In the Krasnodar Territory, an illusion has begun that in other regions they call the “primaries of United Russia”. In September, the population of Kuban will think that it is they who elect the next deputies of the next Legislative Assembly of the region, but for now, in May, the Kuban horde is trying with all its might to legitimize funny processes that have nothing to do with the word “elections”. Details are in the Rucriminal.info investigation.
The regional leadership conducts secret selectors with the administrative elite of cities and regions. With "pumps" and promises of exquisite punishment, if the lower layer of the bureaucracy does not reach the planned figures for the coverage of the electorate. Municipalities, having received a magic regional pendel, put school directors, heads of farm clubs and chief physicians of district hospitals on the elective "gop-stop". Those, in turn, turn to entrusted employees with speeches united by the slogan "registration for the primaries or life." All state employees must register at the State Services and vote for the candidate diversity proposed by the southern division of the United Russia, providing the authorities with mandatory scans of their “free will”. This is carefully monitored and recorded. Those who do not vote are called and warned.
Other bureaucratic municipal petty, having renamed themselves “volunteers”, calls those who are not state employees, mostly pensioners, and mumbles prepared texts into the phone about the fact that “we are all in the same boat now and it is on our civic position that the next future of the sunny region depends ".
Why all this expensive fuss is not entirely clear. Because the winners of the primaries, which in the region should officially end on May 29, have long been appointed. And it is this electoral situation that is now taking shape in the Krasnodar Territory that causes sadness and sadness. Why, all these noise effects, if the result is already there?
There was a time when this southern Russian region sounded bright, steadily supplying a lot of iconic things to the country. The region attracted multibillion-dollar investments in now unfashionable dollars, eliminated numerous weed problems in agriculture, built new port facilities, implemented large transport projects, developed affordable high-tech medicine, differed from other regions in the highest rates of gasification, noticeably added to the resort industry. The Sochi Olympics, the Crimean bridge, the largest export gas pipelines - this was the "face" of the Kuban.
Under Veniamin Kondratiev, who ascended the governor's throne, the region continued to “exploit” the old developments for some time. That sometimes created the illusion that the region continues to walk something by leaps and bounds. Moreover, inflation, the growth of the foreign exchange rate, as it were, increased the volume of the regional budget. The resulting stagnation became apparent only when the joyful budget billions were converted into a more real dollar equivalent. And in order to judge the "growth of welfare" of the population, it was also enough to divide the teachers' salary of 15-20 thousand rubles per course.

The only thing that has really received rapid “development” in the Krasnodar Territory is the massive, total falsification of election results. The locomotive of the economy, accelerated to Kondratiev, continued to roll by inertia, although no one threw creative, business “coal” into the furnace. But Kondratiev quickly realized that electoral reality was not important for the Kremlin. The main evidence of the success of the work of the governors was precisely the elective result. The "technologies" of organizing the "victories" of the necessary candidates were perfected in the Kuban to perfection. At least write a manual. And Moscow was completely delighted with such stability of results. The Kuban leaders at each election "drawn" 70-80-90 percent for their appointed and discussed candidates on the board.
Probably, in a situation where everything in the country is stable, reliable, familiar - and such a crooked electoral "technology" will do. Because in the end it was Kondratiev who decided everything, the deputy corps of the ZSK was assigned the role of a page boy, whose task was to please, smile sweetly and clean the governor's armor to a shine, constantly referring to his large-scale personality in gratitude speeches.
But what to do now, when the situation is changing? In recent years, the Krasnodar Territory is not only slipping, it is rapidly sliding back. At the same time, the catastrophes in various areas of socio-political life that are going in close order, the governor and his faithful Janissaries, out of habit, draw up as achievements in brave reports to the Kremlin. Not so long ago, these fantasy reports completely tripled Moscow. But what will happen now?
