How the Krasnodar Territory "crumbles"

First, the official... On April 5, Vladimir Putin held a meeting to support the agro-industrial complex. The measures proposed by the president in the current situation are obvious and timely. It was instructed to significantly increase its own production of agricultural machinery and equipment, this year an additional at least 5 billion rubles will be allocated to support seed and breeding centers.
“It is important to reduce the import component in the production of domestic agricultural products. It is necessary to significantly increase our own, domestic production of agricultural machinery, food equipment…,” Putin said.
According to the head of state, one of the main areas here is "seed production, development and implementation of the achievements of Russian breeding."
The President also spoke about the need to increase the production of products, minimizing the impact of external effects on the food market.
The necessary measures in the agro-industrial complex are now one of the main topics for the government of the Russian Federation. On March 31, the government approved a set of measures to protect the domestic food market. So, from April 1, a temporary ban was introduced on the export of sunflower and rapeseed seeds. The restrictions will be in effect from April 1 to August 31, 2022. Since April 15, a quota has been introduced for the supply of sunflower oil and cake, as well as solid residues from sunflower seeds abroad.
Information about the upcoming changes in Russian politics was given by Izvestia. "AiF", all the central media. The official information was reprinted by all the pro-government media of the Krasnodar Territory, the main food center of Russia.
But in this regard, has one obvious question: why the hell has the governor of the Krasnodar Territory Veniamin Kondratiev not said anything intelligible so far? What is this unintelligible official going to do in the agro-industrial complex? Kuban is the breadbasket of Russia, the main supplier of food to the domestic and foreign markets (the volume of food exported by the Kuban was more than 3.5 billion dollars a year until recently). With all due respect to the president, who, although he is the main “decision maker” in the country, nevertheless, logically, should be inferior in terms of the level of knowledge, in terms of depth of immersion in the topic of the agro-industrial complex, to the governor of the Russian granary.
But why has Veniamin Kondratyev been silent for the last month and a half? Why didn't he disturb either the president or the government with at least some proposals regarding the quite expected (without taking emergency measures) emergency situation in domestic agriculture? All this time, the Governor of Kuban was sitting at ease in a pleasant euphoria from the expectations of good results for the current agricultural year.
Well, yes, in 2022, why bother. Tractor-harvesters, which are mainly produced by foreign firms from now unfriendly countries, are on the move. Seeds for sowing (which also come from unfriendly territories in a number of important positions) were purchased in advance and everything planned will be sown, there is no doubt about it. Plant protection products (which is also “not ours”) will be enough for this year. But what will happen in 2023? And in the next?
The independent mass media of the region spoke about the need for Kondratyev a month and a half ago, experts pointed out the need for urgent measures, even bloggers tried to tell the governor about the obvious change in work planning. Who are not professional at all. But the result of these attempts to influence the brain of Governor Kondratiev turned out to be ... his complete misunderstanding of the problems brewing in the agricultural sector of the region.
Although the agricultural propaganda noise about the agro-industrial complex in the Kuban can already be measured in hundreds of decebels. The Governor speaks a lot from the stands. So many that there is an assumption that he lives in the podium. He eats there, sleeps in it, and in it he moves on wheels along the southern scales, sharing his empty wisdom with the inhabitants of the region.
After popular Internet resources began to write about his utter unprofessionalism with a mockery and assistants who tracked such publications reported to the chief, a decision was made to deploy counter-propaganda. By the forces of the press service of the regional administration and the TV channels and newspapers attached to it.
To begin with, Kondratiev moved to the National Grain Center. Lukyanenko, where he wisely crushed the wheat spikelets with his hands and praised the breeders under the camera lenses. The local journalistic beau monde described the landmark event as the final victory in terms of import substitution.
What image here could serve as an intelligible commentary on the significance of the event? Well, imagine a farm. Missing the thunderous applause, the head, from the podium, broadcasts that water mains will be built. At the same time, there is no water tower, no pipes, no fittings on the farm, there are only shovels. And the head goes to visit the diggers, and pushes the river that water will soon come to every farm hut. And she won't come. Because digging a trench is not even half the battle. And besides the shovels inherited from There are no more grandparents on the farm.
So. Why was the president the first to attend to the program for the production of his own Russian assembly of agricultural machinery? And not Kondratiev, the head of the region where the largest production of CLAAS combines (German combines, which means it is possible that this production will leave Russia?)
Why does the president pay attention to the need to support seed production, and not Kondratiev, who seems to have a good scientific potential “under the bayonet”. To whom, all the years of Kondratiev's reign, such all-round support was promised that there should not have been any problems at all now.
But for some reason, 70% of corn seeds in the region are supplied from abroad. Although it doesn't seem like it should be. After all, there are seed-growing enterprises in Art. Ladozhskaya, which supplies corn hybrids - NPO Seed Production of Kuban. And where is the promised support?
Although no. Let us recall how the authorities of the Krasnodar Territory sent an appeal to the government of the Russian Federation on the creation of a sugar beet seed center in the region. The case was in 2016. Then, immediately after the visit of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to the region, the vice-governor of the region Andrei Korobka said: “The project already has an investor who is ready to invest 2 billion rubles in it.” AND? Where?
