The telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info continue to monitor how the director of the Zaryadye park and the Manege complex, a TV star, a prominent United Russia party Ivan Demidov, using corruption connections, avoids a criminal case on forging a document on attestation in industrial safety, necessary to operate such facilities.
The police department "Kitay-Gorod" is investigating, and it does not hide the fact that it acts exclusively in favor of Demidov.
As we expected, the Tver inter-district prosecutor Kudryavtsev canceled the first decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case on this fact, signed by the head of the Kitai-Gorod PD Vakal, and the appointment of an additional check led to the same result - a refusal to initiate a criminal case due to the absence of a crime event .
The head of the Kitai-Gorod police department, Vakal, again issued a decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case on the fact of forging a document by Demidov on the same grounds as the first - the absence of a crime event. At the same time, Vakal is trying with all his might not to give the applicant a copy of the decision (in violation of part 2 of article 145 and part 4 of article 148 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation) in order to avoid appeal. And again, the Tver prosecutor's office sees nothing wrong with this. Recall that the Tver Prosecutor's Office canceled the first decision of the Kitai-Gorod OP dated 06/24/2022 only after applying to the Moscow Prosecutor's Office.
There are logical questions - How can there be no event of a crime in the presence of a fake document? Why don't the police of Kitai-Gorod OP search for and seize the forgery itself and give Demidov the opportunity to hide and destroy it? Why does the Tver prosecutor's office stubbornly turn a blind eye to this?
In the course of studying the nature of such "friendship" and loyalty to Demidov and his "team" on the part of the leadership of Kitai-Gorod OP, it turned out that Zaryadye Park allocated fairly modern HP personal computers (monoblocks) to Vakalu's office, as well as his deputy. ), which continue to be on the balance sheet of Zaryadye Park. Rucriminal.info believes that Vakal writes his decisions and replies to messages about Demidov's crimes on these computers. Such a touching "patronage" over the "poor" Vakal was taken on behalf of the Zaryadye park by Eduard Kononov, Demidov's deputy for security and regime. There is reason to believe that this "patronage" is not limited to computers alone. This fact alone explains the inaction of the Wakal. Or maybe "patronage" is not limited to these two computers? Or maybe Kononov and Demidov and the Tver prosecutor's office "bring gifts" for such "blindness" in relation to themselves?
As VChK-OGPU and Rucriminal.info previously reported, in Zaryadye Park there is an extract from the attestation protocol for industrial safety director of the Zaryadye Park State Administration of Moscow Ivan Demidov, allegedly passed by him in the Rostekhnadzor commission.
Interregional Technological Department of Rostekhnadzor, represented by acting head M.A. Cheuzov, having learned about its existence and having checked it, found that such certification was not carried out and the corresponding document was not issued.
Rostechnadzor filed an application with the Department of Internal Affairs for the Central Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow about a crime under Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (forgery of documents).
This statement by Rostekhnadzor eventually got to the Police Department for the Kitai-Gorod District of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the City of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the OP Kitai-Gorod), where they issued a refusal decision.
However, the Tver inter-district prosecutor ruled to cancel the decision of the Kitai-Gorod OP to refuse to initiate a criminal case on this fact due to the incomplete scope of verification activities.

Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info