A bit of demagogy for a better understanding of the real situation in the region. Let's say, when everyone is healthy, you can write for the president for an arbitrarily long time about the achievements of regional health care, the purchase of an excess number of ambulances , construction of new polyclinics, FAPs and offices of general practitioners. But when a pandemic happens, it immediately turns out that in real life, very scarce ambulances come to the sick during the day, if you're lucky, you have to put the sick in the corridors on shifted leatherette benches, and there are no medicines. And primary health care is generally destroyed to zero .... Or, when poor families refuse to improve demographics, you can talk about quality education, and dozens of new school buildings, you can fill in with a nightingale about solving the problem of providing kindergarten places. There was enough for rare children. But when families, attracted by maternity capital, begin to give birth intensively, it immediately turns out that a child should be enrolled in a kindergarten immediately upon leaving the maternity hospital. And in a school where classes are in three shifts, first-graders are recorded in the 1st “I” class.
This is to the fact that in the very near future, the Krasnodar Territory expects a solid 1st "I" in almost all important industries. The sanctions are beginning to expose huge marginal problems that no one dealt with during the "soft" time, relying on it to be eternal.
What will happen to the agriculture of the Kuban, on which the food security of the country largely depends? Don't worry about this year's harvest. Unless, because of the highest corruption of the regional administration, there will be difficulties with domestic rice. Not so long ago, during repairs, the Fedorovsky hydroelectric complex in the Kuban collapsed, on which most of the Russian rice crop depends. The repair of the building was carried out by a desk, on the staff of which ... two people - former Volgodonsk stallholders who moved to the Kuban, organized an LLC, which managed to win tenders for the repair of reclamation systems and reservoirs for 2.5 billion budget rubles in a couple of years. I wonder who helped them? But the main question today, to which the Kuban authorities have no answer, is what will happen to next year's harvest as a whole? Zero ideas on this. Where to get seeds (75-100 percent from European producers), where to get plant protection products (almost all imported, that is, sanctions)? How to replace Gin Dira and Hollanda on the fields? If you start asking Kondratieff all these questions in response, you will hear extremely empty, that is, completely meaningless, speeches about import substitution with zero specifics.
Or here, it would seem, is a plus: as a result of sanctions, the southern monopoly on resort services is returning. Resting people (who can afford it) deprived of Spain-Italian-Greece, will be forced to start wandering towards the Black Sea next summer. And what awaits them there? E. coli in sea water due to almost completely destroyed treatment systems in all resort areas, with streams of shit from septic tanks flowing cocurrently into the sea? Hours of standing in traffic jams due to endless reverses due to roads crawling into cliffs? No, officially, of course, they say that the roads are washed away and destroyed by the elements. But it is even more eroded by their bluff technology. When, due to forced kickbacks for winning tenders, road builders are forced to save a lot by not equipping storm gutters, passage tunnels for streams rushing from the mountains, what can we expect? To complete the description of the “elements”, it is worth adding that the cut of resort lands on the slopes, right under the federal highways. For the construction of the next stall or guest house, the “owners” who grabbed the landslide slope “cut” the mountain, as a result, the federal highway located above “creeps”. It is worth adding to the resort "achievements" the dry land of Gelendzhik and Novorossiysk, where the water in the taps is, to put it mildly, not a constant phenomenon. Although, if we proceed from the principle: where in the hell will these vacationers go, they will come to us anyway, then, of course, it will be possible to tell a bunch of the whole Type about the next mythical record, “we have visited 20-30-40 million vacationers”! !!
In general, the Kuban troubles, which Kondratiev and Co. have learned to “blur over” by blowing victorious electoral dust into the federal eyes, in this, and in all subsequent years, as the Kuban Cossacks say, will not work.
Sanctions force you to do real work, not writing. And if this year we are talking about the election of a new composition of the WG, then it seems obvious that the elections are a great chance to find new, promising, creative, thinking management personnel. The old deputy composition of the ZSK over the past five years has completely proved its complete inefficiency. Justification, like: “But we had to legislate the governor’s will, initiatives and undertakings of Kondratiev,” they don’t roll here anymore. Legislators should work not for the interest of the boss, but for the interest of the voters. Although ... This is ideally. In the Krasnodar Territory, the elections of city dumas, district councils, and even more so deputies of the WGW, take place according to fundamentally different principles. The opinion of the people themselves is of little interest here.
