According to a source of Rucriminal.info, the ability of the Murmansk Region Governor Andrei Chibis to negotiate has been lost, criminal cases are being opened against team members, and others are being imprisoned for long terms. Thus, the head of the State Budgetary Institution "Murmanskavtodor" Vladislav Aliyev was sentenced to 9 years in a maximum security prison for bribery.
Earlier, the VChK-OGPU telegram channel reported on corruption schemes in the road sector of the Murmansk Region, searches and seizure of documents from contractors of the State Budgetary Institution "Murmanskavtodor".

Vladislav Aliyev arrived in the Murmansk Region at the invitation of Ashot Bablumyan and the Governor of the Murmansk Region Andrei Chibis to implement corruption schemes and accept non-existent road construction work, as well as collect bribes from contractors. Aliyev strongly believed in his impunity, which led to his arrest while receiving another bribe in July 2022.

According to a source of Rucriminal.info, after Aliyev's arrest, Andrey Chibis panicked and demanded that a special operation be carried out to destroy the evidence base of the crimes and conceal the traces leading to the customer, i.e. to him and Ashot Bablumyan, plus try to ruin Aliyev's criminal case.

To carry out Chibis's special operation, Chibis's classmate Artem Dolgov, who holds the post of head of the Department for the Implementation of Anti-Corruption Policy of the PMO, was delegated to the State Budgetary Institution "Murmanskavtodor". Former police colonel Dolgov was unable to ruin Aliyev's criminal case, and Dolgov himself and contractor Ashot Bablumyan, according to the source, are currently being developed by operatives. Dolgov, having spent half a year in Murmanskavtodor, returned under Chibis's wing to the post of deputy governor. And Aliyev had to wait for the court's decision - he was promised a lenient sentence for his silence, which did not happen and he received 9 years of strict regime. In addition to the members of the PMO, a group of persons from the Murmansk administration headed by Yuri Serdechkin, a trusted person of Chibis, is being developed by the security forces. In August, several criminal cases were initiated against the director of the MMBU "UDKh" accountable to the Murmansk administration, director Denis Rysev. Rysev, like Aliyev, arrived in Murmansk at the invitation of Ashot Bablumyan only to develop the city budget through the acceptance of road works of any quality from contractors, the installation of non-working "warm stops" (4.5 million each) and the cleaning of city streets on paper. All key decisions on budget funds are made by the head of the administration Serdechkin directly with the director of the UDH Rysev. After the initiation of criminal cases, Rysev continues to lead the MBU "UDKh", he was promised a quick solution to the problems. In addition to control over the budget, UDH and economic work as the head of the Murmansk city administration, Yuri Serdechkin additionally receives a monthly envelope of 1.5 million rubles for "good work" from Bablumyan's contractors.
Yaroslav Mukhtarov
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info