The Telegram channel Blackmirror has begun publishing messages, audio, and video from the email of the governor of the Tula region, Andrey Dyumin, who is being proposed either as the director of the FSB, or as Putin's successor. In one video of a fun party, the VChK-OGPU telegram channel identified oligarch Andrei Bokarev and Deputy Prosecutor General Alexei Zakharov. Bokarev has recently been a participant in all kinds of scandals. Recently, the admins of Ksenia Sobchak and her director Kirill Sukhanov were arrested for extorting money from the head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov, for deleting a post from the Put Out the Light telegram channel. And the post was about how billionaire Andrei Bokarev celebrates his birthday on a grand scale, and among the guests of honor are Sergey Chemezov and Grigory Leps. The post was posted on October 22 at 19.19, and deleted, as the investigation assures, after an agreement on payment. A post has been released on the Extinguish Light channel, which was actively reposted and promoted by the former editor-in-chief Tatler Arian Romanovsky on the team of Ksenia Sobchak.

And in January 2022, an emergency occurred in the Bokarev hunting farm and the huntsman Vyacheslav Salnikov was wounded. All participants of the hunt drank alcohol and then went to hunt elk from snowmobiles. Salnikov was driving, the hunter sitting behind fired, putting his gun on the driver's shoulder. On a bump, the snowmobile jumped, and the bullet hit the shoulder blade from the back, almost tearing off Salnikov's arm. The shooter was the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, Oleg Baranov. According to a source of the Cheka-OGPU, all the participants in the hunt (including generals from the Ryazan clan of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) were not in a very adequate condition and it was entrusted to “resolve” the problem to the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. has good inter-regional ties. It was he who supervised the emergency delivery of the victim to Sklif in Moscow, and, most importantly, the “covering up” of traces. Also, detailed instructions were given to the generals on what to say. This is all, so to speak, "in hot pursuit."

Already in Moscow, the forces of the entire leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were thrown to settle the problem. Especially a lot was done by the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region, Viktor Paukov, an avid hunter who has huge connections along this line. And, by the way, he himself fell into similar stories.
The son of Vyacheslav, Dmitry Salnikov, is not just a local deputy from United Russia, but also the general director of the Profile and Okhotresurs companies. These two structures own a large number of hunting grounds in the Zubtsovsky district of the Tver region, where the injury occurred. Okhotresurs, through several structures, belongs to Transmashholding (TMH) owned by oligarchs Iskandar Makhmudov and Andrey Bokarev. These lands are intended for their personal hunting and the hunting of their guests. Profile, in turn, is also 66% owned by TMH, and 33% by the chain of companies is owned by RN-Yuganskneftegaz, the largest producing asset of Rosneft. Igor Sechin hunts both on the lands of the Profile and on the lands of the Hunting Resource. There is his personal hunting estate. It is there that he shoots game, from which the famous meat sets "From Ivanych" are then prepared. They are handed over to personal guests of the head of Rosneft. Aleksey Ulyukaev received one such set, along with a suitcase of money, and immediately sat down.
Dmitry Salnikov (who declares himself as a livestock specialist and a hunter), who was also made a local deputy concurrently, manages these oligarch farms and organizes hunting for their VIP guests, and his father Vyacheslav accompanies them during the hunt.
And so, the generals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs arrived to have fun and shoot little animals in the personal possessions of Makhmudov, Bokarev and Sechin (understandably by invitation), but one of the generals (presumably the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow Oleg Baranov) accidentally shot the oligarch huntsman, so much so that he almost tore off his hand. He was urgently taken by helicopter directly to the hospital in Moscow.
However, the story of the wound on the hunt was simply brazenly "hushed up". Vyacheslav Salnikov, the victim, stated that he did not see who fired, but he had no complaints. The doctors did not consider the harm from the injury of Vyacheslav to be severe. And the TFR did not initiate a case. It is a prison only for those who write bad things about Chemezov and Bokarev.
Timofey Grishin
To be continued