Not everything is as rosy in Moscow city medicine, as Sergei Sobyanin tries to show us almost every day with his “gifts to the city” in the form of newly erected social facilities. With great fanfare, he presented the still unfinished and underequipped new building of the Moscow Clinical Scientific and Practical Center named after. Loginov of the Moscow Department of Health in June 2023, which, according to him, will have to open new horizons in the treatment of oncology. And at the end of the year, the Center became, in the literal sense of the word, the center of a corruption scandal. As Rucriminal.info found out, in October, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB conducted a search in the hospital building, and at the same time the head of the procurement service S.A. was detained and arrested. Shestrekin. It is known that the official was charged under Part 5 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (receiving a bribe on a large scale). The Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the city of Moscow took over the investigation of the criminal case. According to investigators, during the preparation of auctions at the Center. Loginova, potential suppliers were required to pay the “required” 10 percent of the contract price. Considering that only in 2023 the Center purchased goods and services totaling more than 10 billion rubles under the 44th Federal Law, one can imagine how much money ended up in the hands of officials. A number of businessmen who acted as bribe-payers also came under suspicion. It is known that representatives of the companies Brimed LLC, Intermedtech LLC, Megapolis LLC, Esten Moscow LLC, Breeze LLC and others are currently involved in the case. According to some information, the pipeline of bribe-payers included almost the entire a circle of merchants specializing in the supply of medical consumables, instruments, reagents and certain types of medical equipment.

According to Rucriminal.info sources familiar with the situation in the institution, during interrogations, investigators presented video materials with numerous transfers of envelopes and bundles of money to Shesterkin, which he received directly in his office.
An ordinary person might have a logical question: “Did this scheme really work in the interests of one person and such amounts were intended for one hospital clerk?” This question was resolved by itself in December 2023, when the investigators’ activities began to boil down to clarifying the role of the Deputy Director for Economic Affairs of the International Scientific Research Center V.V. Saradzhev, who, according to the version worked out by the investigation, received most of the funds received from businessmen. At this stage, it appears that law enforcement resources have been exhausted.
The intervention of organs, which clearly began to acquire a threatening character, directly to the director of the Center - the chief oncologist of Moscow, I.E. Khatkov. and a group of officials covering him from the Moscow Department of Health, demanded decisive action from the management of the hospital institution to protect their interests. In January, Khatkov authorizes Saradzhev’s leave and he safely leaves the country, according to some information, to Georgia, which is “friendly” to us. At that time, the authorities did not take any measures to detain and arrest him, given the presence of irrefutable evidence of his involvement. According to Rucriminal.info, the issue of evading criminal liability was resolved by Khatkov directly through Bastrykin’s department. It should be noted that among the Center’s employees there is an opinion that Khatkov has close relations with the top officials of the state. Khatkov, being a highly qualified specialist and, part-time, a player in the “night hockey league”, thanks to these connections, in 2021 he hired his son to the position of head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow No. 6, and in January 2024 – to the position of head of the Federal Tax Service MI Russia in terms of largest taxpayers No. 5. There are rumors that the connections acquired by Academician Khatkov allow him to make ambitious plans for obtaining the post of chief oncologist in Russia.
Khatkov’s disinterest in establishing order in his institution is due not so much to his direct participation in the distribution of incoming bribes from businessmen, but rather to fears that law enforcement agencies, in the course of close communication with his subordinate Saradzhev, may become aware of more significant circumstances of the institution’s activities. The personnel policy of the management may also be of interest, providing for the widespread use of the now banal scheme of paying fictitious bonuses to hospital employees for transfer to management, the employment of “dead souls” from close relatives of the management to replenish the family budget and evade conscription into the army. Particular attention of law enforcement may be paid to the circumstances of the acceptance of the new building of the Center, built for more than 16 billion rubles by the ANO “Development of Social Infrastructure” with the participation of the Khusnullinsky contractor LLC “Monotek Stroy” with extreme deviations from construction standards, with prices for construction work and supplied medical equipment 300-400% higher than their market value. Tomographs, X-ray machines, and other expensive medical systems transferred to the Center for use were not subject to service and warranty service, and had numerous discrepancies in documentation and equipment. At the same time, the corresponding acceptance certificates were signed at the direction of Khatkov.

Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info