The Chekhov City Court began considering a criminal case against businessman Oleg Gulyaev and local resident Ivan Zavodnov. They are suspected of stealing a car belonging to crime boss Sergei Filatchev. The Chekhov bandit, also known by the nickname Beetroot, has been active in criminal activity since the 90s. According to a Rucriminal.info source, Filatchev was involved in the murder of the Korchagin brothers, who at that time were considered the most daring and promising bandits in the southern direction of the Moscow region. Also, in relation to Filatchev, an audit was carried out on the fact of theft of federal and municipal lands. Surprisingly, Beets always manage to get out of the way. People who know him say that this is due to close ties with local security forces. Chekhov law enforcers use Filatchev on various sensitive issues. In the Gulyaev case, Svekla was the applicant. The idea of the Chekhov police department is simple in its conception: to fabricate a criminal case and receive 20 million rubles from a successful businessman for its closure. The finale of this power lawlessness takes place in the Chekhov city court, where judge Irina Pantela, a careerist and a master of compromises with the security forces, entered the case.
Problem process
The case materials, in which there are 13 volumes, consist of completely fabricated evidence. The investigators who participated in the preliminary investigation and the prosecutors who supervised its course, not disdaining concealment of crimes and falsification, with the support of Judge Irina Pantela, brought the case to court.
In order to convict an innocent person, you need a special character, or more precisely, the absence of moral principles. That is why the three judges of the Chekhov city court did not want to spoil their reputation and recuse themselves. Judge Irina Pantela, known for her ability to work in conjunction with the investigation, took on the problematic process. This judge became famous for her boundless trials in Serpukhov. She is also known for her fashionable premium car Porsche Cayenne, registered to an entrepreneur, a native of Azerbaijan.
Now, under the direction of Judge Pantela, the Chekhov court turns a blind eye to facts contrary to the law. So, for example, the main prosecution witness Maxim Efimov, who concluded a pre-trial agreement, according to official information, was not accused in the criminal case against Gulyaev and Zavodnov. In order to bring the case of Gulyaev and Zavodnov to the end, a separate proceeding with a non-existent number was allocated on paper in relation to him. That is, in the Chekhov city court, a verdict was passed in a non-existent (unrecorded) case. According to official information, Efimov has not been convicted so far, which allowed him to get a job at a defense enterprise in Klimovsk with the assistance of police and prosecutors.
Today in court Irina Pantela destroys all boundaries. It was she who, in May 2020, extended the detention period for Gulyaev and Zavodnov without their presence, referring to the fact that video communication did not work in the pre-trial detention center during the pandemic, and did not even think about postponing the meeting, as required by law. During the extension of the guard, Pantela twice spoke out that Gulyaev and Zavodnov were involved in the crime. In this case, the Supreme Court forbids conducting a judicial investigation, but this does not concern Pantel. It is quite normal for Chekhov’s justice that there is not a single extension of the investigation time in the case file, most of the evidence is presented in the form of copies, not even certified, the audio protocol of the meetings does not correspond to the court protocol, even the judge’s decisions are not included in it, one hundred percent are denied satisfaction and the admission of indisputable evidence of the innocence of the accused and the motions of the defense. At the same time, Pantela satisfies the prosecutor's petitions in full and attaches to the case false copies of procedural documents that are not actually there.
Mutual responsibility
There is no legality, competition and equality in the court hearings conducted by Irina Pantela. Its main principle is to lead to a guilty verdict and end the process as soon as possible. The judge is distracted only for smoke breaks. It's perfectly normal for Pantela to throw off her robe during a court hearing and go for a smoke. How the judge, who is so addicted to smoking, leads the process and makes decisions, one can only guess. A break for a smoke break can be announced as early as 20 minutes after the start of the meeting.
By the way, Irina Pantela is a good friend of the lawyer of the victims - Svetlana Tsvirko, a close relative of Sergei Filatchev, their children are spouses. Previously, Tsvirko was also a judge in the Chekhov city court and resigned ahead of schedule due to dubious circumstances. Sergei Filatchev, like investigator Artem Ovchukov, has repeatedly publicly expressed the opinion that the trial will certainly be conducted by Judge Pantel, and he that Gulyaev and Zavodnov be given the maximum sentence of imprisonment.
During the court session in the Chekhov city court, prosecutor Denis Kotkin, as earlier investigator Stupitskaya, carried out an official forgery. The judge refused to record numerous, motivated statements by the defense and the defendants on this matter in the protocol, ignoring the indisputable facts of violation of the law by the prosecutor and the investigation.
A non-existent number was assigned to the singled out criminal case against Efimov, statistical records of his criminal record were not sent to the information center. The above circumstances did not prevent prosecutor Denis Kotkin from approving the indictments against Efimov, Gulyaev and Zavodnov, which are fundamentally different from each other, and also from not noticing that Efimov Maxim and persons unidentified by the investigation were deliberately “lost” in these procedural documents. In this connection, the defense in court made statements about the crime, which Judge Irina Pantela categorically refused to record in the protocol. On the reclamation of the court verdict against Efimov, the judges took a unified position, answering that the information contained in the said verdict contains state secrets. The verdict was not posted on the court's website for about four months. By the way, prosecutor Kotkin is not a random character in this process, but part of the system. He is a direct participant in the corruption scheme of embezzlement of budgetary funds in the field of funeral services and covers up the commercial activities of the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination.
In March 2022, Judge Pantela was processing a complaint by Oleg Gulyaev about the lack of a proper extension of the investigation period and the request from the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for evidence confirming the arguments of the complaint, which Irina Pantela unlawfully denied without examining the evidence. The defense of Gulyaev and Zavodnov officially obtained irrefutable evidence confirming the non-extension of the investigation period, at least since May 2020, in connection with this, a petition was filed in court to recognize all investigative actions during the specified period of time as inadmissible evidence, which was also denied In connection with this, numerous challenges were announced to the judge and the prosecutor, most of which were considered by the judge without leaving the deliberation room. I wanted to finish the meeting as soon as possible, I didn't want to be distracted by trifles.
When comparing the materials of the criminal case submitted by the investigator Elena Stupitskaya and the materials of the case received by the Chekhov court, two different versions of the decisions on bringing Efimov as an accused were found, which are fundamentally different from each other, and also differ from the decisions on bringing as accused, as accomplices, Oleg Gulyaev and Ivan Zavodnov. At present, the place and time of the commission of the crime by Efimov have not been established. Prosecutor Kotkin reported certain circumstances of the case to the regional and prosecutor general's offices, while the charges brought against Gulyaev and Zavodnov contain completely different ones.
On June 15 of this year, Judge Irina Pantela, despite gross violations of the law at the preliminary hearing, the position of the Supreme Court, expressed in the ban on the repeated participation of a judge in one criminal case, especially if the said judge repeatedly ruled on the guilt of people, in relation to who have not been sentenced, a trial on the merits is scheduled.
The editors of Rucriminal.info became aware that Irina Pantela had submitted her candidacy for the vacant position of chairman of the Domodedovo City Court.
I would like to remind the judge of the text of her oath, which contains an oath to honestly and conscientiously fulfill her duties, to administer justice, obeying only the law, to be impartial and fair, as the judge's duty and conscience command.
To be continued
Arseny Dronov
Source: www.rucriminal.info