How the famous player was turned into a criminal

The fate of the popular Spartak forward is akin to the fate of the amazing Eduard Streltsov from Torpedo. He was also sent to prison on trumped-up charges. Where to live, to put it mildly, not comfortable. But not by dungeons alone ...
Details for the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and were reported by sports journalist and writer Alexei Matveev. He, in turn, was told about the life of his father by the eldest son of Sevidov Sr., Alexander.
- Dad passed away on my birthday, February 11, - ALEXANDER recalls with bitterness. - I was sitting in the company of friends, of course, they congratulated me. Father then flew on a business trip from the newspaper "Soviet Sport" to Spain. The footballers of the capital Lokomotiv held a pre-season training camp there. Yuri Alexandrovich reported the details to the newspaper.
My father lived in the house of his old friend, Vladimir Beniashvili. So he announced the shocking news: "Sasha, dad is no more ...". Life immediately split into “before and after”. The grief seemed all the more enormous that at that moment dad was not sick, he felt well. And suddenly... He was forced to install a stimulator in order to maintain the work of the heart in the optimal mode.

So many athletes, including famous ones. At first they are intensively trained, prepared for tests, given crazy loads. Then they throw it away like useless, waste trash. And the athlete's heart begins to grow decrepit. That is why people often die prematurely. Unfortunately, our beloved dad also fell into this category.
Before the tragedy, Yuri Alexandrovich joked a lot, was known as a merry fellow. He was kind and sociable. I wouldn't call it soft. He acted as he saw fit, regardless of the opinions of others, including those closest to him. I will say this: he was not a conflict person in communication.
If he saw that the situation was getting out of control, the plan was not being implemented, he tried to explain, to agree. I tried to avoid direct conflicts, confrontations with someone. This is his signature lifestyle - at work, at home, in his personal life.
By nature, dad is not a gloomy person. Always ready to laugh it off, turn the brewing conflict into a joke. And laugh at yourself for some reason. Such traits are inherent in smart, ironic people.
Parents rarely quarreled. Mom devoted her whole life to dad. Her life is, first of all, - dad. She made him feel as comfortable as possible. So that our head of the family has a reliable rear. Tellingly, it was not a burden for my mother, something of a burden. Father, a man of fine spiritual organization, saw and felt this perfectly. Just like we, the children of the Sevidovs.
Yes, dad is more emotional, "explosive", or something. And my mother easily, almost playfully smoothed out the corners. Well, the perfect couple. She even liked to agree with her father. Apparently, she knew that he would not advise badly.
Parents are by nature outgoing. Long disagreements did not happen, and could not be a priori. “Pouting” for days, even more so for weeks, is impossible to imagine. Still, they loved each other, they carried the feeling through their whole lives. They did not want to waste time on insults.
His relationship with his father was exceptionally trusting. I felt, understood, dad lived in my interests, and my younger sister, Elena, too. I was worried about the slightest nuances, some failures, failures. Rejoiced at our success.
In terms of choosing a life partner, probably by analogy with my father, I was also lucky. I knew the girl, who later became my wife, from school. We lived in the same yard, she is a couple of years younger.
In terms of marriage, parents did not have to consult. They knew my companion for a long time and well. In general, they were kind to her, my choice was approved immediately and unconditionally. Dad then said: “There are a lot of girls around. And you want to live in love and gradually grow old with only one person. And finding such a person is the most important thing.”
My grandfather, the famous football coach San Sanych Sevidov, lived with my grandmother, Lidia Dmitrievna, all the time until she died. After her death, he quickly left, he was so shocked by the loss of his beloved woman. Grandparents were buried at the Domodedovo cemetery.
My father is a very sociable person. But I would not say that our house was bursting with guests. Yuri Alexandrovich preferred to spend his free time from football activities in a narrow family circle. Here is how it was explained.
At the end of his active playing career, dad coached mostly non-Moscow clubs. Ryazan "Spartak", for example, Vologda and Makhachkala "Dynamo". Upon returning to the capital, of course, he wanted to be with the children and his mother, he simply missed his native people.
We talked sincerely with dad: jokes, laughter, practical jokes. My father was happy to take me to the rides during such periods when I was little. Even in the days of the player, dad became close friends with partners who became his close friends. Valery Reingold, Gennady Logofet.

The company was supported by businessman Vladimir Beniashvili. The four of us liked to sit in the popular Razgulay restaurant on Spartakovskaya street, next to Elokhovskaya church. A beautiful place, I must say.
I regularly went to Sokolniki to play football with people who have become, in fact, family to me. There I met the son of the famous goalkeeper Vladimir Maslachenko, he also played ball with us.
Again, my father is a very domestic person. Therefore, probably, he almost did not maintain relations with people from different fields of activity. With the same film and theater actors, for example. Although many Spartacists from the time of the pope and later were friends, it's no secret, with representatives of the artistic environment.
