A year has passed since the former mayor of Ryazan, Sergei Karabasov, was released under house arrest. On August 6 this year, after the leave of the judge of the Soviet District Court of the city, Mikhail Petrukhov, the hearing of the case will resume and the defendants will be interrogated. State Prosecutor Svetlana Evlikova will no longer be able to attend the trial - on May 16, 2021, she hanged herself. Details of this high-profile case and suicide in the investigation of the Usy Kurakina telegram channel, prepared specifically for the VChK-OGPU telegram channel.

The irony of fate, but exactly 2 years ago from the tragic date of May 16, 2019, the journalist of VGTRK "Oka" (regional service of the channel "Russia") Irina Chepeleva (Tselikova) got through the leader of the Ryazan ONF Yevgeny Zyzin to a media forum in Sochi and told President Vladimir Putin, that in Ryazan they paid from the budget and did not install a playground.
It was a blatant lie, and in the evening the Ryazan Investigative Committee with lanterns in hand was convinced of this, but no one dared to tell the truth to the president through Alexander Bastrykin. After that, a special group with submachine gunners of unknown origin arrived from Moscow in tinted minibuses without license plates, took the mayor of Ryazan straight out of the office and took him away in an unknown direction. At the request of Ryazan journalists about the legality of such actions, which imply a whole range of approvals, the Ryazan Regional Prosecutor's Office refused to conduct an inspection.
This whole story was the result of the war over spheres of influence between the vice-governor of the Ryazan region Igor Grekov and the chairman of the Ryazan Oblast Duma, the leader of the regional branch of United Russia, Arkady Fomin, who so wanted to eliminate the Rostov threat that he went to one of the FSB leaders Ivan Tkachev and one from the heads of the presidential administration, Andrei Yarin, who himself was vice-governor in the Ryazan region under Georgy Shpak. The calculation was that out of the three defendants, the executor of the tender Mikhail Puzanov from the firm "Uyutny Dvor 62", Deputy Mayor Igor Kovaleva, Mayor Sergei Karabasov, someone would break down and testify against Igor Grekov, and he would no longer be able to collect black billions in a poor and dilapidated Ryazan, and will concede such an opportunity to local crooks.

Irina Chepeleva's employer, director of VGTRK Oka, Viktor Dreilikh, is Arkady Fomin's man and fully owes him his status as a deputy of the Ryazan Oblast Duma.
In the early days, when Mikhail Puzanov, the village director of the Uyutny Dvor 62 contracting company, drove into the door, an operative came to him under the guise of a lawyer and persuaded him to testify against Igor Grekov and almost convinced him, but then a real representative on the warrant appeared.
Sergey Karabasov was ugly received on June 13, 2019 at the airport after returning from Turkey right in front of his family and sent to Lefortovo for 6 months, and then, after losing all interest from his silence, he was imprisoned in Vodnik for 7 months.
Such was the strange activity of the central offices of all law enforcement agencies with a total cost of a playground of only 4.9 million rubles.

The return to civilization of the pedestrian zone "Lesopark" overgrown with weeds from the Soviet times was a personal project of Mayor Sergei Karabasov. It was planned to install a sports complex of 60 items under the road overpass, which also included a playground, but Metropolitan Mark (Golovkov) asked to install this element not in Lesopark, but in a park near his residence near the Ryazan Kremlin. Sergei Karabasov did not dare to refuse the hierarch.
And so they did: the sports ground paid for from the budget was mounted in the "Lesopark", and part of the equipment was moved opposite the 4th Lyceum near the Ryazan Kremlin. Irina Chepeleva and Evgeny Zyzin arrived at Lesopark, did not find a playground there and raised a hubbub that the money had been stolen. Under the above circumstances, the information was duplicated throughout the country in front of the first person.
Later, after the outraged publications of a number of publications about the deception of Vladimir Putin, the chief press secretary of the state, Dmitry Peskov, several times voiced that questions should be rechecked on direct lines.
In September 2020, the state prosecution went to court with a strained wording that Sergei Karabasov, Igor Kovalev and Mikhail Puzanov stole money that came from the bank account of the city administration to the bank account of Uyutny Dvor 62, and disposed of it at their own discretion.
The investigation did not explain exactly how. Based on the materials of the criminal case, this is unknown and has not been clarified until now.
The sports ground is located in the "Lesopark". Children's playground - near the residence of Metropolitan Mark (Golovkov). Sergey Karabasov, Igor Kovalev and Mikhail Puzanov are charged with the theft of 4.9 million rubles.
During the testimony during the trial, the current mayor Elena Sorokina boldly stated that no damage was done to the city, the equipment was on the balance sheet of the city and refused to file a civil claim.
An employee of the regional prosecutor's office, Svetlana Evlikova, repeatedly quarreled with her leadership about white threads, and after the last scandal and threats of dismissal from the head of Oleg Voropaev, she came home and hanged herself. Verification of the suicide of a prosecutor's employee of this level did not lead to any resignations and the initiation of a criminal case on grounds of driving to suicide.
Source: www.rucriminal.info