And in this regard, the upcoming elections deputies ZSK, will become just a model of the elected "leftist", just put it directly in the chamber of measures and weights, as an electoral-rigging standard.
Let's start with lists. There will be half of them in the regional parliament - representatives of various parties. The winner here with a score of 80 (plus or minus) percent in September, of course, will be United Russia. People respected in the region have already been appointed to the head of the regional party list: the former chairman of the ZSK, now a member of the Federation Council Vladimir Beketov and the brilliant surgeon Vladimir Porkhanov, head physician of the First Regional Clinical Hospital No. . They are “locomotives” designed to draw as many United Russia deputies as possible into the regional parliament on their authority. Both will “merge” after the elections (which they have done all the time in all previous elections), giving way to the next colleagues on the list.

Among the listers, as expected, was, in particular, the loafer Vice Governor Sergei Boldin, who accompanied all his activities with deafening failures. To assess his activities, an example of the results of his work as the head of the governor's commission for restoring order in coastal land use is sufficient. When the commission was just starting to work a couple of years ago, gullible social activists imagined that the indicated direction - "putting things in order" - was a real goal. Yeah ... The work of the Boldino commission was completed, with the actual "legitimization" of the cutting of forest fund lands (only in the Tuapse district there were more than 6.5 thousand such plots for sale), and "clarification of the boundaries of natural reserves", as a result of which reserved land was allocated for villas and dachas of regional chiefs. A couple more vics are waiting on the list.
In general, getting into the top of the EP list guarantees a deputy in the regional parliament. That is why newcomers who have nothing to offer the people as their electoral platform, but have something to offer officials and party functionaries for such "assistance" strive to get on the list. The issue price for the Kuban political debutants starts from 10 million rubles. Which are gathered by the "headquarters" as if for organizational questions (such as printing party posters to decorate roadsides), but in reality they go to bribe the chairmen of TECs and PECs, to print millions of "left" ballots, which then have to be thrown into the ballot boxes. On what, in fact, a couple of years ago, the former deputy director of the department of internal policy of the region, Inna Khaustova, who, after printing the millionth "leftist", helped to show "outstanding" results of 83% in the last gubernatorial elections, got caught. Many municipal heads, who in reality would have shown a result of 20 percent, were very grateful - stuffing helped them save their careers. But for this, Khaustova demanded a monthly bribe of 50-100 thousand rubles from the municipal heads. The trial of Ina Mikhailovna, who spent more than a year under investigation in a pre-trial detention center and has now been placed under house arrest, should begin in the near future.
In general, the elections in the Kuban have long become a commercial project, where a significant part of the bribe collected for getting into the list ends up in the pockets of those who make these lists of future winners. That is why in the current list of winners, there are no those who could be creative in the interests of the region during the difficult sanctions period. Such is the deputyship, it's ... it's like buying five for the loot during the session from the teacher. In the record book - "excellent", in the head - empty.
Among the inevitable winners of the Kuban single-mandate primaries, there is even more dullness. Among the appointed victors in Krasnodar there are worthy candidates, for example, the rector of the Kuban Agrarian University, the current deputy chairman of the ZSK, Alexander Trubilin. But the director of the Red Square megacenter Alexei Buzmakov, who is he for people? What is it that he remembers besides commerce?

Andrey Doroshev, deputy head of the city, is sent to deputy exile from Krasnodar. The pretty (thanks to plastic surgery and photoshop) Galina Golovchenko from the Krasnodar City Management Company will decorate the harsh male deputy gatherings. The deputy of the City Duma of the Kuban capital, Stanislav Nikolenko, will migrate to the ZSK for who knows what merits. Like his Duma colleague Igor Bragarnik. Dr. Stanislav Grinev (Clinic Preobrazhenskaya) is guaranteed a victory in the primaries, but it is not certain that this will result in a victory in the September elections. Much more likely is his fate in the autumn of “worthy to lose”, agreed with the authorities, that is, nominated for pluralism by the candidate from the “New People” or SR. Perhaps they will merge under the opposition the upcoming winner of the primaries, the general director of the Metrix Group of Companies, Nikolai Lobachev (who is on the list of winners of the current primaries).
