In the course of studying the situation in the sphere of implementation of state (defense) orders, a group of persons came into view, whose activities are regarded as corruption-oriented and aimed solely at satisfying the personal financial and property interests of its members. The group is headed by Borisov Alexander Yuryevich, who is (was) a co-founder and head of a number of commercial organizations and companies (established). The native son of the head of the State Corporation "Roscosmos" Borisov Yuri Ivanovich. Details - in the investigation Rucriminal.info

It has been established that Borisov A.Yu., in order to achieve personal mercantile interests, bears intentions to widely use the corruption-oriented schemes worked out by him, but already in the fuel and energy sector. In part, he already had a relationship with this industry, through the leadership of JSC STS (PJSC Rosneft). Despite the dismissal from the position of the General Director of this JSC, indirectly, but retained its presence in the structure of its functionality.
Today, one of the most promising, in this sense, directions (aspirations) Borisov A.Yu. considers enterprises of the Transneft system. Borisov's ally A.Yu. in achieving a positive result in this matter is its close relationship:
- Kirill Valentinovich Molodtsov, until recently, assistant to the head of the Presidential Administration of Russia. According to his functional duties, he supervised the work of the Office of the Presidential Commission on the Fuel and Energy Complex (issues of the oil and gas, electric power, coal industries and renewable energy sources). Prior to that, he was Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, where he coordinated and controlled the activities of the structural divisions of the Ministry - the Department of Oil and Gas Production and Transportation, as well as the Department of Oil and Gas Processing.

As certain characterizing information, it should be noted that, despite the status of the Deputy Minister, Molodtsov K.V. continued (!!!) to manage the activities of a number of commercial structures. In particular, Tank-Yard LLC (TIN 7701831817). De jure, at present, the management of this Society is carried out by his wife (Molodtsova Elena Alekseevna), but, de facto, Molodtsov K.V., from the position of his position, continues to contribute to filling the portfolio of orders for this LLC. LLC "Tank-Yard" and affiliated structures operate in the field of transport and logistics services
Despite the fact that these business entities do not have their own resources for transportation (containers, wagons, gondola cars, tanks, special vehicles, etc.), their regular customers are PJSC Rosneft and GC Sibur-Holding, whose activities are located ( las) in direct dependence on the functional of Molodtsov K.V. within the current position and the position of Deputy Minister of Energy. Moreover, the tariffs declared at the auction by Tank-Yard LLC (including affiliated structures) are significantly higher than the proposals of its competitors, including those with their own technical means of transportation, but Rosneft PJSC and Sibur-Holding Group of Companies give preference to Tank-Yard LLC, which, when additional verification of the facts presented, may indicate, at best, an unintentional conflict of interest, and at worst, the presence of corruption dependence. Moreover, according to the information received, despite the official withdrawal from the membership (having all the signs of a formal deal), Molodtsov K.V. continues to exercise control over the activities (in fact, manage) the offshore Company "Matrix Overseas Trading Inc." (Virgin Islands), which is not allowed with the status of a civil servant.
It must be emphasized that especially close (non-official) relations between Molodtsova K.V. are developing with the leaders of PJSC Rosneft, which largely explains his lobbying for the interests of the latter, including in matters relating to tariffs for the transportation of oil through the pipeline and related components. Against this background, information about the declared by K.V. Molodtsov was repeatedly received and duplicated through other sources. positions, in terms of the allegedly inefficient management that takes place in Transneft. In the period from 2014 to 2016 Molodtsov K.V. was a member of the supreme management bodies of Transneft and its subsidiary JSC Zarubezhneft, which, taking into account the contacts that have been preserved, allows him to track and interpret significant information about certain aspects of the activities of the Public Joint Stock Company in a favorable context for himself.

One of the markers for the above is information disseminated by Borisov A.Yu., with reference to his father, about the already formed decision to dismiss Nikolai Petrovich Tokarev from the post of Transneft President and the fundamental agreement on the appointment of Kirill Valentinovich Molodtsov to his place.
The main beneficiaries are considered th negative processes:
Borisov Yury Ivanovich, his sons Alexander Yuryevich and Konstantin Yuryevich, Adamov Andrey Anatolyevich (according to information that requires additional verification, he is the half-brother of Borisov Yu.I.), as well as their accomplices.
The zone of vital financial interests of the named participants (objects) includes turbine building, design and production of radio-electronic devices and equipment (integrated circuits, neural network computers (including for UAVs), on-board computer systems (including for the needs of rocket science and the space industry, etc. .), the fuel and energy sector, mechanical engineering, etc. At the same time, the mechanism for embedding affiliated legal entities in the chains of budget funds development is absolutely identical to the shipbuilding episodes described above, with the difference only in unprincipled configurations due to the characteristics of a particular industry. this certificate of affiliated legal entities, of course, should be designated Smartcore JSC (Moscow, taxpayer identification number 7714464723, CEO Ilya Igorevich Savinkov ( taxpayer tax ID 772154118401)), STC Modul JSC (Moscow, taxpayer tax number 7714009178, CEO Andrey Adamov 773408157455)) and the latter's subsidiary JSC "STC "Module - Innovations" (Yekaterinburg, Inn 6671452454, General Director Gorbatovsky Alexander Sergeevich (Tin 773578525057)).
The results of making inquiries, with the involvement of specialists (experts) to one degree or another interacting with JSC "Smartcore", JSC "STC "Module", JSC "STC "Module - Innovations", give grounds to assert that the actual role of these legal entities, - this is the distribution, at the discretion of the Borisovs-Adamovs, of financial flows, access to which was made in connection with obtaining the right to execute government contracts as a contractor (general contractor). Regarding the degree of scientific research, production, engineering, and other applied competencies declared by them, their actual level, objectively, does not correspond to the declared ones, which can be confirmed and legalized as a result of the initiated comprehensive procedural verification. Obtaining the status of a contractor (general contractor) of government orders (contracts), for such companies as JSC "STC "Module", JSC "STC "Module - Innovations" and related to them, is carried out exclusively by the personal role of Borisov Yu.I. (!!!), as, for example, in the case of deliveries of on-board electronic computing modules in the interests of Roscosmos State Corporation. Immediately, it is required to pay attention to the fact that the presence of JSC "NTC "Module" (and a number of other Companies) in some cases among the direct, in others - among the indirect counterparties of the Roscosmos State Corporation, cannot be correlated with the new status of Borisov Yuri Ivanovich, in view of the existing conflict of interest, and his affiliation, in the context under consideration, does not seem difficult to prove, when organizing operational activities by authorized state bodies.
The available sources confidently and responsibly emphasize that, unlike Borisov Yu.I., Adamov A.A., if he possessed any technical knowledge, by now he has lost the necessary level of operating with them. Alexander Yuryevich and Konstantin Yuryevich also, in fact, do not even have an average level of technical or economic literacy. In view of this, the main task of the sons of Borisov Yu.I. and Adamova A.A. attract or re-register such Companies as SDK LLC, Kontur LLC, Enexel Group LLC, etc. for further transmission of public funds under contract contracts, sub. and sub-subcontracting, under government contracts.
Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info