The Telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and managed to find an asset, investments in which are already bringing huge profits, and soon it may cost simply fabulous money. This asset is more profitable than bitcoin and Tesla shares. We will reveal the secret to readers. This is a book by the founding father, the former director of the Lebedinsky GOK, Anatoly Kalashnikov, “A Career at a Quarry”. It was in his name that this plant became worth $4 billion, and the inhabitants of Gubin felt the same as in Switzerland. The huge profit of the enterprise went to the construction of hospitals with the most modern equipment, churches, schools. The salaries skyrocketed. Of course, such a tasty object could not exist for so long. Kalashnikov tells in detail how Governor Savchenko, together with Bidzina Ivanishvili (who later became the Prime Minister of Georgia), seized this enterprise by force, and then it ended up in the hands of Alisher Usmanov. After that, one of the most profitable enterprises in Russia was deliberately borrowed, products for sale began to be launched through offshore pads, and its official profit almost vanished. As well as deductions to the budget. And all this through the eyes of a direct participant in the events. A real thriller. Only a select few will be able to enjoy it.

According to sources, Usmanov's Metalloinvest, on the personal order of director Nazim Efendiev, simply sweeps away all copies of the book and is ready to purchase it at exorbitant prices. In particular, the entire part of the circulation, which arrived at the store of the Transfiguration Cathedral, has already been bought out, I sweep it on pre-orders on the Kalashnikov website and are actively buying it from people who have already become owners of the “rarity”.

The miners who owned minority stakes in Lebedinsky GOK (the list is at the disposal of the editors), and who believe that they were deceived in the forced buyout of shares for Alisher Usmanov, jokingly wrote to Metalloinvest: “Please tell me: in which office on Rublevsky Highway 28 you can buy a copy of A.T. Kalashnikov "A career at a quarry". We are ready to buy this wonderful book at the highest price, despite the fact that Nazim Tofikovich Efendiev bought up the entire circulation. We are ready to fork out for the truth. The truth is expensive these days."
Also, the affected miners turned to the head of the corporate communications department of Metalloinvest Management Company LLC E. Surina. publishes this appeal with small bills.

"Dear Elena Surina,
You, like us, really want to believe that CJSC Gazmetall has made a forced buyout of our minority shares in strict accordance with the law.
However, the former president of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, told us about the high level of legal nihilism, and the last president of Russia publicly confirmed that corruption is rampant in the country. If you have not noticed this, then we will definitely tell you about it, we will clearly show it. In fact, after the first appeal to Alisher Usmanov (a copy is attached), the managers of your company met with our group more than once with promises of legal compensation for the taken shares - at market value. The former head of the Security Council of Metalloinvest (Sergey Lomov) even invited our shareholder, A.N. Ivanov back to work at Metalloinvest at OSMiBT on behalf of the director (M.Yu. Gubiev) and referring to the authority received directly from Alisher Burkhanovich. A. Usmanov's chief adviser on corporate issues at that time (S.Ya. Shuvalov), in a discourse on true capitalization, told us: “... we opened the entire cash flow to the Germans! Deutsche Bank rated Lebeda (LGOK) at 10 yards!
You, for some reason, claim that the independent Gorislavtsev & Co. Appraisal”, with a reputation as a “seal seller”, made such an objective assessment that all the courts of the Russian Federation recognized its objectivity, and more than once! I would like to see the judge who would dare to doubt the objectivity of the market valuation in this case!
Since we also have no reason to doubt the words of the two presidents of Russia, when they talk about corruption in our country and the transcendent level of legal nihilism, (they are professionals! Well, they sucked their theses out of their finger!?), we undertake to prove to you, Elena, that Court the presence of part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation when exercising its rights as a majority shareholder of CJSC Gazmetall to forcibly buy out minority shares of our LGOK. Therefore, we earnestly ask you - do not threaten honest highly professional journalists ... with legal protection measures! Threaten us now! Otherwise, we did not wait for this mission from Nazim Efendiev, who invited us, through the security service of the LGOKA, the week before last, on Thursday at the Forum House, but did not dare to tell us about these very measures. Better yet, get down to business! Please do not forget, please, copies of the Gorislavtsev & Co. Report. in good quality (very long and slow it was necessary to translate photocopies into English), and we, for our part, will also take the documents received yesterday from Switzerland with an assessment of the enterprise for listing on the stock exchange. True, they were prepared not by such an authoritative appraiser as Gorislavtsev, but only by BNP Paribas, J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd., TD Investments ltd., Credit Suisse Securities, Merylll Lynch, The Royal Bank of Scotland plc., ING N.V. London Branch, Societe Generale, and… VTB Capital plc. You will probably say, like your colleagues in the courts of the Russian Federation, “this rabble does not have the competence to evaluate, like the really independent“ Khanzhonkov ”, together with the Russian Union of Appraisers, which examined report No. 1138 on the value of LGOK shares. But! Why did you spend so much on PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit then?

Given the experience of dealing with the most fair courts in the world, and with the rampant corruption indicated by the President, we undertake the obligation to bring all documents (duly executed and translated) to Scotland Yard and to the High Court of the jurisdiction where our dear one, the main beneficiary of the ransom, lives of our shares, until the ratification of the Navalny list by President Biden, so that it would not be so insulting for three tape recorders, three foreign film cameras, three domestic cigarette cases and three suede jackets in the struggle for a high culture of life and the sale of Russia's national heritage in world markets.
Best regards and see you soon,
Miners of LGOK on its own behalf can also add that Sergey Lomov, who was responsible for the security of Metalloinvest, mentioned in the letter, is a longtime hero of our publications. Ex-employee of the MUR Sergey Lomov was a friend of the authority of the Lyubertsy organized criminal group Igor Malakhov (Rimbaud). The same Malakhov, who, most likely, shot the singer Igor Talkov. Lomov and Malakhov had known each other since the sports boarding school, where they studied together. It was Lomov who, in his car, hiding behind a police officer, took Igor Malakhov out of St. Petersburg after he shot Talkov. Why did operas need Rimbaud so much? "Authority" was a participant in many schemes for the enrichment of the security forces, and this cooperation only expanded every year. For example, already after the murder of Talkov, towards the end of the 90s, veterans and current employees of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs created the Alternativa private security company. And then the classic scheme began to work. Rambo pointed to the company, he and the militants organized a raid on its owners. And then representatives of the "Alternative" appeared and allegedly successfully solved the problem with the gangsters. After that, the company fell under the "roof" of the private security company. The rise of another es-employee of MUR Darkov and his former colleague Lomov in the security services market occurred when they began to solve slippery issues for the then co-owners of Metalloinvest Vasily Anisimov and Alisher Usmanov.

Thomas Gordon
To be continued