In Sochi, the winners are also indicated in the approved list. Among them: a prominent Krasnodar developer, not poor Boris Yunanov, warmed up on the soil of the "Young Guard" by the former mayor of the country's main resort Pakhomov Viktor Bagishvili (now Viktor Teplyakov). It is not clear yet who will be the candidate from the Lazarevsky district of Sochi, but taking into account the coastal specifics and interethnic unity, it is possible that a young talented Armenian businessman will be appointed as a candidate here (especially with an eye to how Russia helped end the conflict in Karabakh) . However, representatives of the fraternal people can also be seen in the party lists. It is not clear who will become a candidate from the part of Adler and Sirius. Although here, too, you can guess who will win. The Sirius Federal Territory is "a road for the young and a hope for a progressive future." Therefore, we bet on a long-legged beauty, the owner of some more or less profitable business.
In Novorossiysk, the acting deputy of the ZSK Sergey Yaryshev was appointed the winner. Where would it be without him in the case of the failure of the program to establish a normal water supply to the main port of the country. The current deputy of the ZSK, Mikhail Kovalyuk, is most likely also destined to win the primaries. Although, why should he personally, with his business of buying and selling land and not sickly property in France, do in the ZSK, it is not at all clear.
According to Temryuk, the name of the winner has not yet been named. But here it can be calculated easily. In the recent past, Governor Kondratyev rushed about, as if with a written bag, with a crude and ill-conceived law on winemaking. Which, as a result, was, due to the fact that other deputies in winemaking do not understand anything at all, was adopted by the State Duma. So we are waiting for a winemaker from the winemaking Temryuk. However, given the political situation, the builder of the Crimean bridge may also be appointed.
But in Gelendzhik there is a winner - "Captain Obviousness" - Konstantin Dimitriev. Acting deputy of the ZSK, general director of the Krasnaya Talka sanatorium. It was in this sanatorium in the early 2000s that the Presidential General Council launched a new Russian resort policy. But since then, progress here has been replaced by a bitter regression. Dmitriev, as a deputy of the ZSK, did not lift a finger to at least indicate the prospects for the most important problem of water shortage for Gelendzhik. But on the other hand, he spent a lot of energy on breaking the backbone of the Gelendzhik people in the matter of pushing through the anti-people general plan of the city. The plan was very necessary for non-poor Russians. And it was said in the governor's letter: the view from the sea from expensive yachts approaching these shores should be “fashionable fashion”. And the gaze of the owners of 100-meter vessels and the botex girls accompanying them, directed from the sea, should not be embarrassed at the sight of ordinary houses of citizens whose families have been living by the sea for decades. So where there were IZHS zones with houses, now it is all recreation and public efficiency. In general, Dimitriev, with such an approach, of course, "victory" in the primaries will be ensured. Right from the morning of May 30, the residents of Gelendzhik will be surprised to find that they voted for him in the primaries. And in September, they will “give him votes” already at the elections themselves. Much to their personal surprise.
