The telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and continue to talk about a tight bunch - the deputy general director of the "daughter" of "Gazprom" LLC "Gazprom gas oil product holding" Dmitry Mironov and the "gas king" of Omsk Denis Krishkevich. Omsk businessman Artem Lavrishko has collected all the documents that this couple is "sawing" hundreds of millions of rubles from Gazprom funds with the support of a large group of former and current security officials. Because of this, Lavrishko constantly threatens. He filed statements with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Prosecutor General's Office and hopes that federal law enforcement officers will finally pay attention to this couple. First, we present an excerpt from their appeal to Lavryshko to the Prosecutor General. And then we will continue to publish his appeal to the head of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Andrey Kurnosenko.

“It is egregious that the employee at that time of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC Mironov Dmitry Anatolyevich, according to the director of LLC GK Krishkevich D.V. is his friend and can be said to be a patron in the structures of Gazprom.

To assess the damage caused only by Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC from possible corrupt cooperation, Mironova D.A. and Krishkevich D.V. easy to calculate based on official information:
This is a link to the price of gas from Surgut in September 2018 (you can and should look at other months).
Throughout 2018, OOGC received gas from Surgut in the amount of approximately 6,000 tons (approximately 500 tons per month) for the needs of the population of the Omsk Region at a fixed preferential price of 13,300 rubles per ton including VAT.
Let's take September 2018 as an example: The price for OOGC from Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC is 13,300 rubles per ton, including VAT, the contractual or exchange price is on average about 30,300 rubles per ton, including VAT.
500 tons * (30300-13300) = 10 million rubles only from September 2018, this is the damage to Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC.
Further down the chain: This volume was not included in the tariff for the population of the Omsk Region and, of course, was sold in bulk and through filling stations of OOGC and affiliated companies, although naturally, when using these volumes of gas for the needs of the population of the Omsk Region, the tariff should have been significantly lower and also these volumes Mironov D.A. was not supposed to allocate OGK at all (This is again a question for D.A. Mironov, on the basis of what letters, official applications, this volume was shipped at a regulated price for the population of the Omsk region to OOGC, which sold it for commercial purposes and possibly shared it with Mironov D.A., because no other thoughts come from where such an attraction of unprecedented generosity from Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC in relation to OOGC Krishkevich D.V.)
Employee of Gazpromneft PJSC Nesterov D.A. at one time wrote a statement to Omskgorgaz on the fact of causing damage to Gazpromneft PJSC (attached), and an employee of Gazprom Liquefied Gas LLC for some reason “gives” OOGC in 2018 the volumes intended for the population of the Omsk Region at 13,300 rubles per ton, but does not file a claim for damages.
According to available information, the director of OOGC D.V. Krishkevich at the end of 2018, he also wrote a letter to the Government of the Omsk Region with a request to compensate OOGC for losses in the amount of 27 million rubles (this is a possible attempt to embezzle budget funds).
He transfers gas volumes between his own and affiliated companies LLC
Trader and LLC Vector (Sorokin A.E.), LLC Neftegaz Plus (Rumanov P.A.), LLC
Perspektiva (A.A. Shitov) and SITEK LLC (D.V. Krishkevich).
Most of these companies have already been liquidated or are in the process of liquidation, and the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Tax Service of the Omsk Region for some reason stubbornly do not want to pay attention to the fact that the company (one might say very successful) is gaining momentum in 2 years of operation from 500 million rubles to 1 billion and then voluntarily liquidated.
So far, it seems that perhaps not yet well-known law enforcement officers of the Omsk region have been delaying the initiation of a criminal case for almost a year on the evidence of fraudulent actions by OGK to increase gas volumes and tariffs for the population and cause damage to the companies of the Gazprom group and, as a result, the budget of the Russian Federation ".
And now is returning to Lavrishko's statement to the head of the GUEBiPK.
