Former employees of the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, previously dismissed due to high-profile corruption scandals from law enforcement agencies, using official connections in the FSB, as well as the acquaintance of Andrei Viktorovich Khorev, Shendrik Viktor Viktorovich with Arkady Romanovich Rotenberg, created an organized community (OS) for the purpose of illegal personal enrichment. Rucriminal.info told about how this OS works and its top leaders in his investigation.
In our new publication, we continue the story about top OS managers and their assistants from government agencies PJSC Mosenergo (revenue - 2.07 billion rubles / year)

At PJSC Mosenergo, the scheme for splitting contracts and purchases under the investment program is similar to the scheme at PJSC MOEK. Feyzulin Damir Zagidovich (ORB No. 7 of the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation) was authorized by the OPS to control the financial flows only.
Feizulin Damir Zagidovich controls absolutely all purchases and expenses of Mosenergo PJSC (reconstruction, repair programs, overhaul, purchase of materials, fittings, selection of private security companies, installation and installation of all kinds of equipment at CHPPs, etc.). Plus, the icing on the cake: the board of directors of Mosenergo PJSC includes one of the patrons of the OS, Andrey Viktorovich Khorev.
According to the annual report for 2021 of PJSC Mosenergo, the actual amount of financing in 2021 under the investment program amounted to 20.71 billion rubles. VAT included.
By analogy with PJSC MOEK, the income of the OPS for 2021 is 10% of 20.71 billion rubles. = 2.07 ppm. rub.
JSC "Mosvodokanal" (revenue - 0.5 billion rubles / year)
It is worth noting that in JSC Mosvodokanal, along with the OS, the elite corrupt thief Ponomarenko Alexander Mikhailovich “works” in conjunction with Biryukov Petr Pavlovich. It seems that they themselves do not understand how two corrupt clans coexist.
According to the source of Rucriminal.info, Ponomarenko Alexander Mikhailovich is the master of iodine from Star Wars in the world of corruption. All thieves and corrupt officials of the Russian Federation should take advice from him and be trained. Soon we will write a separate book about this elite thief, who has a lot of property in foreign countries (including enemy France), and we will also reveal all his criminal schemes.
Evil tongues say that now he is sending a large number of employees of Mosvodokanal JSC to the NVO zone to restore communications and is forced to personally command, leaving for Mariupol, etc. But all this is only in order to save his property in the Crimea (including big hotel).
The appointment of Vladimir Viktorovich Orlov (ORB No. 6 of the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation) as Deputy General Director for Prospective Development and Accessions of Mosvodokanal JSC is mistakenly associated with the mother-governor of the Vladimir Region.
According to people close to Alexander Mikhailovich Ponomarenko, Vladimir Viktorovich Orlov was appointed to Mosvodokanal JSC by former colleagues from the OS against the will of Alexander Mikhailovich Ponomarenko and to solve his own tasks of the OS. Ponomarenko Alexander Mikhailovich simply did not have the opportunity and resources to refuse the OS, since the wagons and huge trains were compromising evidence on him.
The scheme for obtaining criminal income by Orlov is as follows: in the contract for connecting to the systems of JSC Mosvodokanal, Orlov Vladimir Viktorovich deliberately includes the relocation of sections of water supply and sewer networks that are not related to the connection object. The inclusion of relays significantly increases the cost of the connection agreement by the cost of the relay. As a basis for the inclusion of relays, Orlov Vladimir Viktorovich provides a deterioration in the parameters of sewerage, water supply and fire extinguishing of existing consumers.
To reduce the cost of the connection agreement, the Developer, Contractor, Applicant, etc. officially apply to Mosvodokanal JSC. Attempts to reduce the cost of the connection agreement by legal means (for example, through a protocol of disagreements or complaints to the authorities of Moscow) do not lead to anything, since the developer is limited by the tight deadlines for design, construction and fines and costs in case of non-compliance with them. Accordingly, the developer does not have the opportunity to waste time on the above actions.
Due to the lack of time for the above actions, the developer is forced to turn to Vladimir Viktorovich Orlov or the higher OS participants or their proxies for a solution.
For the purpose of personal enrichment, for a monetary reward, Orlov Vladimir Viktorovich excludes transfers from the connection agreement after the transfer of funds. At the same time, the Developer, the Investor incurs large financial losses, which are subsequently included in the cost of construction projects and are shifted onto the shoulders of ordinary property buyers. In addition to the OS, this scheme enriches and feeds numerous intermediaries and acquaintances of the OS participants. Relays are included in almost all connection agreements for commercial developers.
Orlov Vladimir Viktorovich receives part of his income by placing his contractors on the construction sites of Mosvodokanal JSC. But not as much as I would like OS workers, since Ponomarenko's competitor Alexander Mikhailovich still has a lot of contractors afloat, who stuck to Mosvodokanal JSC.
According to the investment program of Mosvodokanal JSC, the amount of financing in 2021 amounted to 47.58 billion rubles. VAT included.
By analogy with PJSC MOEK, the income of the OPS for 2021 could be 10% of 47.58 billion rubles. = 4.75 ppm. rub.
BUT!!! It is not so easy to deploy OS in Mosvodokanal JSC (Mosvodokanal JSC still belongs to the city of Moscow) and the water supply networks themselves have a certain degree of secrecy.
Therefore, the criminal income of Vladimir Viktorovich Orlov can be estimated at a modest 0.5 billion rubles. (no more!), but 4.25 billion. rub. deservedly goes into the pocket of the more experienced Ponomarenko Alexander Mikhailovich.
Orlov Vladimir Viktorovich was more likely to have been supplied by the OS to Mosvodokanal JSC for comprehensive maintenance of developers: so that the developers could not escape from the hands of the OS, but at the same time they could solve all issues in one place.
Russian Railways
As a source told Rucriminal.info, Viktor Viktorovich Shendrik plays the same role in Russian Railways as Dzhambulatov Zaurbek Islamovich in Gazprom Energoholding, namely: he builds a criminal hierarchy in Russian Railways, putting his people in key positions for the implementation OS criminal schemes.
A lot of mouths feed and large fish swim in Russian Railways, but one way or another they are all controlled by Arkady Romanovich Rotenberg. It is difficult to calculate the specific amount of income of the OPS with JSC Russian Railways due to the large number of mouths feeding there. Let's take the same 10%. The size of the investment program of Russian Railways for 2021 is 679.6 billion rubles. Accordingly, the income of the OPS for 2021 amounted to 10% of 679.6 billion rubles. = 67.96 billion rubles.
About Viktor Viktorovich Shendrik and the criminal mechanisms in Russian Railways, we will also separately tell later due to the large amount of information and the circle of people.
Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info