Law enforcement agencies are checking information about the accounts of the former head of Rosnano, Anatoly Chubais, hidden in European banks, a source in the Russian law enforcement agencies told TASS.
“The amount of foreign currency on them can reach several billion,” the source said.

The telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU was the first to publish information about Chubais's significant assets in the West. The scheme for storing foreign assets created by Anatoly Chubais was built through the Swiss company SFO Concept AG JSC, in which he was the sole shareholder until May 2013. According to investigators, even after 2013, Chubais retained full control over the company. From this trough of Chubais, who had limitations as a state official, funds were allocated with the help of murky schemes for all his private projects. Thus, within the framework of these schemes, at the request of Anatoly Chubais, under the guarantees given by him for the repayment of loans, the Cypriot company O1 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED (currently TILSOKA LIMITED) - the ultimate beneficiary of which is Anatoly Chubais' friend, associate and business partner Boris Mints (alleged face value, behind which stands Chubais), issued in the form of "loans" from 2010 to 2012 the Swiss company JSC "SFO Concept AG" funds in the area: 22,000,000 US dollars. Loans were issued for the purpose of replenishing the working capital of the Swiss company owned at that time by Anatoly Chubais, for a long period, at an insignificant percentage, without any security. Under such circumstances, it must be assumed that Anatoly Chubais, with the help of a sham deal, transferred his own funds from abroad. This fact was also established in October 2017 by the Zelenogradsky District Court of Moscow, whose ruling stated that in 2010 the Swiss company Concept AG JSC was originally created by Anatoly Chubais without the purpose of conducting business activities.

Rucriminal.info believes that these funds were used to finance the construction of a Residential Complex in the village of Peredelki, Odintsovo district, Moscow region, with a book value of 47,000,000 US dollars, which illegally passed into the ownership of the Mints, and subsequently Anatoly Chubais at an underestimated cost of 600,000,000 rubles.
The process of buying the Residential Complex was extremely dubious from a legal point of view and looked more like a raider takeover, simulating a sale at a negligible price relative to the real appraised value.
Recall that the market value of the residential complex "Peredelki" according to 3 (Three) independent assessments carried out for the company JSC "SFO Concept AG" (Switzerland), including judicial, was determined by 34,000,000 - 36,500,000 US dollars.
The creation by Anatoly Chubais of a financing scheme for the construction of the Peredelki residential complex through the Swiss company JSC SFO Concept AG, in which he was the sole shareholder until May 2013, was extremely opaque. As mentioned in previous publications, within the framework of this scheme, at the request of Anatoly Chubais, under the guarantees given by him for the repayment of loans, the Cypriot company O1 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED (currently TILSOKA LIMITED) - the ultimate beneficiary of which is a friend, associate and business partner of Anatoly Chubais Boris Mints, issued "loans" from 2010 to 2012 to the Swiss company JSC "SFO Concept AG" cash in the area: 22,000,000 US dollars. Loans were issued for the purpose of replenishing the working capital of the Swiss company owned at that time by Anatoly Chubais, for a long period, at an insignificant percentage, without any security. Under such circumstances, it must be assumed that Anatoly Chubais, with the help of a sham deal, transferred his own funds from abroad. This fact was also established in October 2017 by the Zelenogradsky District Court of Moscow, whose ruling stated that in 2010 the Swiss company Concept AG JSC was originally created by Anatoly Chubais without the purpose of conducting business activities.
In this regard, a number of questions arise, to which, as Rucriminal.info hopes, answers will appear:
1. Why did Anatoly Chubais borrow money not for himself directly to Russia?
2. Why did Anatoly Chubais not openly build the Peredelki residential complex, but did it incognito through the Swiss company JSC SFO Concept AG and his family office LLC SFO CONCEPT CONSULTING, located in Russia?

In our opinion, the only correct answer is:
We believe that Boris Mints did not want to show the nature and origin of such large sums of money on the territory of the Russian Federation, in particular, on the accounts of the Cypriot company O1 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED. As it turned out later from media sources, the savings of Non-profit Pension Funds of the Russian Federation, which are part of the O1 Group, owned by the same Boris Mints, were transferred to this company, including from Russia. We believe that the names but for this reason the Cypriot company O1 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED has changed its name to TILSOKA LIMITED.
