How villagers are forced out so that an oligarch close to Putin can hunt in peace

Residents of the village of Gryada, Vyazemsky district, Smolensk region, contacted the editorial office of Here, the hunting farm LLC "Dubrovskoye" Sakuna B.V., who works for the billionaire Arkady Rotenberg as the director of the RSK company, bought the land, and says that he is under his protection. Sakun, with the help of employees of the hunting farm, the Administration of the city of Vyazma, and security officials, unleashed moral and physical terror against the inhabitants in order to force them to leave and sell their land and house. “He stole 10 tons of hay from us, beat, shot, threatened to kill, intimidated, raided a house, breaking windows and cutting locks on garages, wanted to take land by raiding with the help of the administration, handed over the territory of the settlement for hunting, trying to remove wells from drinking water, they block the roads, they mine them with steel thorns and glass, the Administration wants to liquidate the village, remove it from the balance sheet and close the roads, the police sabotage all cases, the Prosecutor’s Office as well, the ICR refuse to investigate, not a single criminal or administrative case is open, ”- this is how the residents describe happening. Noting that Sakun has a criminal record.

Here is the text of the appeal sent to the editor.
“This is our response to the General Prosecutor's Office, which is engaged in an excuse to protect the OPS Sakuna B.V. unleashed terror against the local population for 8 years.
In almost every answer, sentence, there is a distortion of facts, distortion and an attempt to shift attention to insignificant or invented facts.
So: There were no checks, and there is a constant attempt to hide all known facts. 1. Theft of garlic seedlings material damage 5 thousand rubles. there is, there is a fact of landing in the garden of Smirnov - Knyazevs, there are confirmation of 4 witnesses, there is a photo of the police. Norms, order, job descriptions and investigation procedures were violated. Why is there no criminal or administrative case?
2. There is damage to the fertile layer on the site, burying a fire trench and destroying the boundary mark, there is a photo, video, there are witnesses, the testimony is the confession of the director Abramenko N.N. that it was they who committed the crime, there is material damage of 20 tr. First, the refusal to open the case by Lieutenant Zakharchenko, then the falsification of the case by Major Lobuzov. Norms, order, job descriptions and investigation procedures were violated. Why is there no criminal case?
3. There is illegal mowing and theft of 10 tons of hay, the confession of director N.N. Abramenko. and Ivanova A.S. that this is their hay - is, the founder was Sakun B.V. at his direction done, material damage direct 125 tr. and lost profits up to 1 million rubles. Photos, videos are available. Deliberate confusion of the investigation by Lieutenant Zakharchenko, then the continuation of falsifications by Major Lobuzov, substitution of the victim for another person. Norms, order, job descriptions and investigation procedures were violated. Why is there no criminal case?
4. Raid on the house, damage to the house 92 glass was broken with a stick or a crowbar, a stick was beaten inside and the glass was inside the house, this is a penetration into the house, it was sawn down, the hinges were broken 4 locks on the garages, and the iron sheet was damaged, curved on the roof of the garage, leaking, traces of the jeep leading there are 3 witnesses to the house of the Smirnovs - the Knyazevs, there are also local residents who saw this dark jeep passing by on the day of the raid, there are two smoked bulls stuck behind the roofing material of the house Lobuzov V.S. from the investigation - to conduct BILLING and start a criminal case, material damage at that time was 120 thousand rubles. , now up to 200 t. Traces from the car to the house of the Knyazevs testify to their direct participation in the crime of Knyazev A., the driver of the car and Smirnov A., who threatened us that he would break, break. We are categorically against falsification with the division of the crime case into several parts of the case, fragmentation, this is a direct violation of the law on the part of the police and the Prosecutor's Office, fraud, art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. There was a raid with shooting down, sawing down locks and breaking glass throughout the house, this is one crime. Norms, order, job descriptions and investigation procedures were violated. Why is there no criminal case?