For sunflower, the figures, although not so deadly, are offensive as in no other branch of the agro-industrial complex. In Krasnodar, there is a whole research institute of essential oil crops - VNIIMK. But… But the share of domestic sunflower seeds is about 25%. Although, it would seem, quite recently the institute was the world's leading scientific center. Now, most of the experimental fields are built up with residential complexes. Institutskaya land turned out to be very attractive for developers. And it's not just builders. And those who are “protected” by the regional leadership…
“So, probably, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Veniamin Kondratiev, has no idea how to restructure the work of the most important regional industry in the current conditions. He had no idea before. So, it really turns out that the main Kuban "collective farmer" is Putin. But then why keep such a stupid official as Kondratiev in office? “, - the source of believes.
After all, the only thing in which he turned out to be a professional was in the matter of "organizing the processes of calming the Kremlin." In the old days, this probably suited some representatives of federal structures. By the method of stuffing and reprinting "left" ballots with circulations of hundreds of thousands, Kondratiev always had an "outstanding" result in any election. Which, of course, was a reason for praise. Kondratiev could (let's pay tribute) push through the business interests of his Moscow patrons. What is the recent adoption of the anti-people general plans of Anapa and Gelendzhik, rigged for "friends". In the matter of throwing dust in the eyes of distinguished guests, Kondratyev has no equal among the regionals in Russia either. Suffice it to recall at least a couple of visits to the region by Dmitry Medvedev. In one case, Kondratiev organized a meeting to support domestic manufacturers of agricultural equipment just at the German CLAAS, and in the second, he showed Medvedev a new school in a completely undeveloped, constantly flooded microdistrict, where classes go on in three shifts, and the letters of the classes contain “Ш " and "E". Schoolchildren were dispersed that day, a cordon was placed in front of their parents, except for those who were selected by a special commission, so that they could express sincere gratitude to the governor to Medvedev.
But if in good years, such cute gubernatorial pranks were rolled, then what about now? And what is Kondratiev concerned about now? Judging by the speeches, import substitution and support for small businesses (both are a complete myth, as far from reality as possible). Is it real?
Really... Today Kondratiev is exclusively concerned with building... a new electoral scheme. In order to be able to continue to cheat in the organization of "victories" of the necessary candidates. After all, this September elections of deputies of the Regional Legislative Assembly. Moscow decided to make the Krasnodar Territory a platform for testing new elective technologies. On the eve of the elections -2024. But Veniamin Ivanovich has his own way. Why change something if the stuffing and substitution of urns have proven themselves so well? However, there are still some changes. They were expelled from the posts of the head of the Yeisk and Belorechensk districts. There are quite strong protest moods. In Yeysk, the communists "beat" United Russia, in Belorechka the protest is associated with a smoky MSW landfill, where garbage is brought from the resorts of Sochi, Tuapse, Goryachiy Klyuch. Such a bureaucratic "execution", among other things, was made to intimidate the rest of the chapters. We must show agility in the elections, ensuring the success of the planned winners. The latest news is that Vice Governor Igor Chagaev is being removed from his post. And although Kondratiev and Chagaev are connected by a sweet male sympathy, nevertheless, as an organizer of the election processes, he was clearly “not very good.” A cute and la the feisty qualities of the young vice-governor are unlikely to help in the electoral battle (which will obviously become tougher).
All this pre-election fuss makes the chances that Kondratiev, at least for a minimum time, will deal with specifics in the agro-industrial complex of the region are illusory.
You don't have to worry about this year. Let's have a harvest. And let's listen to the speech of Veniamin Kondratiev about his own "outstanding". But what's next?
When Veniamin Kondratyev went to the re-election of the governor a couple of years ago, asking Putin for blessings, Vladimir Vladimirovich carefully answered, they say, if the people support you, then I don’t mind either.
So, now the people hardly support such a governor. Kuban is the edge of hard work. In the most difficult times, here people did not whine, did not complain about their fate, nor did they organize mass protests, with empty pots clattering. People took shovels and went to the garden. “We will survive in any situation, as long as they do not interfere” - these words fully characterize the Kuban mentality. Now the key words in this phrase are “as long as they don’t interfere.” More precisely, now one person interferes - Governor Kondratiev. With their inaction, their unprofessionalism, their endless desire to show off on the podium with or without reason. Keeping such a leader in the main Russian granary, it seems, is simply dangerous. Russia must guarantee its own complete food security. The leadership of the country is convinced of this, and even the inhabitants of the country who are far from agriculture are aware of the need to take urgent measures. Everyone understands this ... except for Kondratiev. More precisely, perhaps. And understand, but absolutely no idea how. Agree, it doesn’t fit into any gates at all, when it’s not the governor of the agricultural region who offers the country’s leadership programs for restructuring the agro-industrial complex, pronounces ways to eliminate “weak spots”, ways to solve problems in seed production, the development of domestic agricultural engineering, but the president says that the region needs to fulfill .
Roman Trushkin
To be continued