Few people know, but at the dawn of the 2000s, the Russian authorities contributed to the development of green energy, into which solid money was poured at that time. The locomotive of solar energy was the Hevel Group of Companies (later the Unigreen Energy Group of Companies), the main owner of which was Viktor Vekselberg (yes, that same owner of Renova). As the VChK-OGPU Telegram channel and Rucriminal.info found out, under sanctions, the directors of these organizations built a simple scheme for withdrawing money from the company. Let's take it in order.
Zagorodniy Evgeny Nikolaevich from 2009-2012, resting in the director's chair at the Hevel company, very closely gets to know the future bigwig of all affairs - economist Shakhrai Igor Stepanovich, who was sent to the solar business from Renova to restore order. The ever-promising Shakhrai will be destined to head all the gray schemes. But as they say, if you think about it, then for three, and even better with the female sex. Just then, Zagorodniy's mistress - Bodnarchuk Elena Aleksandrovna, who gave birth to a child for Evgeny and settled across the street from him, began to show ambitions. Elena is placed under Shakhrai's wing, to manage purchases, a plant under construction in Novocheboksarsk.

The scheme looked like this: as part of the competitive procedures for the construction of the plant, equipment pre-determined by Bodnarchuk (mainly Chinese and European production) was purchased, Shakhrai approved all transactions. Consulting contracts were secretly concluded with the companies that produced this equipment at 3-5%, essentially kickbacks. The trio was afraid to transfer funds to Russia, Bodnarchuk had to urgently get a residence permit in Spain. These same people will also arrange for receiving money into shell accounts in European banks. The plant in Novocheboksarsk was built, Zagorodny went into the shadows to the engineering company SSI Engineering and will come in handy later, Shakhrai was promoted to CEO, Bodnarchuk became his deputy. The trio did a great job of improving their financial situation, apartments, cottages in elite areas, villas in Spain, expensive cars.
But already in 2021, Shakhrai's chair began to wobble, and then he came up with the "construction project of the century for 18 billion rubles" - as part of the localization of components, to build two more plants (with a total capacity 6 times greater than the previous one). In order to implement such a large-scale project, Shakhrai had to butter up the nominal Mikhail Sergeyevich Sivoldayev, leave him the director's chair, as to how they eventually agreed, history is silent, but Sivoldayev, who did not believe in the project, suddenly willingly began to lobby for the construction in Renova, even when the budget doubled.
In order not to attract the attention of the internal audit, the most difficult region was chosen - Kaliningrad. Zagorodny's company was chosen as a construction control for construction work, the approval of inflated volumes of materials and work became problem-free. To select "their" equipment suppliers, closed purchases were created (in violation of current regulations), the list of correct suppliers was approved only by Bodnarchuk. Shakhrai, who had previously shown no interest in purchases, made himself the chairman of the tender committee and in every possible way suppressed dissent in choosing the wrong suppliers. Money again flowed like a river into the hands of our trio. But the question arose of how to discreetly accumulate such amounts in the accounts. The money was supposed to come (or came earlier) from suppliers (Linton Crystal, S.C.NewEnergy, BWT, Fesko, AntaiSolar, Fragmit, Longi, TopraySolar, etc.). It became dangerous to make large kickback payments to European bank accounts, and it was necessary to spread the transactions over time and into smaller amounts. To do this, Bodnarchuk organized controlled chaos in purchases, with a huge staff turnover and purchases dragging on for months. Because of this, the company missed the chance to pay the main payments for imported equipment in the summer of 2022, when the dollar exchange rate was 55-60 rubles. And they mainly paid in mid-2023 at an exchange rate of 90 rubles.
There is another person who made it all happen. The chief auditor, Natalya Borisovna Belykh, who was chronically susceptible to illness, was supposed to be retired and an experienced, tenacious auditor was sent to oversee the construction of the plant. But this did not fit into Shakhrai's plans and he agreed to keep her position, and promised her that he would turn a blind eye to her constant absence from work due to illness, in exchange for asking for assistance in matters of plant construction. As a result, Shakhrai received Belykh's vote in addition to Bodnarchuk's vote on the competition committee. A positive vote "on crooked purchases" from the chief auditor removed possible questions from other hesitant members of the competition committee.
Arseniy Dronov
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info