The main type of activity of the father and son Sytin, who are in the pre-trial detention center in Serpukhov, accused of pedophilia, is not only sexual relations with minors.
For more than 10 years, the Sytins managed with impunity as part of an organized group to seize various real estate and property, including state property, and extort large sums of money. Details - at Rucriminal.info.
In order to gain confidence in his victims, Sytin - the father, he is also an adherent of the "School of Astral Karate" sect Boripolk, sentenced in 1982 to 12 years of strict regime for attempted murder of the chief psychiatrist of Moscow, presented himself as a lieutenant general of the KGB, and Sytin - the younger - a particularly valuable agent of the FSB of the Russian Federation. At the same time, quite often he was called not Alexander Sytin, but Alexander Petrov.
Naturally, the Sytins committed their numerous scams as part of an organized group, which involved acquaintances, lawyers, notaries, officials, tax officials, and security officials. How? By the simple power of persuasion of "astral karate", that is, by deceit and "composting of brains" and threats of compromising evidence, but mainly by the creation of corruption chains, that is, for money.
Rucriminal.info managed to reach one of the former managers of Russtroybank JSC, who was well acquainted with Alexander Sytin, who asked never and in no way to hint at his name or position, since a number of his colleagues who knew about the organization of criminal schemes for cashing out, withdrawing assets and seizing state property worth billions of rubles, “drifting” boxes from a photocopier with banknotes to state institutions, for example, the leadership of Rosreestr, at present, according to denunciations by Alexander Sytin himself, they are arrested and are in jail, or have already been convicted.
The manager of Russtroybank said that Alexander Sytin gained confidence in the bank's president Andrei Strukov and his family members and developed a number of criminal schemes for the bank.
He so insinuated himself into the confidence of Strukov that he freely received loans for fictitious projects worth hundreds of millions of rubles on his proxies.
So, for example, in the period from 2009 to 2015, Alexander Sytin regularly embezzled funds from JSC Russtroybank under the guise of obtaining loans for nominees, which he did not plan to return.
So, at LLC SOK Vostok, LLC Business Center of the Capital, LLC Diamant, LLC Ital Rent, LLC Eviton, CJSC SelenaStyle, LLC Lesnye Polyany, LLC Mercury, LLC Yakhroma-Development, Karyakin and Partners LLC, LegionCompany LLC, IK Expert LLC, Atticus LLC and others, most of which are one-day firms, were withdrawn about 1.5 billion rubles.
The founders and leaders of all these numerous companies were three persons controlled by Alexander Sytin: Sergey Sokolov, Evgeny Karyakin, Sergey Susloparov.
In November 2022, the Investigative Committee completed the investigation of the criminal case against the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Russtroybank Irina Piskunova, Vice President Olga Kornyshova, Vladimir Khoroshko, accused of embezzling 119 million rubles. Former vice-president of the bank Maxim Belyakov and Zakhar Kotov have already been convicted. The former president of Russtroybank, Andrey Strukov, was put on the international wanted list, and according to information circulating within the walls of Russtroybank, he was simply allowed to leave for the United States for a bribe of 600 million rubles. The common-law wife of Andrei Strukov, former model Olga Sorokina, told how she knocked on the thresholds of the investigating authorities, wrote numerous statements against Alexander Sytin, about how the fraudster Sytin insinuated himself into the confidence of her and her husband, actually lived and dined at their house, initiated and implemented fraudulent schemes for the withdrawal and cashing out of funds, brought significant losses to the bank, and subsequently, in order to conceal its crimes and create a situation in which the return of stolen funds would be impossible, as well as to sell the collateral property in its interests, Russtroybank JSC carried out a number of actions to revoke the bank's license by writing denunciations against his boss and friend Andrei Strukov and other bank leaders.
Olga said that all bank employees were shocked when they saw how, on 10/06/2015, Alexander Sytin, dressed in a bright orange travel vest so that he would not be accidentally shot, personally instructed masked security officials which of his friends and colleagues to arrest , at the same time he even had fun and laughed, gave instructions on which safes to crack and which folders with documents to seize. And then Alexander organized entertainment events for the operatives, including bath parties.
Thus, as part of an organized group, only from Russtroybank, Alexander stole about 1.5 billion rubles in the form of bad loans, carried out a raider seizure of the Vostok Social and Health Complex in the Moscow Region worth about 2 billion rubles, which was initially m was withdrawn by Alexander to Russtroybank from the Federal Property Management Agency. In addition, Alexander, through his realtors, sold the most liquid real estate objects at a lower cost, of which the bank had about 150.
The interlocutors of Rucriminal.info have a question: why, according to Sytin’s denunciations, several managers of Russtroybank were arrested, who together withdrew 119 million rubles from the bank, and the investigation and the prosecutor’s office do not want to see that Alexander Sytin, as part of the group, embezzled several billion. Obviously, for the same reason, some cool uncles are ruining the criminal case of the pelophile sectarians Sytins under Art. 132 part 4 - violent acts of a sexual nature against minors. Let us recall the instruction of the Deputy Prosecutor General Anatoly Razinkin to stop the investigation against Alexander Sytin and not to send materials on pedophilia to the court.
We hope that the information provided will make it possible to initiate a criminal case into the theft by the Sytins as part of an organized group of funds from Russtroybank.
At present, only materials on fraud in relation to the SOK Vostok and the organization of a bribe to Rosreestr have been sent to the Serpukhov court in relation to Alexander Sytin.
Another partner and accomplice of Alexander Sytin for over 20 years was Yuri Ravin, with whom a large number of construction and real estate frauds were implemented and who knows a lot about Sytin, and Sytin has more than one suitcase of compromising evidence on Ravin. Yes, and the office of Sytin was provided free of charge by Ravin in his business center in Moscow at the address: st. Zemlyanoy Val, 75 for a reason.
There were also such entertaining cases when Alexander Sytin introduced himself not only as Alexander Petrov, but also as a lawyer Stremoukhova. So, several times, when operational measures, searches were planned against Alexander Sytin, Alexander hung a pre-made sign on the door of his office in Yuri Ravin’s business center: “Stremoukhov’s lawyer” and thus avoided a search and had time to take out or destroy the most interesting for investigation documents.
After all this nightmare, a question arises to the investigative and inquiry bodies that investigated / are investigating criminal cases against the father and son of the Sytins on pedophilia, fraud, bribery, to the leadership of the Investigative Committee, to the head of the Main Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region A. Starikov, the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region V. Paukov, to the Serpukhov Court, to the Deputy Prosecutor General A. Razinkin, and why have the criminal cases of the Sytin sectarian pedophiles been falling apart for more than ten years? Why do victims, witnesses, and investigators find themselves under repression, under investigation, in prison, and sometimes in a cemetery? Surely not by the power of thought of the "astral karate" of pedophile sectarians, but simply because of the earthly Russian corruption of officials and security officials.
Yuri Prokov
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info