There was an unpleasant stir in the regional administrative pond of Krasnodar Krai. This was facilitated by the news on February 5 that the current governor of Krasnodar Krai Veniamin Kondratyev was not included in the updated list of the Presidium of the State Council, which is formed by the order of the president. As the telegram channel VChK-OGPU and Rucriminal.info found out, the sponsored Kuban political scientists tried to give the sadness a positive sound, proposing a wording. They say that Putin instructs his Veniamin Ivanovich to focus on solving the most important problems for the region. Among which, first of all, are the elimination of the consequences of the fuel oil disaster in the Anapa-Taman region and saving the resort season. Well, and achieving even greater heights in the implementation of national projects. The formulation was rejected by the Kuban propagandists. First of all, for reasons of self-preservation. It is definitely not worth angering Putin on the eve of determining the winning candidate in the upcoming gubernatorial elections in the region this September. Yes, Kondratyev has the strongest established Kremlin connections. But, perhaps, no other regional leader of the Russian Federation has had so many "approaches" to the president over the past years from their friends-curators, with requests "not to pay attention", to forgive the failures or pranks of their protégés. And Kondratyev was forgiven. For the fact that his wards under his supervision organized a large-scale scheme of "working with developers", unique for the country. The essence of which is mandatory kickbacks in the form of floors of apartments. Commerce or land plots, in favor of the drops of the regional leaders. Those who balked were cut off from oxygen with loans, with the possibility of connecting to utilities. Construction projects were stalled, often at the stage of 90 (or more) percent readiness. As a result, thousands of defrauded equity holders, rallies and incriminating articles about rogue developers in the controlled press, then trials and imprisonment of these same developers. Then, quietly, the transfer of almost finished residential complexes to friendly construction companies, the embezzlement of money allocated from the budget for completion and funds from the sale of apartments received for free. For these schemes, the vice-governor (later the mayor of Krasnodar) Andrey Alekseenko, responsible for this criminal financial flow, almost went to jail. The investigation was closed, there was no trial. The sword of Themis whistled over the ear of another vice-governor of Kuban - Anatoly Voronovsky. He was cultivating the national project on roads. By squeezing DRSU under their authorized representatives, and organizing victories in billion-dollar tenders for road repair and reconstruction, and organizing weigh-in points for their own. Road kickbacks went not only into the pockets of the regional high-ranking officials, they were also directed towards... patriotism. To a large extent, the Patriot Park was built in Kondratyev's native Dinsky District thanks to such "donations" from road workers, developers and a number of other commercial areas. In confidential conversations, when the governor's friends expressed concerns about this type of financing for patriotism, he retorted, saying, I'll show the park to Vladimir Vladimirovich, he'll like it, and he'll forgive me. No, is this serious? A sacred concept for the president? To build it on bribes?

In fact, Kondratyev was forgiven for all this. Voronovsky in the State Duma, Alekseenko in Kherson.
The Kremlin "didn't notice" the strange election arrangements in Krasnodar Krai. It would be fine if we were talking only about ballot stuffing in volumes from thousands to hundreds of thousands (depending on whether deputies or a governor were being elected). But the cushy seats became the subject of shameless trade. The price tag for a seat in the ZSK reached 30-40 million rubles. For the State Duma, they could put up a "hundred-dollar" fee. Not for everyone, of course. The top part of the list, with truly authoritative people, did not pay. They got enough for the rest of those who were suffering from the badge. Today, the Russian press is full of exposures of major Kuban swindlers. And almost all of these corrupt clans are represented as deputies "from families". From the Napso clan (which for many years was one of Zhirinovsky's wallets), his wife sits in the regional ZSK. There are their own plenipotentiaries from the families of authorized developers of the former mayor of Sochi Kopaigorodsky, the former head of the regional court Chernov. But for some reason, none of the Kremlin experts on domestic politics ever bothered to ask why the young but very authoritative Krasnodar resident Vitaly Novikov, now a defendant named in the lawsuit of the Prosecutor General's Office, ended up in the Legislative Assembly of Krasnodar Krai? Elected for Novorossiysk, an unknown city to him? It's hardly worth talking about the authority of this empty-headed kid among Novorossiysk residents - he doesn't even have it now. According to a source of the VChK-OGPU, the reasons for his election are interesting. When Governor Kondratyev's niece was caught red-handed taking a bribe, and after the investigation was completed, the case was transferred to court, "Uncle Venya" tried to get his beloved niece Shadrina off the hook. Several times he tried to organize a personal trust a meeting with the new head of the regional court who replaced Chernov. He did not refuse the meeting, but took measures for his own safety, inviting one of his employees to the office. So a one-on-one conversation never happened. But the help of Chernov, who at that time still maintained strong judicial ties, came in handy. Yes, Shadrina was convicted, but there are questions about the severity of the sentence. Shadrina is a lawyer-fixer - she has long been home. But Chernov's illegitimate son, as a thank you for his assistance, was elected as a deputy of the regional legislative assembly.

The list of such achievements of Veniamin Kondratyev is enough for several seasons of the series. But, as the interlocutor of Rucriminal.info notes, all these sins and sins were "forgiven" because of his only "talent": the ability to solve problems for his Moscow friends. In business, in land. We will not repeat ourselves - we have written about this more than once. But if so, what is the reason for the current disfavor? Most likely, it is that, it seems, Kondratyev himself broke Vladimir Vladimirovich's rose-colored glasses. During the December live broadcast, which took place literally a few hours after the fuel oil disaster in the Kerch Strait, Putin commented on the situation, saying that Kondratyev promised to cope on his own, and that "a group of four thousand people is working" in the area of the disaster, and that no help is needed. No doubt about the effectiveness of the wonderful governor ... No hint that the scale of the disaster requires an urgent introduction of a federal emergency, with the prompt involvement of all possible resources, both people and equipment ... Today, authoritative experts in the media say that due to such misleading of the country's leadership, precious time was lost. And that if the required work had been organized immediately, the consequences would not have been so terrible.
And it seems that this time the number of Kondratyev's Kremlin defenders has been reduced to zero at the moment. Including because the governor, among other things, seriously let down, let's say, some iconic "people from TV", sending the prospects for the imminent implementation of the "New Anapa" project into deep space. Investments in the resort construction were planned in the amount of hundreds of billions of rubles. And the case seemed win-win: after all, under the conditions of sanctions, including due to a sharp reduction in the opportunities for Russians to vacation at foreign resorts, domestic vacationers are going en masse to Russian ones. On the beaches, like in the metro during rush hour, shit flows directly into the sea, due to the destroyed treatment facilities. This is also evidenced by the indecently growing kamka (green algae) in the waters of the same Anapa due to the incoming organic matter. So, with the resorts, the region has chosen the same policy as the completely failed garbage reform by Kondratyev (which has also been written about more than once), instead of putting the polluted in order, it is easier to build something new - well, a landfill there, or a new resort. And a blow to the pocket, even if it is a future one, is not forgiven in high Russian circles. There are no friends in politics, there are only temporary allies. And it seems that today Kondratyev has lost these allies with his outright lies to Putin. The question is whether forever? This will become clear in the next month or two. If the Kremlin friends-curators of the guilty one consider that the imposed penance in the form of deprivation of membership in the State Council is enough, and the one put in a corner will in the future be much more diligent, docile and executive in promoting the tasks in the region of his patrons, then we will see the announcement of the presidential blessing of Kondratyev for a new term of the Kuban of trouble.
But if the president finally appreciates Kondratyev on his merits, or rather, on their almost complete absence, well then, the main Kuban will move to the capital, under someone's wing.
Arseny Dronov
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info