As for Anatoly Chubais, we believe that this not so transparent scheme was implemented for the following reasons:
1. Anatoly Chubais at that time was a civil servant, and, accordingly, he could not declare such amounts.
2. According to the 3-NDFL declarations of Anatoly Chubais for 2010-2014. he earned in the region of 1.5 billion rubles, and the estimated cost of the real estate residential complex "Peredelki", taking into account the cost of the land plot, at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation amounted to about 2.5 billion rubles.
3. Anatoly Chubais, using this scheme, we believe that he sought to legalize the money received from Boris Mints doubtfully.
4. Undoubtedly, the main goal of Anatoly Chubais was the acquisition of the residential complex "Peredelki" at the lowest possible cost (3 (Three) times cheaper than the market price, namely for 12,500,000 US dollars) and due to the fact that Ilya Suchkov refused to participate in illegal transaction, was previously determined guilty of a serious crime. After his refusal to participate in the illegal money laundering scheme of Anatoly Chubais, Boris and Dmitry Mintsev, 2 (Two ) criminal cases.
The first criminal case was initiated in 2016 by the senior investigator of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Odintsovo urban district, Egorova Zh.A., against Ilya Suchkov, a criminal case was initiated under Part 3 of Art. 30 h. 4 article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Attempted fraud".
The paradox of the prosecution in this criminal case lies in the fact that it was initiated 6 (Six) years before the right to claim under loan agreements came into effect by the concluded manager of the Swiss company SFO Concept AG JSC - Andre Odermatt on behalf of Anatoly Chubais.
In addition, there is indisputable evidence in the case file that:
- loans from the Cypriot company O1 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED (currently TILSOKA LIMITED) were taken not by Ilya Suchkov, but by Andre Odermatt, the Manager of the Swiss company SFO Concept AG JSC, on behalf of Anatoly Chubais, the only 100% shareholder at that time.
- loans in the amount of 22,000,000 US dollars were managed not by Ilya Suchkov, but by Anatoly Chubais.
- in 2014, Ilya Suchkov, under the loan agreements previously concluded by Anatoly Chubais, from the profit of the Swiss company, in fact from his own money, partially repaid the obligations to the Cyprus Company of Boris Mints for Anatoly Chubais ahead of schedule. In the hope that, based on an earlier agreement with Anatoly Chubais, these amounts will be compensated to them after the purchase of the Peredelki residential complex at market value.
In this connection, talking about the composition of any crime in the actions of Ilya Suchkov is at least cynical!
Moreover, the concealment of this fact by the Cypriot company 01 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED (TILSOKA LIMITED), during the investigation of the criminal case against entrepreneur Ilya Suchkov, is an independent sign of abuse of rights, fraud and illicit enrichment by the Cypriot company Boris Mints 01 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED (TILSOKA LIMITED) .
But since we are talking about the “magic” surname Chubais, the law of the Russian Federation does not apply to individual police officers, prosecutors and courts. Entrepreneur Ilya Suchkov in 2016 by the same senior investigator of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Odintsovo urban district Egorova Zh.A. was illegally taken into custody and placed in a pre-trial detention center for a year, where, thanks to the efforts of the above-mentioned investigator, he was made a disabled person.
In the same 2016, the real estate object of the residential complex "Peredelki" in the framework of a criminal case was recognized as the scene of a crime and it was seized.
In order to justify their illegal actions, in terms of the arrest of businessman Ilya Suchkov, the senior investigator of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Odintsovo urban district Egorova Zh.A. a year later, in 2017, “it was discovered” that Anatoly Chubais was also allegedly theft of his property, at first for 3 billion rubles. rubles, then by 70,843,905 rubles. Based on the testimony of Anatoly Chubais himself, the theft was committed, either for 20,000,000 rubles, or for 70,000,000 rubles, with damage allegedly caused to Anatoly Chubais, according to, again, his testimony for 67,543,905 rubles.
Neither the investigation nor Anatoly Chubais himself determined the amount of damage allegedly caused to him.
In order to substantiate the amount of damage allegedly caused to Anatoly Chubais in the amount of 70,843,905 damage indicated in the indictment, the senior investigator of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Odintsovo urban district, Zh.A. allegedly gave cash for the purchase of property (AITI - equipment), which they bought where and which one, the "dummy" witnesses do not remember. Check They don't have any stores, their testimonies differ from those of Anatoly Chubais himself and Sergei Krychenko.