Of course, my father did not sit at home without getting out. I met with friends, mainly from the world of football. His native habitat. I talked, as a rule, during the matches of the veterans, as I have already told. Then, yes, we went to restaurants, almost a mandatory program. Sometimes, however, they did without it, they immediately started home with dad after the next game in Sokolniki.
My father and grandfather, San Sanych, preferred to listen to jazz, - the son of Yuri Sevidov, Alexander, continues his story. – And not so much classical jazz as specific. Not individual performance, but different groups. In general, as a child, I didn’t even hear our music, so it happened. Although my peers enjoyed the songs of the same Rosenbaum. Frankly, I learned about such artists, their work much later.
I would come home after school and plunge into the world of Western music. Dad, comfortably seated on the sofa, constantly listened to her. American, English. Again, I'm not ashamed to say that Yuri Alexandrovich told me about Michael Jackson. Although it would seem that it should be the other way around.
I loved fiction, I just read avidly. My father, I will tell you, seriously hurt his back at the end of his career as a football player. One of the reasons, perhaps the main ones, why he rarely got out somewhere. I was forced to lie down, which is also why I found the opportunity to literally “swallow” my favorite things.
After a while, together with his dad, my grandfather, San Sanych Sevidov, he went to Baku to train the local Neftchi. He helped San Sanych prepare local football players for matches.
They found a healer there who cured my father's back in just a matter of moments. After that, the pain never made itself felt until the death of the pope. And before that, he just suffered, suffered. It turns out that the back hurt for decades, until they found a miracle doctor.
Father did not consider himself, in fact, a Soviet person. In his way of thinking, rather, he was an anti-Soviet, well, quite a moderate one. I did not perceive the Soviet system internally.
He read Bunin, but Dostoevsky seemed to us a little heavy for perception. I remember discussing literary moments with him, some novelties that appeared at that time. My father knew a lot of things from different spheres of life, because he “shoveled” a lot of literature, and not only fiction.
Yes, the majority of Spartacists are developed people, I would say, intellectuals. After all, the game itself, to which they devoted the best years of their lives, is subtle, smart. Especially, I think, during the time of my father and his wonderful partners in the club. Dad sometimes said, characterizing teammates, their actions on the field: “Sasha, a fool could not play with us. If a person is limited, it is immediately obvious, conspicuous. It opened in the wrong place, gave the ball away in the wrong way, ”and the like.
- My mother is the daughter of a diplomat, her father worked in the Foreign Ministry. Their family lived in a rather privileged area, on Leninsky Prospekt, - Alexander Sevidov continues the story. - In the so-called red foreign houses. It is clear that at that time they did not buy apartments, they were received from departments and organizations. Mom said that at their houses, in fact, Moscow was ending at that time. Further - the fields of rye stretched. By the way, one of the neighbors was the famous actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov.
Mother is a person who is very far from sports, football. In any case, at the time of meeting with the pope. And when my future parents were introduced, my mother had no idea that in front of her was a famous player. The rising "star" of Soviet football. Yes, a very well-groomed young man. In a fashionable tie, a shirt that was just as modern at that time.
Galina Mikhailovna in the period in question, just Galya, only graduated from the tenth grade of the school. Dad is four years older. Already shone with a game on the football fields as part of Spartak.
According to the mother herself, dad seemed to her very mature, and such a dandy. She never thought that they would have anything in common. Yuri seemed to her a celestial, a man from another planet.
Here is a young, 16-year-old girl coming out of the school building. Here he stands, it turned out, waiting for her. “Galya, do you remember me? We met three days ago." The girl seemed to be deafened by thunder. It all happened so unexpectedly. Communication continued, young people began to meet.
Mom was not even eighteen at that time. Later they began to live together. "Spartak" allocated a brand new apartment to his forward, who showed great promise. The young couple had no problems with housing.
In 1962, dad, as part of Spartak, won the gold medals of the country's champions. P fame, money, people's love, recognition came. It seemed to live and rejoice... At the end of the championship season, my father became the top scorer along with the wonderful striker of Neftchi Baku Eduard Markarov. Both have sixteen goals scored.
A very strange, truly fatal and very tragic date is February 11th. In my opinion, at least. On the same day, with a difference of ten years, amazing people died - Valery Leonidovich Reingold and our dad. My birthday is also the eleventh, painted in gloomy tones.
... Mom never reproached her beloved for the lack of money in the family. However, these periods were short-lived. Dad did not lie on the couch waiting for "manna from heaven." He always did something so that the family, at least, did not live in poverty.
He tried to invest in business, to do business. I even flew to China, I remember, then nothing happened. Still, he is not a businessman, in his spirit. But, I repeat, I did not sit idly by, constantly on the move, did not lose optimism. Sometimes the money invested in the "promotion" of the idea went nowhere. No one is immune from mistakes, including our dad. Do not scold the same for this last words. The man tried.
My father started something new anyway. I did not shy away from the simplest, at first glance, work. He drove people home in his car, as they say, “bombed”. Not only worked as a taxi driver. I made business contacts with some of my clients on a commercial basis.
