The Telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info continue to publish letters from the defenders of the Police Ombudsman and the authors of the film about the grossest violations and falsifications committed by operatives and investigators in the case of Vladimir Vorontsov. As a result, it was because of this film that the defenders themselves were sent to prison on a perfect invented case. Earlier Evgeny Moiseev spoke on our pages, and now the letter was sent by Vasily Fedorov.

“Sometimes I sit at the table of my cell, sip tea and smile, thinking about what the investigator Yegor Fedorov will do with his superiors and the Security Guards if the case is suddenly stopped due to lack of composition or if we are acquitted. Well, if we were closed on a bunch of some articles and this 306 part 3 was thrown to us purely in the appendage, like Vova those nine episodes of any game, which the prosecutor eventually refused. But after all, this hastily cobbled together article is the only thing they sew for us, and the prospects for condemnation are very thin there. After all, even if the district court of Tverskoy, with its eyes closed, soldered a sentence to us (do not care - according to the time spent or something else), and the Moscow City Court will leave it in force, despite the fact that he himself acquitted the dude with the wording "you can't judge of a person under part 3 of article 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, if the accused artificially created evidence of a crime, after submitting a deliberately false report of a crime (i.e., you must first create evidence, then sign for a warning about liability under article 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, then file statement), then the Supreme Court certainly will not go against its own decision, the plenum of 06/28/2022 No. 20, in paragraph 20 of which it ruled that a person under 306 of the Criminal Code can be attracted only if it:
1) wrote an application;
2) was warned under Article 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
But that's not all. After almost a month of our imprisonment, the Supreme Court acquitted citizen Nikitina, who wrote a statement and was warned of liability under Article 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, only they first took a statement from her, and then took a receipt of responsibility, which violated the chronology of events, because. the receipt comes after the application (ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 73-UD22-7-K8 dated 08.24.2022 in the case of Nikitina). On behalf of Zhenya and me, there is neither a statement nor a receipt, and these are two obligatory conditions for holding liable, as I described above. At least they forged statements from us with receipts, forcing us to prove that these were not our handwriting and signatures. And a pocket examination, of course, would recognize that this is all ours, but the moment is lost and the case in court is based on the pure conclusions of the investigator Yegor. And I’m still silent about artificially created evidence, which we are charged with interrogation protocols signed by Ira, which are simply not the definition of a whole bunch of regulations (including clause 22 of the decision of the plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. such, because they are created not by the one who signs. The one who signs does not create evidence, but gives deliberately false testimony, according to which the statute of limitations has expired, and were also declared by Ira as false, during the trial of Vova, which frees her from liability immediately (see the note of Article 307 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ). In general, if they start throwing new episodes of crimes at us, then this in no way and in no way saves them from the fact that now we are sitting "for nothing." And if the court establishes this, then this is automatically Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for the investigator Yegor and his superiors, plus a deafening resonance and rearrangements.

In general, our entire criminal case simply whines that it was initiated not in order to punish us, but in order to dissuade the USBeks from inciting Ira to write a statement. Every interrogation by the USBs, whining that Ira voluntarily filed an application. Through each word "voluntarily", "she voluntarily", "which voluntarily", "Andina voluntarily", "voluntarily and without putting any pressure on her" ... That's just for what merits Ira was bought clothes in an Italian boutique for the account of the USBs and why she was paid for a hotel in the Peter I hotel, and not in the hostel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the question remained open and the Uzbeks were not asked during interrogations. But there will be many surprises on this score when the meetings begin. There will be a lot of uncomfortable questions for the USBs, we will watch our movie and, most importantly, we will listen to the original eight-hour recording from which I edited the film. I didn’t include a lot in the movie, since it would be three hours long, and even with a very exciting plot, one could get tired of it, but I was worried about it and cut it as best I could. In general, we are waiting for an interesting stage of our conclusion. I look forward to seeing the face of the prosecutor, who will look at the three of us as terrorists and convince the judge that we should be in prison and everything that happened to us is fair and legal. And all these rulings and rulings of the Supreme Court are a mistake, they are not about us, and in general they didn’t mean that, and we misunderstand everything. I feel bolder msya from the heart.

Timofey Grishin
Source: www.rucriminal.info