A series of high-profile corruption scandals within and around the RANEPA (the Bartsits case, the epic of Rakova-Zuev, etc.) confirms that the “roof” of the main university of officials has leaked, and the basins have to be installed in the rector's office. Searches of persons closest to Mau on the UD about a large-scale cut of budget funds smell like an office method. In addition, the recent virtually flight of Prime Minister Mishustin from the new RANEPA Academic Council, away from the corruption tangle of liberals, seriously undermined the position of Vladimir Mau. The command to “delete from the lists” came from the Government office the day before the materials for the conference of workers were posted, and it is uncomfortable for the prime minister to contact directly the management of the RANEPA. In conversations with Rucriminal.info sources in law enforcement agencies and in the bowels of the RANEPA, we made sure that a tough fight for the post of rector began at the Presidential University, which allows distributing billions of rubles annually. Georgy Idrisov, Dmitry Fedorishchev and Evgeny Kitin are named as the main candidates.

Rector candidate Georgy Idrisov, former vice-rector of RANEPA and now assistant to Prime Minister Mishustin, is a creature of Sinelnikov-Murylev, who combines the posts of at least vice-rector of RANEPA and rector of VAVT. It is unique and rather dubious from the point of view. case law in university education. It is curious that Idrisov's wife (Victoria Viktorovna) works as vice-rector of the All-Russian Academy of Aviation Technologies for Sinelnikov with multimillion-dollar income. In the academy itself, officials say that this is a big question: is Sinelnikov the right hand of Mau or is Mau the left hand of Sinelnikov? With any answer, it is obvious that the threads of management of RANEPA and VAVT are closely intertwined in the hands of this most influential puppeteer. In addition, Sinelnikov supervised the defense of Prime Minister Mishustin's doctoral dissertation at the RANEPA in the status of an official opponent and therefore has direct access to him.

The Rucriminal.info source notes that “something was wrong” with regard to Idrisov was suspected last year, when he was appointed assistant to Prime Minister Mishustin in April, and a month later Mishustin reappointed Mau as rector ahead of schedule, which had never happened before. By this, Sinelnikov not only curried favor with the boss, but first of all pacified Mau's vigilance towards his own person. Less than six months later, the re-appointed rector of RANEPA received a second "gift" from Sinelnikov on his birthday - on December 29, 2020, the FSB announced a criminal case against Bartsits, although he was arrested a week earlier. Sinelnikov, - says a source in the law enforcement agency, - has long been dissatisfied with the rector's weakness and believes that such a fat point should be controlled differently, more quickly maneuvering between the liberal pack and polite people in uniform. The peculiarity of Idrisov as a candidate is that he can become a compromise figure for the sislibs and security officials. At the same time, real power and multi-billion dollar flows in the RANEPA will be concentrated (or remain) in the hands of Sinelnikov.
Dmitry Fedorishchev, as Mau's successor, has been spoken about on the sidelines of the academy for the second year, almost immediately after his appointment as director for regional development at RANEPA. Of course, Sinelnikov immediately saw in him an enemy to his interests. It is known that Dmitry's younger brother is the first deputy of the Tula governor Alexei Dyumin, a person from the list of potential successors to Michal Ivanovich, and that both Fedorishchevs have long been sitting on the knees of Rector Mau, since their studies at the academy. As the interlocutor of Rucriminal.info notes, taking into account the resources of his brother, Dmitry Fedorishchev was and remains a candidate with very good chances. The main thing, on which Fedorishchev himself got burned and this bothered the chief - he sharply destabilized the situation in the branches. The matter came practically lj revival from the ashes of the independent trade union organization RANEPA, intending to control Vladimir Mau's affairs in the academy, primarily financial, and even to achieve his resignation.

To keep the young favorite on the hook, - explains a source in the personnel service - Fedorishchev within the framework of one organization combined two positions until recently - the director of the Moscow regional branch of the RANEPA and the director for regional development of the RANEPA, in other words, he supervised and, naturally, rewarded himself, constantly absent from one of the jobs. This circumstance allows Mau at any time, through the right people, to initiate appropriate "legality checks" in relation to a richly paid young worker by the academy. In continuation of this tradition, Artashes Arsenyan, who replaced Fedorishchev as director of the Moscow Regional RANEPA, also sits on two chairs, combining directorial work with control of himself from the Department of Regional Policy, where he remained in the position of leader, while the personality of this Russian "Arsene Lupine" in the context of the struggle for power in the RANEPA is not at all accidental and is increasingly associated with the most unobvious (so far) third candidate for the post of rector, who has reached the highest light of the RANEPA from the fog of bandit Petersburg.
Evgeny Kitin, deputy director of the St. Petersburg RANEPA - SZIU, a dependent and weak character, says one of the members of the academic council of the branch, who has been observing his career for a long time. However, according to other information, everything is somewhat different.