5. A group criminal offense was committed - the use of violence, henchmen - by employees of the hunting farm in the performance of official duties, on the direct instructions of the immediate head of the founder Sakuna B.V. Insult, assault, beating, obstruction of passage, blocking of passage, obstruction of access to one's home, moral and physical humiliation, insult to Belous L.N. when going to his home in the village with his family, through the gate - director Abramenko N.N. Art. 330 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the huntsman Ivanov A.S. The customer is the organizer of the criminal community Sakun B.V., the performers are his employees, moral damage is 100 tr. This is not a minor action and confirmed threats - words of insult, deeds grabbing hands then throwing, throwing to the ground by grabbing clothes and waving arms with a goal thunderstorm strikes. There are 2 witnesses, there are videos and photos. The norms, order, job descriptions and procedures of the investigation have been violated. Where is the criminal case?
6. The discovery of the corpse of a shot elk by poaching, at a prohibited time in a prohibited place from an unregistered weapon, the police recorded on the road and near our house the presence of a large amount of blood, the result of a gunshot wound, at the same time, the police and residents saw employees of the hunting farm Knyazev I who were here .A. and Knyazev E.A. riding their tricycle. The police did not invite veterinarians and the applicants as witnesses to examine the corpse of the moose cow, but the hunting specialist Komissarov, who arrived, fabricated a version of the animal’s suicide - by strangulation through non-existent childbirth, which does not pass by the deadlines, and there are no signs of childbirth, but there is a photo and video of the wound with the edges concave inward the result of an external impact of a gunshot wound is a hole in the side. Norms, order, job descriptions and investigation procedures were violated. Why is there no criminal case?
7. The ban on movement on roads, along the Merkuchevskaya road, and the road from the village of Gryada - the village of Klokovo, locks on the gates, contradicts all types of laws on free access to the forest, lakes, railway station, settlement, other land owners of the Civil Code , ZK, VK, LK…. This road should not be on the balance sheet of the Administration, they did not build it, it provides travel, access for the population to the territory of state leased forests, fields and public infrastructure. They are present on all state maps. Why laws are grossly defiantly violated, the reason is in the corrupt Prosecutor's Office, prosecutor Khoroshavina O., Vyazma. Once director Abramenko N.N. employees of the Department of the Smolensk Region who arrived forcibly removed the lock on record, two letters were received from the Prosecutor's Offices of Smolensk and Vyazemskaya about the illegality of the closure, the Prosecutor's Office of the city of Vyazma changed shoes on the go Khoroshavina O., terry corruption. Free access closed. The norms, order, job descriptions and procedures of the investigation have been violated. Where is the reaction to illegal actions, crime.
8. Open death threats received from the employees of the Knyazev hunting estate, (you want to get a bullet) on the Internet, the photo was provided to the interrogating officer, Major Lobuzov V.S., there is a confession from Knyazev E.A. The norms, order, job descriptions and procedures of the investigation have been violated. Why hasn't a criminal case been opened?
9. Illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, an attempt to plant weed of unknown origin in our house, there is a video of 2 people, except for the police, no one is involved in this, the investigator Major Lobuzov did not even open the case, possibly covering up his accomplices, the bosses who were sent to set up pensioners, accomplices performers and who sent them nits without shame or conscience. The norms, order, job descriptions and procedures of the investigation have been violated. Why hasn't a criminal case been opened?
10. Direct threats from the envoy of the employee Sakun B.V. (convicted with seized property) - Sizov, who made an appointment for us in Moscow and threatened us personally from Sakun B.V. There is no case, he has not even been interviewed, for several years now, as we have stated, they have been completely ignored. The norms, order, job descriptions and procedures of the investigation have been violated. Why is there no criminal case?
11. Threats occurred systematically and came from A.S. Ivanov, N.N. Abramenko, A. Lebedev, as well as investigators Lieutenant Zakharchenko and Major V.S. Lobuzov. Where is the criminal case against the falsifiers of police officers Lieutenant Zakharchenko and Major Lobuzov V.S., dozens of forgeries and concealment of facts, evidence, witnesses, forgery of protocols. The norms, order, job descriptions and procedures of the investigation have been violated. Why is there no criminal case?
