is rare for office workers. Boris Avakyan was on the run and on the federal wanted list.
After the departure of the Puchkov team from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a new bunch of leaders came, Soynikov received the post of head of the apparatus of the Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and unlimited influence in the ministry. After some time, not forgetting about the “old friend” Avakyan, Soynikov promoted him to a position in the unrecognized republic of “Karabakh”, to a leading position, and then made him deputy minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Karabakh, with the rank of colonel. "Karabakh" is the recipient of humanitarian power from Russia, there is a whole humanitarian center under the auspices of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.
Avakyan and Soynikov received carte blanche, they could carry anything, any contraband, and the position of Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Karabakh gave unlimited opportunities and cover by power, and the criminal case a few billion did not interfere with anything, Avakyan refused citizenship of the Russian Federation. Avakyan, like Soynikov, had huge ambitions, the roof was blown away from power. Avakyan had political ambitions in the republic, led a life for show, with his wife Yulia with the title of Miss, who was friends with Sobyanin's daughter and many other persons from the beau monde.

The Avakyans took Colonel Igor Aleinikov, who had worked for many years in the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, as their godparents. The godfather of a child from a military family. His father Stanislav Aleinikov is an honored officer of the GRU of the Russian Federation. After the end of the church ceremony, the celebration continued in the luxurious Florence restaurant in Yerevan. There, Robert's parents organized a festive reception, because in Armenia christening is celebrated as solemnly as a wedding or an anniversary, the Viagra group took part in the event.
All guests were shown the godfather and his status. The question of how an FSB officer could leave for a foreign country did not arise for anyone. "Ponty" and self-confidence were so wide that Avyakan defiantly came to one of St. Petersburg's clubs, where he was detained.
In addition to Avakyan, Soinikov had another “protected” person: Igor Kovalev, co-owner of the Chaikhona No. 1 restaurant chain, who became one of the Napoleons in the brokerage market for customs services, Vadim Soinikov, deputy head of the 7th department of the K Department of the SEB FSB, helped in everything and was a frequent guest at Kovalev's restaurants. Soynikov was taken in 2022, Avakyan in 2021... now both are together again, both in jail
Separately, it is worth paying attention to the fact that Soynikov completely caved in under Gurovchia, Deputy Minister for Finance, through him Gurovich secretly influenced the minister, promoted his interests, had all the information about the “first” in the Ministry of Emergencies, over a cup of tea after the gym.
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Boris A. Avakyan
Diploma of St. Petersburg State University of Economics. Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University. In 2007, Avakyan defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Improving the efficiency of the state owner." Later he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Integration processes of the economies of Russia and Armenia”.
From 2006 to 2009, he worked as the head of the investment department of the Rusinkor holding.
One of the founders, and since 2009 - General Director - the largest customs broker in the commercial port of St. Petersburg.
From 2010 to 2014, he held the position of Deputy Head of the Federal Property Management Agency for the Leningrad Region.
From 2014 to 2016 - Deputy Chief State Inspector of St. Petersburg for the use and protection of land
In September 2016, the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the North-West initiated a case against Avakyan under Article 194 “Non-payment of customs duties”. According to the investigation, the criminal group, organized by Boris Avakyan, imported clothes and electronics into Russia under the guise of cheap building materials. The damage caused was estimated at over $4 billion. rubles. Avakyan was detained in Moscow during a meeting with a journalist from the Dozhd TV company, and then placed under house arrest, from which he escaped on September 12, 2016. The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation combined with the smuggling case of 2015, where the main defendant is the owner of the Cartier house Dmitry Zarubin.
He has close relations with the majority of people from the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, the central office of the SEB FSB.
In 2019, while lobbying by the Head of Staff, C was appointed to the position of a senior officer in Karabakh, namely, Deputy Minister for Emergency Situations of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, in the past Special Representative of the NKR President for Special Assignments, representative of the Resurgent Armenia Party.

Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info