After the previous publication of Rucriminal.info about corruption by Gazprom gas distribution Dagestan, the said company underwent an inspection initiated by Gazprom's own security service. However, the old fox Makhtibekov Kazbek managed to avoid the consequences by writing a slander on the Dagestan security officials to the Head of the Republic, Sergei Melikov.
Therefore, we will continue to expose the activities of Kazbek Makhtibekov.
Explosions in apartments in Makhachkala and Khasavyur revealed not only problems in the system of work of Gazprom gas distribution Dagestan, but also deeper problems.
The program for additional gasification of the republic itself has almost failed, although there are still chances to implement it.
To solve problems, it is enough to simply change subcontracting organizations, analyze the work done or its absence, then identify the perpetrators and, according to the old tradition, reward them. Then hire new contractors who will also do nothing, but they will be able to excuse themselves, saying that everything was stolen before them.
And now seriously....
To date, the person responsible for disrupting the presidential gasification program has not been identified, the perpetrators of non-execution of programs have not been identified, which may have led to a series of explosions in residential buildings.
The executor of the post-gasification contract is SMK LLC, TIN 9705037905, with registration in Moscow.
As Rucriminal.info found out, a company with an authorized capital of 10,000 rubles will receive a contract for 1.5 billion rubles in 2021. The head of the company is a certain Astapenkov Ivan Vasilyevich.
After receiving the contract, the authorized capital is increased to 1 million rubles. The company's portfolio is replenished, things are going uphill. The main activity is the construction of roads.
The question is, why should such a successful company go to a tender in Dagestan, especially within the framework of additional gasification. This is where the fun begins.
Close relationship Astapenkova I.V. is Mr. Dzhanakaev Rashid Sirazhutdinovich, the head of the notorious Dagestangazservis, who convinced the head of SMK LLC to put up for a tender, win the contract and transfer it to R.S. Dzhanakaev, who was supposed to fulfill it.
However, something went wrong, since Dzhanakaev was not going to implement the contract, the real goal of the whole event was the failure of the republic’s additional gasification program, for which, according to Dzhanakaev, the head of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Makhachkala Mansurov L.N. had to answer.
After that, according to the plan of Dzhanakaev, Makhtibekov Kazbek Abdulaevich, deputy for security and part-time acting officer of the FSB in the Republic of Dagestan, who, using his connections both in the FSB and in the management of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC, organized the victory of SMK LLC in the tender . What is most surprising, he managed to organize it in the shortest possible time.
All these cunning plans were drawn up and financially motivated by the "gray eminence of the fuel and energy complex" of Dagestan, Sultan "Neftebaza", who has long dreamed of uniting not only oil, but also gas in his hands. But the Sultan, for all his importance, could not have carried out such an operation alone.
The main intriguer of the republic, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Kurbanov Rizvan Daniyalovich, came to his aid. Here is the true beneficiary of the Gas-Oil-Sea-Dagestan project.
He is hardworking, ambitious, has wide connections both among the Russian political elite and within the republic.
Rizvan Kurbanov has long been aiming for the chair of the head of the Republic of Dagestan, however, he does not show himself in any way until the moment when he is 100% sure of the result. He has no need for new enemies.
In conclusion, let's talk about who these people are "shadow solvers" of Dagestan.
Sultan "Neftebaza" Magomedov, according to rumors, has only 8 classes of education, but at the same time he held high government posts both in the Republic of Dagestan and in the Russian Federation. I felt at ease with all the presidents of the Republic of Dagestan.
He started his career as an ordinary tanker, but miraculously managed to seize the key enterprise of the republic, Dagnefteprodukt LLC. He is a participant in many scandals (smuggling and theft of oil), a defendant in a huge number of criminal cases. You can not list, just open the criminal code of the Russian Federation on any page and poke your finger. But thanks to an almost unlimited financial resource, he always got away with it. Including thanks to Rizvan Kurbanov, when the latter was the prosecutor of the republic. He is very interested in gas and even shoved his nephew Ilyas into the chair of the head of Dagestangazservis LLC. However, the management changed his plans and the gas went under the control of the Russian Federation. "Neftebaza" had to leave their wet dreams for a while. Under Melikov, the Sultan again became a respected politician, placing his people in municipal, regional and federal positions.
Kurbanov Rizvan Daniyalovich (also known as the "Black Soul") is the most media th politician of the republic. A master of palace coups, a genius of undercover intrigues and a friend of the oligarch Suleiman Kerimov. Involved in all economic, political and criminal scandals in Dagestan. His most famous business project is Sagid Murtazaliev, Olympic champion and former head of the Pension Fund of the Republic of Dagestan. After accusing Murtazaliev of extremism, everyone predicted the decline of Kurbanov's political career, but he managed to turn this failure to his advantage. Today he is a companion and protege of Suleiman Kerimov, with the help of whom he expects to take the chair of the Head of the Republic of Dagestan.
Makhtibekov Kazbek Abdulaevich is the icing on the cake of our investigation. Active employee of the FSB Department for the Republic of Dagestan, Deputy Head of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Makhachkala LLC. Without his participation in the office of the company, even the light at the entrance does not turn on. The representative of an all-powerful, shrouded in secret organization, who, according to Makhtibekov himself, has direct access to the leadership of PJSC Gazprom, regiongaz is no longer his level. But now he no longer names names, mindful of the audit of the company's own security service carried out after our previous publication.
He started the companies of his relatives and relatives of his wife for contracts for regasification. This was done in order to overwhelm the execution and shift all the blame on the head of the company Lenar Mansurov. Then, with the support of Magomedsultan Neftebaza and Rizvan Kurbanov, take the place of the head of the company. This trinity did not give a damn about the order of the Government of the Russian Federation, the decisions of PJSC Gazprom.
Alexey Ermakov
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info