“Anatoly Petrovich Bykov is a Russian businessman, political and public figure. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant (1998-2000). Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (1997-2016). " This is how they write about Bykov in Wikipedia, and this is how he apparently wants to represent himself. Not a bandit from the high road, not a leader of a criminal community with a bloody trail behind him, not a thief who once stole a gigantic aluminum plant built by the entire Soviet Union, but a businessman and politician who suffered for his “patriotic” position. And, of course, no crime, no bandits surrounded. So, the vague myth about the Krasnoyarsk "Robin Hood", caring for fellow countrymen and putting thieves in their place. We will not talk about the bloody trail today. In the fourth part of the rucriminal.info investigation, we will tell about something else: about the attempts of a petty crime boss to break out “into the people”.

Here Anatoly Petrovich must be given his due. Unlike most of the representatives of his gangster circle, the future “politician” and “businessman” quickly realized that “authoritative show-offs” cannot punch the way to the elite. You need connections, finances and image. But with the latter it was so-so. Today he is surrounded by famous athletes, politicians, businessmen, and 30 years ago around Tolyan (this is what the criminal brothers call him) there are only solid criminals. This is how journalist Alexei Tarasov describes the celebration of his birthday: “On the video recording of Bykov's 32nd birthday, Kisa, Oktay (O. Akhmedov), Lyapa, Tolmach drink for him, for all his earthly blessings, for him to live a hundred years , Blue. Who was Bykov at that hour? One of this row, but lower in rank, since he did not sit and did not show himself with anything yet. With the advent of the guys with Predmostnaya behind him, he goes into a completely different category. They are already here - holding each other elbow to elbow. With excitement, they concentrate on absorbing earthly goods - there is an abundance here, and after all, the Yeltsin decree on free trade has not even been issued yet, in grocery rolls. They still do not know how to drink, they wash down vodka with soda. Students. Gleb Voitenko is wearing white shoes (this is in Krasnoyarsk in winter). Bykov eats apples, sparkling with a huge ring. The authorities are in classic suits and white socks. In the background - "Your cherry" nine "", but then they will call the accordion player. And then dances of girls in swimsuits will follow. "

Rucriminal.info found this video. There is even nothing special to comment on. There is no smell of "business" here. Tolyan is not king yet. One of all. On the right are the "blue" - former prisoners of law. Lyapa and Tolmach are still alive, along with the leaders of the ethnic group Oktay and Mamedov. They are still alive and drink together, but soon a real war for leadership in the Azerbaijani group will break out between them - with bloody showdowns, shooting on the streets of Krasnoyarsk - both will be killed by killers. Not far from Tolik sit "Predmostovskie", while also still alive. This is the backbone of Bykov's criminal community. They, too, are far from being "authorities", and therefore they sit separately from the rest. Kolchak periodically appears in the camera lens (a small authority with his gang, who fell under Bykov). There are also a lot of other small bandyugans, whose names even experienced operatives will not remember now. And they behave accordingly, like a kid: math-rewind, wild tracksuits interspersed with jackets, white socks and patent leather shoes.