12. Dubrovskoye hunting farm was seized and 7 land plots were used for free, and three of them were simply fenced off with a fence illegally seized - the code name “bolotina” was a forest of several hectares, “poplars” of several hectares and fenced near the village of Obukhovo Lake, blocking access there. Total mass violation of land legislation, nothing is being done, nothing is being eliminated, no reaction, fences are not transferred, the state property of the Administration, settlements is seized. The prosecutor's office lies that some kind of work is being done. No measures are taken to eliminate violations in accordance with the instructions, the fences stood as they were, a fiction and an excuse from the Prosecutor's Office. Part of the land plots are abandoned, overgrown and not cultivated, and citizens are not allowed to be present at false checks by the Prosecutor's Office of the city of Vyazma O. Khoroshavina. The rules, order, job descriptions and procedures of the investigation are violated. Why is there no criminal case?
13. According to the shelling near the house, there was a shot near Belous L.N. in the garage, nearby in the bushes, the wheels of the all-terrain vehicle "Travel" of director Abramenko were found, the photo was taken by Lieutenant Zakharchenko, Belous L.N. was interviewed on the way to the village. hunting grounds huntsman, and the director drove by dehode, found out if he was alone. He pulled the hole and sucked it out of Zakharchenko's finger, pointing at her there were many of them, and adding that Belous L.N. wrong, the desire to shield the criminal Abramenko N.N. All evidence, photos were seized and disappeared. The norms, order, job descriptions and procedures of the investigation have been violated. Why is there no criminal case?
14. Damage to the tractor wheels, objective data are present, a photo where the road is blocked by a felled tree, then glass fragments are scattered over it evenly across the entire width, and traces of metal wheels on the side of the Smirnov-Knyazev walk-behind tractor. Further on the road there was a log and a log with a nail, there are photos and videos, 3 witnesses. This is not objective data, repair and delivery to the garage by a hired tractor, 5 tons. Two wheels are punctured, cut and penetrating holes. The norms, order, job descriptions and procedures of the investigation have been violated. The material damage is sufficient to open a criminal case, where?
15. In fact, the roads from the village of Obukhovo to the village of Gryada are mined. Sticks with nails, steel barbs and glass of broken bottles are used as mines. There have already been 4 cases of mining, first 2 wheels of the tractor were pierced with nails and fragments of bottles covered with wood, then thorns and fragments of bottles were placed twice on the roads near the house, and now for the fourth time 2 wheels were pierced with thorns and nails in sticks on the road nearby from home on March 28, 2023. In all cases, the presence of employees of the Dubrovskoye hunting farm Knyazev I.A. was observed. and in two cases Knyazeva E.A. All three cases were recorded by the police, in the fourth case the district police officer refused to leave and draw up a report on the crime. There were open direct threats against us from the representative of Sakun B.V. - Seleznev (Mizintseva A.P.), that they will continue terror against us. The norms, order, job descriptions and procedures of the investigation have been violated. Where is the criminal case?
16. Regarding the garden destroyed by the animals of the Dubrovskoye hunting farm, the material damage is approaching 1 million rubles, the police are obliged to draw up a report on the spot to describe the damage where the inspection report went, we called, to conduct an investigation, we will invite an independent examination of the destroyed property, videos and photos of eating moose and roe deer garden and trees. We will provide the results to the Prosecutor's Office, which is obliged to make a decision on the submission, and only after that we will go to court with all the documents. It is not the rights that have been violated, but significant material damage has been caused by animals rented from the state, equated to property by law. The damage is significant. The norms, order, job descriptions and procedures of the investigation have been violated. Where is the criminal case?
17. Industrial extraction of sand using a bulldozer, a tractor with a kun and a cart was the Dubrovskoye hunting farm, witness and video. The administration did not allow them to extract sand from the closed reserve quarry Kamenka, theft from the state is open, hundreds of tons - the material damage to the state is significant. The police about the bulldozer of the hunting farm is trying to keep quiet to hide this direct evidence, and they write the Kamenka quarry, which is on the balance sheet of the Administration of the city of Vyazma next to the disappeared village of Kamenka, “does not exist”, forgery and rudeness. The norms, order, job descriptions and procedures of the investigation have been violated. Where is the criminal case?