Among the winners of the party voting in the Black Sea territories, we note the head of the Orlyonok children's center, Alexander Dzheus. For "Eaglet" he really does a lot. Nothing for the sponsored region. He didn’t care, it turned out to be the embezzlement of the money allocated by the budget for clearing the riverbeds (this year there was another flood - people died in the area). He had to swim on how funds were spent on restoration work after an emergency. How garbage was brought to the beaches and burned there, and vacationers admired the surf among the fires. The destroyed bridges in the mountains were restored with the help of some iron junk written off as scrap - it was not a master's job to trace. Chkhal Jeus for the massive, practically undisguised, poaching cut of hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of valuable wood. He scored on the district gasification programs. Of the positive actions, one can only recall the release, together with the deputy Andrey Buldin, of sturgeon fry to the Kuban under the accompaniment of numerous television cameras. Buldin, by the way, is also on the list of winners of the primaries. He goes along Apsheronsk and Goryachiy Klyuch. And there, and there, poachers have a lot of forests, drug addicts sow forest workings with fascinating grass, in Goryachiy Klyuch they go nuts from plans to transfer the largest landfill in the South to this balneological resort. In general, the deputy, of course, is aware, but he does nothing. To the Tuapse group of deputies, we can also include Vladimir Lybanev, the current deputy of the ZSK, who before becoming a deputy headed the Tuapse district in a very peculiar way, but now he is destined to win in the district, which includes the Kanev district of the region. This figure is directly related to the cutting of resort lands. So a worthy candidate. Concluding the tour of the Black Sea coast, let's say that in Anapa the winner of the primaries is the developer Nikolai Morar (JSC "Kaskad").
So that residents of other cities and regions of the Krasnodar Territory, from the morning of May 30, do not search on the Internet resources of the regional division of the party for the names of the winners of the primaries, we will name them all now. Then we check. Armavir and Novokubansk - Alexey Titov. Another Armavir district (plus part of the Uspensky district) is Aleksey Shtanichev. The beautiful Tatyana Ochkasova, the daughter of the head of the district, Vitaly Ochkasov, whose family runs the petrol business and generally lives well, will make the Kavkazsky district and adjacent municipalities happy with her victory. In the governor's native Dinsk district (plus several territories of other municipalities included in the district), Sergey Orlov was appointed to win. Encouraged by dad's cookies (the family's business is biscuit cookies) in Kurganinsk and adjacent areas included in the district, Alexander Galenko will win. In the Tikhoretsky district, Sergey Nosov was appointed. Vladimir Zyuzin will take the lead in the Ust-Labinsk-Tbilisi regions.
Let's just list the others appointed to win in various Kuban constituencies: Zhanna Belovol, Sergey Kosyanikov Andrey Gorban, Vladimir Kharlamov, Alexei Kosach, Nikolai Chaly, Vyacheslav Sbitnev, Evgeny Shendrik, Alexander Pogolov, Mikhail Kolodyazhny, Alexander Makoveev, Denis Vyprentsev, Ivan Artemenko, Sergei Orlenko ...
The most annoying thing is that under all these electoral convulsions, where the winners of the primaries are already scheduled in advance, they strain state employees. The mass character of the regional leadership is needed not to obtain reliable results in terms of people's love and preferences, it is for a report for Moscow, they say, such is our political activity - the people are not indifferent to destinies. As for the rest, there is a clear division in the Krasnodar Territory: the people are obliged to vote, and the authorities are obliged to appoint the winner, regardless of these votes.
But the most curious in the region will begin in the summer. Firstly, a glorious period of new pre-election extortions is starting, and secondly, this is a period of desperate bidding by the opposition for a seat or two in the regional parliament. We think it will be enough to appoint 5-6 other candidates from the New People, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the SR as the winners (the question is whether the Liberal Democratic Party will pass - Volfovich is not with us, and without him, the governor may consider that there is nothing for the liberal democrats to do in the updated ZSK). And, most likely, the result of the bargaining will be the “singling out” of the opposition of several sections where their candidates will win. Under a firm promise not to interfere with their meticulous observers in the process of stuffing at the polling stations of other constituencies.
Based on the results of these elections, there is every chance to get a situation in the region that can be described in a couple of words: "It's a pity for the Kuban." Because in the list of appointed winners from the regional "United Russia" you can't even see even a couple of people who would have their own opinion, their own vision of ways out of a difficult situation. Gray faceless, rich, pontovitaya mass, obedient to the will of foolish officials. For whom the deputy badge is just a fetish. Like a crimson jacket for boys from the disturbing 90s. Or a Mercedes 600.
Roman Trushkin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info