Iosif Prigozhin responded to the material of the VChK-OGPU Telegram channel about the trial between the singer Valeria's son Arseniy Shulgin and construction magnate Valentin Demchuk. According to the producer, it turns out that the legalization of income was actually carried out by the sons of the bigwig - Andrey and Sergey Demchuki, owners of the microcredit companies "Zelo", "Val Finance" and the "National Agency of Tender Services" (NATS).

It was Sergey Demchuk who studied at the same school as Valeria's son. Apparently, he also helped a classmate get a loan of $563,000 and $100,000 at 5% per annum in September 2018, which Shulgin pledged to repay within a couple of weeks, but he only paid a small part - the debts hung around for years. According to the claim in the Tverskoy Court of Moscow, the star child ended up owing more than $770,000. Apparently, construction tycoon Valentin Demchuk was legalizing the 1 billion stolen at the construction site of the Kaliningrad oncology center through his own children, for whom he created a very convenient business. The eldest son Sergei is the founder of the Val Finance MCC, which lends to hundreds of people under predatory conditions and then files lawsuits against them for late payments. Exactly the same Zelo (part of his father's group) belongs to the youngest son Andrei. Their partners hold NATS. They all work as money launderers for daddy's money - if the MCC signs a settlement agreement in court, as Demchuk Sr. and Arseniy Shulgin plan to do, it is almost impossible to prove the actual debt write-off. And you can report to the tax office with any amounts. The main emphasis was placed on working with tender loans, which were issued to businesses under certain government contracts. Interest from them dripped to the Demchuks, and the laundered funds received an even more legal appearance.

In addition to credit laundries, Sergey Demchuk owns a car service, the IDEALISTA loft space in the center of Moscow, he owns a 50% share in the Schmidt Hemostasis Pathology Clinic, which his mother, Elena Demchuk, helps him cope with. Sergey himself, judging by his subscriptions on social networks, is increasingly interested in foreign countries.
The youngest offspring, Andrey Demchuk, is a star of the capital's MMA, nicknamed Muhomor. In the cage, he represents his native Krylatskoye district. Previously, he worked in the Vnesheconombank group, then moved to his father's assistants. In addition to the bankrupt MCC "Zelo", he is related to the financial laundering of businessman Alexey Voronin. Demchuk Jr. has repeatedly spoken at business sessions of the info-gypsy mentor who worked with Portnyagin-Transformer and other coaches, where criminal cases have already been initiated for concealing and legalizing criminal proceeds. Interestingly, Voronin states on social networks that he has raised 21 billionaires in 7 years. It seems that the Demchuk family is also on this list.

In turn, the source of Rucriminal.info told his version of events. According to him, Arseniy Shulgin is not an entrepreneur, rather, he is an ordinary fraudster.
Back in mid-2019, he took money from Demchuk, wanted to quickly spin it and return it in a week + 5% of the amount. The money was "dirty" - from theft of budget funds and the family was looking for where to invest it, "launder" and increase it. However, the desire to make money quickly and easily played a cruel joke on Arseniy and he himself fell into the "Ponzi scheme". The people to whom he gave the money borrowed simply disappeared. Any of his attempts to find and return the money, even with the involvement of Prigozhin's connections, were unsuccessful. He borrowed from Demchuk more than once and the amounts grew each time. All that he had left from that "thread" at that time was a "Jaguar F-type". Here begins the story of an incompetent manager without much experience in business, who only knows how to throw dust in the eyes and promise investors 30% per annum, or even more. After Demchuk began to demand his money back, Arseniy hastily began to come up with new projects and offer them to investors, promising high interest rates and a quick return. One of the first such projects was the sale of antiseptics, which he launched. Until recently, these products were still hanging in his office on VB.

Having made a beautiful picture and a table with fantastic profit percentages on his knee, Arseniy went to his friends and familiar investors to look for money. He found them and took money at very high interest rates, hoping to sell all the antiseptics, thermometers and other things. It was from this money that he paid part of the debt to Demchuk, so that he would calm down a little. Of course, Arseniy did not succeed and he began to put all investors before the fact that he would not be able to return the money, while simultaneously starting a new project and looking for investments for it. Then that very project "candy smoke" appeared, there he also screwed a lot of people. According to a source of Rucriminal.info, Arseniy simply threw money around in front of his friends and Instagram followers, proposed to his girlfriend Liana with fireworks and a huge inscription on one of the Moscow City towers, planned very expensive wedding in Soho country club.

Mikhail Ermakov
Source: www.rucriminal.info