"Episode 9
Fraudulent actions of Krishkevich D.V. with Reismus LLC, expressed in the fact that they were together in 2015 at that time with a partner Nitsievskiy V.A. bought out the filling stations of Reismus LLC by entering the founders 50 to 50 and paid these shares, but Krishkevich D.The. fraudulently signed the contract after (one can say he forged the contract, by signing it much later - all this was established by the Arbitration Court of the Novosibirsk Region) and now, through judicial manipulations with the help of members of his criminal community, Yanin Stepan and his lawyers, on the basis of forged documents and false information, the LLC goes bankrupt " Reismus" and is trying to fraudulently get both this gas station and money from a former partner.
Episode 10
March 5, 2021 in connection with controversial issues in contractual relations with the Omsk liquefied gas base - filiala JSC "SG-trading" (where I was the head of the branch at that time), Krishkevich D.V. with his group Shevchekno Yu.D., Borisovkim Yu.V., Shitov A.A. and Rumanov P.A. and drivers of gas carriers LLC "Omsk Regional Gas Company" illegally entered the territory of a hazardous production facility, blocked the scales and blocked the entrances and exits to the base with their cars, Krishkevich D.V. drove his jeep to the territory of the base. By their actions, they tried to paralyze the work of a hazardous production facility, by the evening, with the help of the traffic police and the district police officer, they were removed from the territory, but the gas carriers were left on the scales, but in the end, all their actions were in no way qualified by law enforcement agencies and none of the violators was held accountable.
Not only that, but when the next day we freed the scales from gas carriers, they repeatedly tried to illegally enter the territory of a dangerous facility, then in the presence of the district police officer and representatives of the local police department of the Internal Affairs Directorate Rumanov P.A. (in his words as the owner of gas carriers) transport
the funds were allowed to be taken from the territory of a dangerous protected facility, for which he, signing in a journal in the presence of the chief engineer of the base, Mikhail Grudinin, told us that he would blow up the base. Then Shevchenko Yu.D. came up to me (unfortunately without witnesses) and told me to walk around and look around. Krishkevich, on March 5, 2021, in the office of the branch director, said that the Siberian Federal District and especially Omsk are his land and he is the owner here and no authorities and laws can decree him.
Episode 11
For the third year in a row, Krishkevich D.V., his community and companies have been illegally building and operating a winter road (winter road) along the route: Myldzhino village - Berezovka village (via the Snezhnoye field), with a crossing over the Chizhapka River (district 8- 10 km from the mouth) and the Pasil River (area 1 km from the mouth), which, as in previous years, was built by people on the instructions of SITEK LLC "Krishkevich D.V., and he operated it in the near future from December 2021 continue illegal exploitation.
In this episode, perhaps, it was not without the participation of former traffic police officers who are members of the community of Krishkevich D.V. in order to forge routes and move freely along the illegal winter road for 3 whole years.
I ask you to carefully study the Resolution of the Seventh Arbitration Court of Appeal of Tomsk on the appeal (No. 07AP7030/2020) of SITEK Limited Liability Company against the decision of June 29, 2020 of the Arbitration Court of the Tomsk Region in case No. А67-14111/2019 AS of the Tomsk Region, in which clearly stated on page 17:
“The commissioning is carried out annually on the basis of a positive conclusion of the commission, which includes representatives of the control and supervisory authorities (GIMS, STSI), as well as representatives of the municipality - the Administration of the Kargasoksky district.”
The question arises, which of these bodies and on what basis agreed on the operation of this illegal winter road for 2020-2021 in the interests of SITEK LLC and who approves this winter road for 2021-2022?
From the text of this resolution, a question arises for the traffic police in the Tomsk region:
According to what and by whom the route sheets and permits signed (we can say the inaction of the traffic police) from December 2019 to March 2020, SITEK LLC transported tens of thousands of tons of dangerous goods on an illegal winter road allegedly owned by RESNOT LLC.