It is worth noting that the financial documents available in the case file, the quarterly reports of the trustee of SFO CONCEPT CONSULTING LLC - Sergey Krychenko and the accounting expertise of the ECC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, carried out on behalf of the investigator Egorova Zh.A., in the framework of criminal case No. 123632, a false version the investigation of the alleged theft of property (AITI - equipment) from Anatoly Chubais and damage to him is refuted in full. Moreover, the above documents, available in the case file, established for certain that the property (AITI - equipment) indicated in the indictment, determined by the investigation as allegedly stolen from Anatoly Chubais, is identical to the property (AITI - equipment) purchased and installed in the residential complex "Alterations" for cash Swiss company JSC "SFO Concept AG" with the shareholdership of Ilya Suchkov.
Despite the fact that the residential complex "Peredelki" in 2016, the senior investigator of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Odintsovo urban district Egorova Zh.A. was recognized as the object of a crime, and in fact material evidence in a criminal case, according to her response to the Federal Bailiff Service for the Moscow Region, we quote “despite the lack of grounds for removing the arrest in the framework of the criminal case from the Peredelki residential complex”, in 2018 she was permission was given for its sale at a "public auction". As expected, the only buyer at the auction was the same Cypriot company Boris Mints 01 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED (TILSOKA LIMITED).
Blatant lawlessness! During the investigation, the investigator trades material evidence! But since this was done in the interests of Anatoly Chubais, no one noticed!
Later in 2019, the property of the residential complex "Peredelki" was "squeezed" by Boris Mints from the Swiss company in favor of Anatoly Chubais at a reduced cost. A completely contrived and falsified criminal case has been “investigated” for 6 (Six) years! In order to conceal the tampering of the case materials, as well as to conceal other gross violations in this criminal case, the investigating authorities are trying by hook or by crook to "drag" this criminal case through the courts.
Despite the lawlessness committed by the investigation in this criminal case for more than 6 (six) years, the prosecution authorities supervising the investigation did not see or did not want to see the grossest violations on the part of the investigation. Lawyers of Ilya Suchkov sent more than 350 complaints to the prosecutor's office, which, as we believe, were not checked. Answers on obvious proven facts, including the violation of the rights of Ilya Suchkov, consisted solely of formal replies.
On February 9, 2022, after the courts of Moscow and the Moscow Region returned the criminal case for additional investigation to the Prosecutor of the Moscow Region in order to eliminate the violations in it that prevented its consideration by the court on the merits, this criminal case No. 01-0104/2022 was received by the Khamovnichesky District Moscow Court where it is currently “under consideration”.
Unfortunately, there is every reason to believe that the trial in this criminal case by Judge Filchenko M.S. be carried out biased and biased, with an accusatory bias, in order to achieve a result already determined by it in advance.
Having extensive experience as a judge, for reasons that are not clear, but rather for understandable reasons, the following obvious lawlessness occurs in the court, namely: the judge left without consideration, and in fact refused to consider more than 12 (Twelve) petitions that are extremely important for objective consideration of the present criminal case; in calling witnesses of the side of the defendants; in violation of the current criminal procedural legislation, the judge ignores and postpones for subsequent meetings the challenges to the judge and the prosecutor announced by the defense on April 06, 2022; the defense of the defendants is not given minutes and records of court sessions; practically at every court session, the rights to defend the accused are violated; the inconsistency of the indictment with the materials of the case is ignored; the absence in the case file of written material evidence indicated in the indictment is ignored; refuses to familiarize with individual case materials and material evidence. We believe that the defendants are intentionally deprived of the legal right to express their attitude towards the charge brought against them, which they do not understand.
In the presence of extensive experience as a judge, it should be assumed that the gross violations of the criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional rights of the Russian Federation and the right to defend the defendants committed by Judge M.S. except as deliberately allowed on her part, is not possible.
Analyzing all the events related to the initiation of an illegal criminal case in 2016, with a six-year period of biased investigation, it should be assumed that Anatoly Chubais influenced and continues to influence the actions of the prosecutor's office and judge Filchenko M.S. in order to obtain the indictment result he needed in case No. 01-0104/2022.

Yuri Prokov
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info