Mom also did not shun work. At one time, she served as a housekeeper for a very famous person from media structures. Our family has known him for a long time. And he somehow suggested to his mother: “Galya, let me give you money, give it back later. I'm embarrassed that you have to work." He spoke out of the best of intentions, not trying to humiliate.
Mom calmly replied in the spirit that "for us this is unacceptable." And she continued to sit with the producer's children, looked after them. Watched the house, maintained order in it. This went on for several years in a row, my mother even flew with him and the children abroad. By the way, the children became very attached to our mother, she became, in fact, a nanny for them.
Later, when dad developed relationships with representatives of the media, the family lived on his income. Mom, of course, left the producer's family, leaving her job as a nanny. Returned home.
In a word, they overcame the difficulties that arose. It has never been a problem for parents to work, including for my mother. They willingly took up this or that business in order to feed the children. From the outside, I, in a good way, was surprised at my mother's patience, her desire to overcome everything and everything. How, however, dad was lucky with such a wife! However, my mother received complete reciprocity from her beloved husband.
Now many ladies have completely different attitudes in life. At the heart of which is often one commercialism. Our parents could not have this a priori. People of a different warehouse, with high spirituality, subtle perception, smart, loving. They evoked sincere admiration from my sister and me.
How I admired the wonderful trinity Logofet - Reingold - Sevidov. Their relationship is perhaps the standard of friendship, devotion to her. In my opinion, Yuri Alexandrovich was a kind of leader of the beautiful trio of famous Spartacists. Perhaps one of the Spartak veterans will not agree with me. But I did not mean to offend anyone, I apologize in advance if anything.

Papa loved to tease and tease his long-term friends, Logofet and Reinhold. And absolutely harmless. I speak confidently, because I myself witnessed verbal escapades, absolutely cool.
They took me to such gatherings when Spartak veterans played. After the match we went to cafes and restaurants. I repeat, no one was offended by dad's jokes. By that time, my father had long mastered the art of communicating with different people.
Dad is a multifaceted person, he did not focus on one football, his problems. In the late 80s, early 90s, he organized his own cooperative with the characteristic name "Forward". They made sports banners. Actually, the period when many of us had a hard time, life was not easy. I had to survive.
Rental was in use - silk screen printing. Father himself got up to the machine, rolled brand new pennants. Nice things came out. We have a few more football players who have completed performances in big-time sports. So dad gave them work. Yuri Aleksandrovich concluded agreements with organizations on the sale of our products. Very real things that we did with our own hands.
He could say: guys, I'm one of the co-founders of the cooperative, I'll go prepare the papers. You are working here without me. No, he got up to the machine. Showed how and what to do.
Amazingly, in any area that he touched, he wanted to achieve the maximum. Know literally anything and everything. Feel with your own hands, mind, show skill. Realize what you have planned. According to the horoscope, dad is “Horse”. People of this sign themselves reach everything, they will carry, and do, as they say, with a personal hump. Just a good guy.
The father, in his words, escaped the most terrible situations. in prison. Possible physical abuse, beatings, for example. Perhaps God ordered not to touch him. Although, of course, anything could happen in prison. The environment is harsh, some broke.
Dad was in prison near Vorkuta, the climate, of course, is the same. Young mother and father are married at the time of imprisonment. A young, fragile girl regularly visited her beloved in the zone.
She carried six bags. Three in her hands, she pushed one, returned after the other two, and continued on her way. He lay through the dense, almost impenetrable taiga. Sometimes I thought that the living would not return, I was exhausted. Everything looked so bleak.
“Who are you going to?” - the colorful-looking citizens at the wheel of an old truck turned. "To Sevidov". Compassionate drivers undertook to give young Galya a lift. Apparently, the father was respected, sympathized with him. Probably, he knew how to put himself among the prisoners, communicated with them on an equal footing.
Later, my father was transferred from the strict regime zone to a settlement in the Belarusian town of Grodno. There were some indulgences, however, he was obliged to report to the prison authorities. It was forbidden to leave the city limits. Those are the rules.
Papa was initially “shone” for ten (!) Years of imprisonment. Even before the verdict was passed, the father told his young wife during the process: “Galya, leave me. Ten years is an abyss between us. Years - "down the drain." Think about yourself and your life, about happiness with another person. Not a pose, not a paternal drawing. He really represented the situation. “You can say whatever you want,” Mom answered. “I won’t leave you anywhere.” Such is the sublime, in the best sense, love that these amazing, amazing people carried through their whole lives.
I was born in 1968. Mom gave birth in Moscow, of course. And dad - that's a serious risk! - incognito, illegally arrived in the capital. To meet my mother at the gates of the maternity hospital, to hold her little son in her arms. Thank God it worked out. Father's absence from the settlement in Grodno was not noticed, not recorded. Otherwise, they returned him to the colony, it is still unknown how everything turned out.
Alexey Matveev
To be continued