Women sit separately - as it should be on a thieves' "raspberry", in a smoking-room a man squatting down - also a characteristic sign. Talk is not about business, of course, about women and their own coolness. Tolik even brags about how with his friend (a murky US citizen by the name of Bach - a representative of the Tashkent organized criminal group) they had fun with girls of easy virtue. And then the stripper is not the first freshness on the stage of the restaurant hall, where she first dances, and then hangs out with the guests in a separate office. And the apotheosis of the evening: Murka on the button accordion and dancing to Kuchin. Tolyan's 32nd birthday is a thieves' gangway, nothing more. It is now he denies himself from the "thieves", and then - his own among his own.
On the following birthdays of Bykov, the “blue” were gone. By order of the hospitable Bykov, they will kill almost everyone who interferes with him or "does not lie" under him. And then a new stage begins. The bandit and leader of the criminal community Anatoly Petrovich (now his name is even close to him) decided to go into politics and big business. Expensive cars, costumes, trips (flight) to the USA, return, entry to the Krasnoyarsk aluminum smelter - all this had nothing to do with the gangster's past. It was then that the formation of the image of Bykov began - as a people's protector and guardian, forced to intersect with "bad" bandits. But, as befits a "people's" hero, he defeated all the bandits, saved the plant, did not sell his homeland (well, we have already spoken about this). But there are still problems with the image, there are too many witnesses.
It is here that Bykov changes his environment. Cardinally. By the end of the 90s, there was almost no one next to him and from the party in which he formed. He destroyed his competitors from among the “blue”, his own from “Predmostnaya” too. Those who survived fled from him, like from fire, and are still hiding. By the beginning of the 2000s, he was no longer a Krasnoyarsk bandit, but a deputy and a "businessman". And his entourage - politicians, athletes and other VIPs. Ready to be friends with him for the loot falling off. Like Moliere's Jourdain from The Bourgeois in the Nobility, Bykov tried to surround himself with famous and successful. The video directly shouts: “Here I am, Anatoly Petrovich, not a bandit from Krasnoyarsk, but a respected businessman. These are the kind of people who come to visit me, look. I'm not Tolyan for you. " I don't even want to discuss what drives all these famous people and "wedding" generals (money doesn't smell), but don't they really know who Anatoly Petrovich really is? After all, they guess ... Bykov's birthday is 01/17/2020. Guests Look, enjoy ... • Roman Vdovin, USSR boxing champion, sports figure. • Tikhonov Alexander Ivanovich, Soviet biathlete, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, 4-time Olympic champion in biathlon. Vice President of the Russian Biathlon Union. • Khushtov Aslanbek Vitalievich, Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling. • Sergey Sergeevich Kot, President of the regional public organization "Union of mixed martial arts" MMA ", Sevastopol. • Musulbes David Vladimirovich, freestyle wrestler, Olympic champion. Director of the Moscow School of the Olympic Reserve. • Povetkin Alexander Vladimirovich, world boxing champion. • Lebedev Denis Aleksandrovich, world boxing champion. • Semenov Valery Vladimirovich, member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation from the Krasnoyarsk Territory. • Kovalenko Valery Vladimirovich, deputy from the United Russia party. • Gogolev Andrey Nikolaevich, world boxing champion, president of the Nizhny Novgorod Boxing Federation. • Davydenko Tatyana Alekseevna, ex-head of the Accounts Chamber of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. • Vladimirov Vladimir Vladimirovich, a well-known restaurateur in Krasnoyarsk. He was a deputy of the City Council of Krasnoyarsk (Bykov's party - "Patriots of Russia"). • Talyuk Alexey Borisovich, member of the Patriots of Russia party. Currently accused of fraudulent activities • Krastyn Sergey Robertovich, advisor to the chairman of the board of the State Company "Russian Highways". • Ivan Aleksandrovich Serebryakov, Leader of the Patriots of Russia party, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. • Vladimir Vladimirovich Kolesnikov, President of the Boxing Federation of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. • Ochirov Valery Nikolaevich. Lieutenant General, Hero of the Soviet Union, Honored Military Pilot of Russia. • Pozdnyakov Valery Alexandrovich, the first mayor of Krasnoyarsk. • Chernoritskaya Nadezhda Pavlovna, General Director of OJSC “Hotel Krasnoyarsk”. • Maletin Alexander Ivanovich, boxer, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, medalist of the 2000 Olympic Games, deputy of the Duma of Nizhnevartovsk. • And the cherry on top: Igor V. Godunov, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, author of books on organized crime. And this is not a complete list of guests for the 60th anniversary of Anatoly Petrovich, but at this holiday you will not find anyone who celebrated Tolyan's 32nd birthday.
To be continued
Arseny Dronov
Source: www.rucriminal.info