Page 19 of the Decree:
“Represented by the MKU UZHKHiKS of the Kargassky district of the Tomsk region and JSC
Energotrans, the information is consistent with the data provided by SITEK LLC, set out in the certificate of 06.10.2020 No. 156 of Resnot LLC, from which it follows that in 2019-2020. along the route of the 74-km highway from the village of Kargasok - the village of Sredny Vasyugan - Myldzhino with an ice crossing over the Chizhapka River, the named company organized a winter road, other than that operated by Energotrans JSC, for technological travel from the Myldzhinsky GCF of Tomskgazprom JSC and the export of SPBT , which was operated by Resnot LLC and under an agreement dated 10/01/2019, was used by SITEK LLC for the export of PBT from the territory of the Myldzhinsky GNP for the passage of specialized vehicles. The winter road passes through the land plot with cadastral number 70:06:0100026:15322, located at the address Russian Federation, Tomsk region, Kargasoksky district, Kargasokskoye forestry, Chizhapskoye district forestry, Chizhapskoye tract, quarter 92, parts of allotments 9, 13, quarter 93, parts of allotments 6, 7, quarter 117, parts of allotments 9, 12, 15, 17, 22, 23, quarter 118, parts of allotments 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, tract "Sovkhoz im. Ilyich", quarter 69, parts of sections 1.4, 5, 7, 8.12, quarter 70, parts of sections 1.2, 3.4.6, 8.10.22 with an area of 9.1208 hectares.
The fact of operation of the named winter road by the plaintiff is confirmed by sampling acts and acceptance and transfer certificates of PBT in the period from December 2019 to March 2020.”
Page 24 of the Decree:
“Despite the active actions taken since 2018, SITEK LLC failed to obtain the right to drive through the legal winter technological passage for the export of PBT from the Myldzhinsky GNP along independent LLC "SITEK" circumstances.
LLC "SITEK" actually admits that he used an illegal winter road, all respectively route sheets were issued illegally and this is called illegal entrepreneurship.
Resnot LLC, as RSTLOGISTIKA LLC in episode 7, are links in one possible fraudulent scheme of D.V. Krishkevich. in the Tomsk region, in order to, without responsibility, by proxy (one-day firms), create lawlessness, operate and build winter roads.
Also, a very important point is the question of which employees of the traffic police in the Tomsk region signed and will sign the commissioning of the above winter road in 2021, and also who and on what legal grounds signed and signs route sheets or permits for the transportation of dangerous goods on this winter road from the Tomsk GCF (Myldzhino) to Novoseltsevo?
Episode 12
Illegal creation of a base for Omsk Regional Gas Company LLC at 177/1 Mira Avenue, Omsk city for draining / loading gas from gas carriers, filling and repairing domestic gas cylinders, along with the operation of an illegally built gas filling station on an illegally occupied land plot owned by the city of Omsk and not intended for these purposes. For two years, the Prosecutor's Office of the Omsk Region, the UEBiPK of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Omsk Region, Rostekhnadzor and the Federal Security Service for the Omsk Region do not pay attention to these egregious violations that threaten the life and health of the inhabitants of Omsk.
Only in April 2021, the administration of Omsk filed a lawsuit against Omsk Regional Gas Company LLC, but the case is still being dragged on by Krishkevich’s lawyers and has not been considered on the merits. Moreover, during the inspection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, fatal violations were revealed on this land plot, which pose a threat to the life and health of the inhabitants of Omsk, but no one in the region cares about this.
Since the winter of 2017, Omsk Regional Gas Company LLC has been repairing and filling household gas cylinders there, but according to Rostekhnadzor standards, this is prohibited, since the installation of filling cylinders there is open street, without heating, and according to the requirements of Rotsekhnadzor and also a new order of December 15 2020 N 532 ON THE APPROVAL OF THE FEDERAL NORMS AND RULES IN THE FIELD OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY "SAFETY RULES FOR OBJECTS USING LIQUEFIED HYDROCARBON GASES" it is forbidden to pour cylinders at temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius, but all these years there have been violations in the winter (this is easy to check by taking air temperature statistics in winter and cylinder filling logs of Omsk Regional Gas Company LLC, which they lose all the time during checks, do not keep, rewrite and engage in all sorts of forgeries and forgery of documents related specifically to filling cylinders for the population at this illegal facility.

To be continued
Denis Zhirnov