18. A sale was also recorded - a transaction of animal deer on the road from the village of Dmitrovka to the village of Obukhovo - by employees of the Dubrovskoe hunting farm, two witnesses, deer, a buyer and a seller, an employee of the hunting farm Knyazev I.A., do they pay taxes from the black market of animal trade . There is no investigation, violators of tax laws are hidden. The norms, order, job descriptions and procedures of the investigation have been violated. No criminal case?
19. Illegally set up four watchtowers by the road near the grave of the unknown soldier, 3-5 meters from the public road, from the village of Obukhovo to the village of Dmitrovka, a direct threat to the life and health of citizens passing, passing by and visiting the monument to the grave of the unknown soldier, no reaction from the Prosecutor's Office . People and cars drive and walk along the road. Is there no investigation, no administrative or criminal case on the threat to the life and health of citizens?
20. There are violations of the law on the absence of service weapons in order to avoid control by the state, the National Guard for the circulation of weapons, not to pay taxes, personal weapons are used as service weapons, uncontrolled at work. which is prohibited by the police. A fenced area with state property (forests, fields, animals, regulated by the laws of the state) was declared voluntaristically with the cover of corrupt officials an aviary with private property (on which the laws of the owner apply, it is forbidden to mix public and private animals), the substitution of concepts, laws, this is a hidden crime of fraud Art . 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The norms, order, job descriptions and procedures of the investigation have been violated. Where is the reaction of the Prosecutor's Office?
21. The alienation of municipal facilities is forcible, invented by the Prosecutor's Office of the city of Vyazma in order to hide to be a crime of the Head of the Administration of the city of Vyazma, Demidova I. and the Registration Chamber of the city of Vyazma. Lease of the municipal territory of the settlement of the Gryada village inhabited by people, its land for "HUNTING", with three sources of drinking water for the population - wells, a double crime. The Prosecutor's Office has become an active participant in the cover of swindlers and an actor, an accomplice in crime, trying to hush up the Administration, the Registration Chamber, and wash themselves by covering up the crime, drawing in and disgracing the court. Numerous norms of safety laws for people living in the settlement were violated (the Law on Weapons, the Code of Administrative Offenses, the requirements of Rosprirodnadhor, SES, Veterinary Medicine, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law on Hunting). The norms, order, job descriptions and procedures of the investigation have been violated. Where is the criminal case?
22. Regarding the road and the liquidation of our settlement, the village of Gryada, Smolensk region, Vyazemsky district. Several families constantly live in the village all year round, and summer residents come here in the summer. Plots of land are registered and most of them are fenced, the huts have been chopped since Soviet times. Wells 3 pieces, near the river with spring water. Electricity is available and the municipality has supplied lighting lamps on poles. At our request to level the road after the spring thaw, an employee of the Administration of the city of Vyazma Maltseva, on behalf of Demidova I., categorically refused to serve her, stating that she was removed from the balance sheet and the settlement of the village of Gryada was liquidated, because they had no desire to allocate money for dumping , repair of this part of the road Dmitrovka village - Obukhovo - Gryada village, including the fact that we do not have registered residents. In order to hide the illegal leasing of the territory of the settlement for hunting along with wells, Demidova I. decided to remove the road from the balance sheet and close the settlement of the village of Gryada, although before that the employees of the Prosecutor's Office had written five times submitted orders and court decisions to repair this part of the road d Dmitrovka - the village of Obukhovo - the village of Gryada, namely the village of Obukhovo - the village of Gryada. For Demidova, I. means nothing, she is her own law, and all objections are insignificant, the funds for the repair of the road were allocated by tender, stolen, and the road was only half built. Give a legal assessment of the unbridled actions of the local king who is not subject to any laws, put it in its place, regarding the seizure and liquidation of private property of registered land plots and houses in the village of Gryada.