The dean of one of the faculties of SZIU, a member of the academic council, continues in a conversation that Kitin, as a child of the North-West Academy of Civil Service, so shamelessly shoved into the new academy in 2010 with a wide network of branches, treats Moscow owners with caution and dislike. “Evgeny Aleksandrovich (everyone in the branch knows this) is a weak, cowardly, absolutely dependent, but controlled, which is most important for the director Vladimir Shamakhov, a customs general from the“ old St. Petersburg guard, ”who still remains the main security officer of the academy, although the whole country with failed elections, ”the source said. Opening the veil of secrecy, the dean explained that in the Presidential Administration, they see a positive example of the work of the St. Petersburg branch under Shamakhov: everything is under control, work with students is carried out in the right way, an excellent set of students, everything is also settled with law enforcement officers, and the branch itself is developing better than the Head Office. campus. For all Kitin's shortcomings, he would have been able to organize the educational process at the university an order of magnitude better than the late Vice-Rector of the RANEPA Nazarov, who understands little in this matter, and even this is a person who has lost his last respect at the academy due to the betrayal of his mentor - ex-director Volgograd RANEPA in Fedorishchev's hardware purges. But Kitin is an excellent organizer of the educational process, a hard worker, but he is too weak to reorganize the work of the branches in the right way, to correct the countless mistakes of Vice-Rector Nazarov. Kitina will also not be enough to cope with local resistance. The fact that he will be the rector ... is hardly so - sums up the interlocutor.
"The tragicomic story of Shamakhov with the elections to the local parliament, which initially failed, is the key moment of the entire race for the post of rector at RANEPA," explains to Rucriminal.info an associate professor of one of the departments of SZIU, close to the campaign headquarters of Shamakhov at the academy. Vladimir Aleksandrovich (Shamakhov) stubbornly hoped that the rector would make him some kind of exceptional offer to remain director of the Institute, despite his 70th birthday. The uncertainty of the future trajectory and the pathological need of Shamakhov to "keep his face" drove him into a corner like a mouse, forcing him to make such an arrogant and, frankly, stupid mistake, to go to the elections to the regional LA. The voters do not know him, because they are not the institute workers and its subordinates, who have to endure his words and tyranny. It is clear that a person is old ... but voters must be won, and this is a completely different matter. I think that a gamble with an attempt to drag his man, Yevgeny Alexandrovich Kitin, into the rector's chair of the entire academy is, on the one hand, Shamakhov's desire to secure his future work at the academy, and on the other, revenge, revenge on Rector Mau, because he considers him to be the culprit of his shame with elections.
For Shamakhov, there are 2 unpleasant aspects here: he revealed that he did not have serious support in the city and at the top (not only from Spravossa Mironov, but in general), and made public information about his income - these are tens of millions, a huge number of bank accounts, plots of land, apartments, mansions abroad ... But he quickly woke up and left the election race ... of course, a loser. With the spent money of the institute, worn out by workers and students. But you know, Kitin was delighted with the loss, believing that it brought him closer to the director's chair in the branch, which he had long dreamed of. Imagine how his plans got mixed up when the boss told him - you will go to Moscow! Rumor has it that Shamakhov made a "last request" to his old friend Sergei Naryshkin, the head of foreign intelligence, to help him settle scores with Mau and put his man in the place of the rector of the RANEPA, but after Shamakhov's komfuz in the elections, Naryshkin's participation in this intrigue could come to naught, although who knows! - summed up our interlocutor from St. Petersburg.
“In this light, the outlined connection between Kitin and Artashes Arsenyan testifies to the fact that the rector’s scales are tilting more and more from Fedorishchev to the new favorite. Kitin must correct Fedorishchev's mistakes, teamwork with Arsenyan is needed for this. Strengthening Kitin now allows him to finally satisfy his ambitions and gain independence from the former boss with a very absurd character, commented our other source at SZIU.
One of the leading political analysts of the SZIU, in a frank conversation, shared his thoughts on what was happening. “If you look more closely, we will see that the RANEPA site is now working out technologies, methods and techniques that will are used by security officials and liberal groups in the struggle for power under Putin and after Putin. The struggle at RANEPA is not a joke. " From his contacts at the RANEPA Head Campus, he learned that Vladimir Mau from the highest authority had been instructed in the near future, maybe before the Gaidar Forum (or within a month after), to designate a successor to the team. An unambiguous indicator in such a tight timeframe that the circumstances have released to the rector will be new personnel appointments at the academy, then the name of the successor will become clear. Otherwise, Vladimir Mau will not have to choose, the expert concluded.

To be continued
Denis Zhirnov
Source: www.rucriminal.info