The police refuse to conduct an investigation and open criminal and administrative cases - a crime, material damage, there are witnesses, there are victims, but there are no crime events, they refer to previously fabricated false replies, an example of the latest letters of answers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the investigator called the director of the Dubrovskoye hunting farm Ivanov A.S. he replied that he was busy with work, he had no time to talk, - or the police are calling us. Are you at home? Yes, then he calls you at home, no, you left, and they write that it was not possible to interview (theft of sand from the quarry, there is no quarry, and there was no destruction of the garden), or you made a request, sent an instant response no, then there is no event and there is no case, the case is closed due to the absence of a crime event, either a refusal, upon our oral application, to go to the crime scene, an inspection, a protocol, and claims that we ourselves should come to their department with evidence of crimes and statements, this is how the police work lawlessness in every concocted false refusal.
In all these cases, there were no checks, formally only on paper, imitation, decisions to close were made illegally, criminal cases were required to be opened on 22 episodes of crimes at least. The prosecutor's office covered up illegal procedural decisions, there are more than enough grounds for canceling them, it is also necessary to check the prosecutor's staff for a corruption component and a voluntaristic method of work. There are no roads, no railway stations, no wells, no quarries, no settlements, no fraud with land plots, no raids, no beatings, no threats, no theft, no road closures, no crimes.
So, we are waiting for the opening of criminal cases based on dozens of documents, testimonies, witnesses and facts, as well as checks on the corruption component in the actions of police officers and the Prosecutor's Office.
The criminal authority is the beneficiary of the Dubrovskoye hunting farm, the creator of the organized criminal group Sakun B.V. a convicted person under arrest of personal property, corrupted all local authorities, the Prosecutor's Office, the police and the Administration, they dance to his tune, shaking the foundations of the state and the central government, living according to their laws of corruption, openly rob the state and seize land, we suggest paying attention to this lawlessness on the ground , a horizontal is formed and not a vertical, this leads to the collapse of public administration and separatism. They blocked roads, rented forests and fields and other people's lands, appropriating and declaring in otkdug all this with their property, they steal state property, they do not pay taxes. We ask you to stop this road terror, guerrilla warfare, open a criminal case, and find out in detail why the police close everything, find nothing and no one, blame everything on chance and insignificance. Gang (criminal community) Sakuna B.V. continues to terrorize the local population for 8 years. Local citizens are already calling us asking what to do, how to drive on roads with such a developing situation, everyone is afraid of puncturing their wheels in fear, and we also don’t know where to go and how to go, emergency roads were illegally closed for us on the village of Klokovo, and Merkuchevskaya road contrary to to all applicable laws, to locks. The land of the settlement of the village of Gryada was leased to them for hunting and breeding of animals, wells are being taken away, roads are being closed, the village is being liquidated. The power is not over, the police, the Prosecutor's Office and the Administration are corrupt. No response from law enforcement, silence. The roads are blocked, we are afraid to use them to go to the grocery store and to the train station. When will this chaos stop. Your fake valuator decisions are illegitimate and will be constantly challenged in all instances. You are personally engaged in covering up corruption and are part of the organized criminal group Sakuna B.V. The end of the rope will be found, perhaps soon, your letters are all saved, accumulated and added up, no one will escape responsibility, with what measure you measure this and it will be measured to you. Each crime and decision has a name, surname and patronymic, there is no collective responsibility, everyone will answer for their own scribbles.
Answer all these questions of concealing crimes, and then it will be possible to close cases after punishing the criminals of the OPS Sakuna B.V. In the meantime, you are an accomplice of this gang, its crimes, accomplices of corrupt individual employees of the Prosecutor's Office who cover this unbridled criminality.
After the raid on the house, we live in a house with broken glass, and we are waiting for the criminals to be found, although they are already known to us - OPS Sakuna, accomplices Ivanov A.S., Abramenko N.N., Knyazev A., Smirnov A., Knyazev I. .A, Knyazev E.A., Mizintsev A.P. The terror organized by Sakun B.V., a criminal who is on trial, is done in order to expel us from the house and from our land, neighbors and we were offered to sell plots earlier with threats repeatedly.
Residents of the village of Gryada, Vyazemsky district.
Arseny Dronov
To be continued